Is there a more Reddit: The Band??
Is there a more Reddit: The Band??
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how long can you last?
1 minute
not even joking
literally clown music lmao
you're too self-conscious about music taste user.
Sounds good to me, aside from the retarded "le knick-knack, paddy whack" bits. Might actually listen to the album now.
my condolences
arrrg i hate all these silly lyrics!! ahh arrggg i want to take myself seriously i need some radiohead to cool off
they might be giants is the ultimate reddit band
this but unironically
There are 100% more Reddit bands/artists but I can't think of them off the top of my head. You seem to be the expert on what's popular on Reddit OP.
this. music is, and can only be super srs
just off the top of my head;
death grips
animal collective
father john misty
kanye west
kendrick lamar
young thug
the beatles
hobo johnson
playboi carti
i'm actually glad Yea Forums hates California and Mr. Bungle. I grew up with them and that album is one of the few from my younger days that I listen to frequently. i know it's cringe but i;d hate to see them turned into a meme
literally a primus rip-off
they were literally 15 year olds when that was originally written
>le knick-knack, paddy whack
i-is knick-knack a real game you can play or is that just nonsense words for the children's song?
how do you even know that? are you a fan? do you actually listen to their "music"?
the beatles
pink floyd
I don't understand. What's wrong with completely normal funk music?
Mr. Bungle is great 80% of the time, idk why you devalue it/yourself by calling them cringe.
btw kind of random but highly reccing pic related, which is a collab album between Mike Patton and Kaada (who's underrated).
>completely normal funk music
Fucking Gorillaz are miles more Reddit.
holy shit it's so bad
What do you guys listen to? I bet it's super mature, classy and approved Yea Forums music like Kanye West and Playboi Carti, right? :-)))
This. Kill yourself OP
Embarrassing responses to this just prove how badly Yea Forums is trending towards being populated only by newfags. Mr. Bungle is Yea Forumscore.
Not that user but Mr. Bugle is great and you have shit taste. Neck yourself
>the bunglefag seething this hard
Le Reddit Boogyman
Reddis is not that bad you gigantic faggots, Yea Forums is worse
>Mr. Bungle is Yea Forumscore.
Well get that shit off then
Mr. Bungle made a decent death metal demo lmao, this is their only music that isn't total shite.
nice try bunglefag but its all shit
nice attempt trying to pull the old "B-BUT GUYS THIS ONE IS GOOD THO" I see right through you.
fucking seething this hard
For the record, I've never heard Mr. Bungle before. I don't get all the comparisons to Reddit, that song sounds like something Zappa would write if he had ADD and was making a parody album of the 90's. When I think of Reddit's music taste, I think of bland-ass indie rock and alt-pop with endlessly recycled 80's cliches. I think a song like that would just scare them.
I meant it's cringe to care about Yea Forums turning them into a meme
yeah I am. the actual self titled album wasn't recorded and released until Mike Patton get them on Warner through his Faith No More connects. but they have demos of those songs going back to when the members were in high school
>it's a "bunglefag pretending to be other people to garner fake support" episode
I would love to have that shirt
Not bad. I lasted 2 minutes, just got bored with it.
do you still have all the pics of patton holding sporks?
why do so many people on this board think that everyone who disagrees with them is just one person? I get accused of being a samefag every other thread it seems like
Why did i go to the comments.
>Is there a more Reddit: The Band??
Anything he was in was LOLWACKYXD
the last comment is pretty acurate though
everyone else just knows Yea Forums from those conspiracy videos
there are dozens of posts on this board right now more cringe inducing than that
Yea Forums btfo
>Mr. Bungle is not Redd-
Is that Billy Joe Armstrong in the middle?
neo-Yea Forums and reddit have pretty much identical taste
And yet you're here faggot
i've been here for nearly 10 years unfortunately
Is this ironic? lol
they are a hardcore punk band from LA, so almost certainly not
Is Ween reddit too?
everything i dont like is reddit
I'll admit, this is actually pretty fun.
Yea Forums is a different kind of insufferable, but it’s the kind I can relate to. Reddit is the normie version of Yea Forums.
But Mr Bunglre predates Primus. Also this was before the internet so you couldn't rip off a band's sound by browsing through youtube.
I really like this song, it's fun
what do you guys dislike about it
The virgin Bungle vs the chad Cardiacs
official reddit the band list:
arctic monkeys
the black keys
twenty one pilots
portugal the man
the shins
I dislike mr. bungle and patton but this ain't bad
There is a Ween subreddit
You forgot Imagine Dragons
you're right. also
the strokes
arcade fire
the neighborhood
tame impala
everything everything
alt j
Autism containment thread
BIG one you guys are forgetting is animal collective
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is mike patton but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!!
you cannot make a reddit band list without queen. Queen is the most reddit band ever to exist.
plus yes
t.Anthony kiedis
t.noodle dick
>This has bass slappin so its a primus rippoff
Have you literally listened to two bands your whole life?
This song is awesome, fuck you tards
Egg xD
This is not Mr bungle btw, i believe its dead cross
Lmao so ramdumb xD
Hahaha eggg xD
Everything and nothing is reddit, op in this case dislikes Mr bungle, but if you for example, disliked death grips, could call death grips reddit
Literally the post.
Did you meant to reply to the other dude?
I dont go on reddit so what are the defining characteristics of something to make it reddit? From what i understand the attributes of reddit are
>fear of "wrong" or different opinions
>lack of self awareness
>inability to recognize b8 or ignore it
>perpetual need to feel in on a joke or meme
Literally proving his point lmao
Raises Spork xD
Literally the reply
Im not getting any of this, is It some reddit meme?
*Holds up spork* TEH EGG OF D000000000MMMM!!!!!!
Haha based
Its penguin, katy.
Impossible to get past the record scratches. Honestly, I think the big problem is Mike Patton, because I quite like Secret Chiefs 3 and a lot of the stuff Trevor Dunn does.
damn. he looks too good
damn right, you said it bruther
Mr. Keidis, get off Yea Forums, you have to focus on your tour.
>The same place that shits on "lol randumb" shit, loves everything "lol I wanna die" related.
*blocks your shitty album release*
>for your own equally shitty album release.
lol nope
>The Facebook Peppers.
Your "Use R*eddit as an insult pass* has been revoked.
>Listen to California because Yea Forums won't shut up about it
>Expect clownshit and wacky nonsense
>It's actually fucking incredible
I love that album. Weird, I am listening to Goodbye Sober Day as I type this. I'm at the CHAGACHAGACHAGA part now.
>All these people listening to Squeeze Me Macaroni when they could be listening to None of Them Knew They Were Robots.
A damn shame.
jello 4th from left
40 seconds listened to something better
Shut up Montie
Btw Mr Bungle > RHCP
40 seconds or so
Embarrassing music
i have never seen a more accurate list in my life, we should be friends
The whole time. What's so bad? It's just OK kinda goofy lyrics. Have heard a lot worse.
just like in most funk bands, vocals pretty much make them or break them
kinda sad how something so simple breaks Yea Forums
Reminder that anti-bunglefag is a brony.