Does anyone else like to only listen to specific albums in specific places/scenarios?

Does anyone else like to only listen to specific albums in specific places/scenarios?

For example I took a temp job at a soulless law firm doing data entry and spent the entire month listening to OK Computer on loop. Listening to it at home doesnt feel like even close to the same experience.

I also only listen to Godspeed driving down the highway, extra props because I live in Montreal.

Also listening to Hiroshi Yoshimuras Green while hiking.

Anyone else do this stuff?

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When I was younger I really liked listening to TVU while walking home from college. made me feel cool desu, it's great

that OKC thing is fucking weird but yeah i do this as well. got baked in Mexico riding dirt bikes with my cousin on a sunny day, cruising, wind in my face, listening to Welcome to Sky Valley by Kyuss. absolute peak listening experience, nothing comes close.

>inb4 dude weed lmao
don’t knock it till you try it

Listening to Music For Airports during school trip to Auschwitz was one of the weirdest experiences of my life.
>inb4 holocaust is a hoax

Nah I feel this.

I basically only listen to bands like Myrrors and Dopesmoker while baked. I mean the music is literally made to smoke weed to.

I only listen to this album while I'm walking in the city and it's really fucking cold

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I know Dopesmoker is the album and not the band

excuse me for being retarded

daily reminder that an album has to be good in every scenario and that the quality shouldn't depend on external influences.
it should not require a certain mindset to be listened to but rather put you in a certain mindset while listening to it

I mean thats fucking obvious

But most albums is made with a specific theme and mood in mind, and combing the thematic subject matter with the listening experience only lends to enhancing the experience and helping one feel the artistic intent to a much greater level.

Listening to black metal at home is fantastic, but listening to it while trudging through the snow in a forest during the dead of winter, is a totally different experience.

I used to listen to For Revered Green so much while smoking that listening to it while sober made me feel funny.

I pretty much only listen to The KLF - Chill Out after 3am and make sure to finish it before sunrise.


>Listening to black metal at home is fantastic, but listening to it while trudging through the snow in a forest during the dead of winter, is a totally different experience.
but that's what i was saying: it should not be like this. this would mean that niggers in africa or people in south america would never truly geet all out of an album and the musician should think about that

What do you mean it should not be like this?


How could you possibly make an album that is so good that experiencing the influences and mood of the album while listening to it doesnt enhance the experience. That sounds impossible.

No matter how good the album it its always going to be better when listened to in the correct setting.

>an album has to be good in every scenario
an album doesn't have to be anything other than what the artist intends it to be. Tastes evolve with circumstance and everyone has some external biases in what they enjoy listening to just from living.

When I would walk back to my dorm a literally half mile away from campus and have to climb the staircases up the hill, it’d alway be sufjan. Chicago especially

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This is Prime paper due core

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Literally what I am currently doing most nights. Am i a reincarnated version of you user?

when you are watching the clouds move

i actually did listen to this a few times, and michigan :)

i like to listen to burial only in urban areas during the night

and aphex twin only in the european countryside (specially during winter)

i like listening to this while on the bus late in the evening, especially when raining

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yeah whatever

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