One of these threads
One of these threads
Cosmogramma is trash.
pleb, annihilate yourself
its a 7/10 but definitely no more than that
it is actual garbage and so is ween, go back to r/music
disregard baiting tripfags, post thread relevant content
how do ween and flylo correlate
You’re a giant faggot
any idea where this is from? or is it an original photo they took
what album?
Bee thousand by Guided by Voices
>he imagines the source from his album art being posted in this thread 5 years from now
i seriously hope you guys dont do this
and here we have an excellent artwork origin for user's classic 2024 sophmoric LP
It stops being cool when we’ve all seen these for years and years and years and years and why do we still have these threads?
not everyone's been here as long as you
because some people haven't seen these yet?
just use google.
I know, I just wish we could get something fresh for once. There are literally millions of albums and many of them have album art origins from somewhere. I mean for gods sake, the deathconciousness cover got posted twice in this thread alone, who hasn’t seen that fucking painting before?
And your not contributing. Your post is even worse then the reposts, especially becuase your quoting multiple replys.
The zoomers that populate this site, who didn't already know the origin of that album cover upon first seeing it. Imagine not knowing the most basic of painters.
I agree with you and I don’t mean to be a dick, but do you actually not know the difference between your and youre? You used it incorrectly three times in a row
Ok now I’m a retard, you only used it incorrectly twice, my bad
somebody please explain this
I hear what you're saying but if you're bored with the same old pics being posted then why don't you contribute and post something original? I'm ok with these pics being recycled for new people to see.