Does music unclick
Does music unclick
yeah, mostly the embarrassing stuff you liked when you were younger
Exactly. Linking Park, Green Day, Disturbed, BFMV, Big Time Rush, the list goes on...
when you grow out of your avant teen phase
music unclicks but also, sometimes it clicks again after some time because of the nostalgic feeling
Yes. You eventually realize artists like Radiohead, Joy Division, Kendrick, and Kanye are not actually that good. Usually after hearing more music than what corporate publications tell you is "essential."
What if you never listen to shitty music
I had it happen with Morrissey in The Smiths
I've had perfectly good music unclick, I just don't enjoy it anymore
>tfw you love music and you lose all hearing above 3000hz due to a medical fluke
Music is unclicking because I cant even hear the fucking clicks
leave big time rush out of this
This was me with Iron Maiden.
worked at a store where they played nirvana on loop every day, still can't listen to it ten years later.
It’s obvious none of those artists or groups were could except the occasional Radiohead song
I used to love pic related but after revisiting it a few times recently I was kinda underwhelmed.
Rodeo by Travis Scott feels like cheesy garbage to me now
Yeah, mostly shitty Yea Forumscore you listened on repeat till you convinced yourself it was good (Kanye, Kendrick, GY!BE, Swans, the list goes on)
Yes, but the it's weirder when music clicks that you previously hated, or pretended to hate. That's what's happening with me and pop punk.
I hope this never happens to me lol
Oh maybe you just turned gay then
>tfw don't enjoy music anymore
i would rather kill myself than enjoy pop punk
>Big Time Rush
True patricians will realise that Big Time Rush is the greatest pop act of the 21st century so far.
wtf did they do to you. are you doing anything about it?
Got leukemia, AML specifically, then because my immune system was so fucked I contracted fungal pneumonia and they had to give me insanely strong antibiotics (aminoglycosides) which killed a bunch of the more delicate hairs in the ear that pick up sound. Its common to get some hearing loss from them but mine was particularly bad, something like less than a %20 chance
They didnt really have a choice, the infection would have undoubtedly killed me otherwise. I don't blame the doctors.
i would an hero user, there's no point in living desu
I still play bass and drums and write music, mostly listen to drone, metal, industrial, lots of heavy low end focused music.
It's just hard to try and seriously pursue music and making music when you have that limitation. Or to feel justified spending money on music equipment and records.
It has given me a unique perspective and focus when it comes to making music, generally my stuff is very dark and bass focused, but I almost always have to collab with somone else who can actually hear to do the mixing and whatnot.
Just how it is and always will be I guess.