Yea Forums makes a "good" album pt 8

Hey everyone sorry for making the thread so late I had a really shit day but that's all behind so let's try to push on with this thing!

We're preety much waiting on the anons to finish their song, also some of them may be free because we haven't heard much from a few anons so if you wanna make a song tell me and I'll tell you the stuff

Attached: 5hv033rqlvhz - copia.png (510x390, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First post best post, I love dick and lasagna.

>In the Concentration Camp over the Wall
>A combination of North and South

>Intro/Cryogenic Blues
>Democracy is a comunist-s Daughter

>Alright see you guys tomorrow, then. Gum Man (Save Me Please)

FOR CLAIMING (user haven-t updatedd in a while if you-re working on one of these come and say it quickly)
>She writes
>The last track where you can pick from a few different names just ask me if you-re interested in doing this one)

Also Semen Stained Diary was being worked by some anons in the previous thread but I don-t know if they-ve recorded anything yet

OOps here-s Democracy is a Comunist-s Daughter

>Also Semen Stained Diary was being worked by some anons in the previous thread but I don-t know if they-ve recorded anything yet
Yep, still writing it. Art can't be rushed.

Great to hear user, yeah no ruhes, was just unsure, take as long as you need

Shameless self bumo.

Shameless not-self-bump

hey it's concentration camp/democracy/immigrant user

so im actually going to be able to record some drums starting later this week. im already doing my two songs, optimistically i can say i can do two more. im not a very technical drummer but i can record them in decent quality. let me know if anyone else wants me to give their shit a try

That-s great, drumming will bring a lot to the album, I know gunman user-s track is finished apart from drumming so when he comes by the thread he-ll love to see this

Would you be able to also play the drums for Semen-Stained Diary?

sure, i guess that makes two songs then (you and gumman). i can probably do one more, but i dont want to over-extend myself and disappoint somebody.

i sure hope you played to a click :^)

if drumanon doesn't reappear in this thread, I'm gonna call Gumman done. Work hasn't been done on it in a few days at this point.

He's right above you.

bumping this fucking artpiece

a sad way to find out that I'm blind
thanks so much for being willing to do this! The song is gonna fade out, and there's one bar before the coda that speeds up (the coda is faster than the main song) but other than that it should be a pretty solid tempo.

didnt get a chance to tell you, nice track by the way, i love the slide guitar.
all right i'll give it a shot (probably on friday) can you give me like a description of what you want? like "energetic" or "quiet" or "simple" or something. if not i'll do whatever comes to me (like i said, not a super technical drummer).

i'm wondering how to pass you the drum parts so you can mix them into your track. i record drums on 4 mics so i can just post the 4 tracks as seperate files and you can mix them.

glad you like the track! The main portion of the song should be quiet and pretty simple, and the coda part should be pretty enegetic, almost motown-y. Also, recording the drums with 4 mics and sending me each of those recordings is absolutely ideal. Thanks so much!

motowny? can you give me a reference?
I know most of these have handclaps/tambourines in them, but the drum parts here are pretty classic motown

all right i see what you mean, i can totally get behind this

glad to hear that! good luck in the recording


Is the track with choice of name still claimable? I'm down to record another song


Update: So I started a piano ditty something that could be used as this track if everyone else approves
what doya think? I will make it into a full song

Yeah sorrry for not replying man I fell asleep; i've been a bit stressed
The names for that track you can pick from are
>frankly my dear, i dont give a fuck
i>t is done
>this better not be dead now

I hadn-t heard gunman in a while it-s so good user!

"It is done" it is then!

update on SSD.

Attached: file.png (980x1595, 256K)

Damn glad to see you-re working so diligently on it!

Attached: thumbs up.png (436x323, 210K)

Are you autistic

It doesn't matter if I'm autistic, what matters is our plan.

big guy


The vocals on "A Combination Of North And South" are shite but the rest of it is good.

Yeah they0re a bit rough but nothing awfull I0d say,

Self bump in case anyone is working on something