Discuss the greatest electronic artist of all time Richard D James, better known as Aphex Twin
/afx/ - Aphex Twin General
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I like everything up tö drugs
The fact that so many Yea Forumstants still use the term ''electronic music'' only tells you how far Yea Forums still is from becoming a serious music board. Europeans have long recognized that their is no similarity between all the genres lumped together except for the plug attached to some of the instruments yet Yea Forums still persists. Good music boards rank the highly different genres and their subgenres yet Yea Forums still calls them all elelctronic. Yea Forums is still blinded by rockism: it all ''sounds the same'' and the instruments have plugs (not true, by the way), therefore it must all be the same genre. Europeans grow up listening to a lot of ''electronically produced'' music of the past, other boards grow up listening to a lot of ''electronically produced'' music of the past. Yea Forumstants are often totally ignorant of the ''electronically produced'' music of the past or anything past rock, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that ''electronic'' is a genre.
Also posting one of his most underrated releases
He has single handedly pulled me through the toughest time of my life. If it werent for warp and aphex i mightve killed myself already. Im dead serious. He has shown me more understanding than anyone i know, without ever saying a word.
He gave me something to look forward to, a community with like minded people and a plethora of other artists and ideas to dig into. I will never be able to pay back what he has given mre, but the least i can do is to share his work with others and to buy at least the stuff i can afford rn.
xtal is good
What if someone has listened to stupid amounts of different electronic music but still think Aphex ranks high?
>completely ignoring guys heartfelt post and posting another shitty meme
Fucking brutal
based take, but the aphex twin fanbase is fucking insufferable. bunch of liberal cultists on WATMM jerking themselves off to their rolling lols and their gang of lightweight poser IDM artists, r/aphextwin is horrendous, if its not some shitty OC it's a low-effort meme getting 300 upvotes or a complete retard jazzband post.
his music is great though, I agree with what you said, it shows understanding of life, emotions and the universe on another level than anything else I have heard/seen, it is incredible.
I've listened to tons of black metal and it's safe to say Dunkelheit is the pinnacle of the genre
>aphex twin fanbase is fucking insufferable.
dont understand this shit, a majority of his fanbase really isn't that bad (though that being said i've never been on WATMM because it's current year). feel like posters like this are far more insufferable than any aphex fans
>r/aphextwin is horrendous
>a subreddit is horrendous
I'm shocked
pretty overrated to be honest
also a lot of his early released have this "demo" quality about them that his peers around the same time didn't have, this being all the way up to Come to Daddy when he finally stopped releasing poor quality recordings
and how much of it was from pic related?
I have to disagree. His fanbase is so expansive and youre probably just focussing on an obnoxious loud minority. There are tons of creative and genuinely good people in there as well.
How does he show "understanding of the universe"???
>it shows understanding of life, emotions and the universe on another level than anything else I have heard/seen
I take it you've literally NEVER listened to classical then.
If aphex twin is so tourist friendly, why do my friends who have somewhat decent taste for non-music nerds, consider everything by him i've ever showed them to be unlistenable noise?
acid >>>>> dnb >>> ambient
the scope of his universe can be condensed into clickity clacks and monophonic analogue synthesizers.
>pretty overrated to be honest
>this being all the way up to Come to Daddy when he finally stopped releasing poor quality recordings
problems with his mastering doesn't mean his music is overrated user, while mastering is one of his weaknesses (even when it comes to hiring mastering engineers) that really doesn't take a whole lot away from most of his releases. don't know how you can call him overrated when he has releases like drukqs, the tuss, hangable auto bulb, icbyd, his analord series, and just the sheer amount of stellar tracks he uploaded to soundcloud
classical is great, bach is on the level of rdj if not beyond but he doesn't have that insane momentum/energy that tracks like Ziggomatic/Mt Saint Michel/T69 Collapse/boxenergyremix does.
where abouts do they congregate?
>hurr durr albums i dont like make you a nu-male. ahahhahahahahahahahah
>He has single handedly pulled me through the toughest time of my life
epic cringe
Based. Hangable Auto Bulb is one of his best works
The idea that Bach should be measured against Aphex Twin, or even that it would be worth it to measure Aphex Twin against Bach, is quite frankly nauseating. Aphex Twin doesn't even surpass a minor composer like Hindemith.
Alright, single handedly is a bit much maybe, but his music does mean more to me than most people i know.
Maybe thats unhealthy but its true.