Beatles general

White album
Rubber soul
Abbey road
Sgt pepper's
A hard day's night
Please please me
Magical mystery tour
Let it be
Beatles for sale
With the beatles
Yellow submarine

Best: tomorrow never knows
Worst: duh
Overrated: in my life (come at me)
Underrated: day tripper

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Other urls found in this thread:

Day Tripper is definitely one of the the most underrated. I love that song and riff. But "In my Life" is a masterpiece. One of the best Beatles songs. Most overrated for me would be Strawberry Fields Forever.

It's not even that i think in my life is a less than great song or anything. One of their best tracks imo but it's held occasionally as their magnum opus which is annoying.

Most underrated is Love you To.

their most overrated song is hey jude

Really? Most people consider A day in the life their Magnum Opus. I agree with you that Tomorrow Never Knows is the best.

A day in the life is most overrated without a doubt


Abbey Road
White Album
Magical Mystery Tour
Sgt. Pepper's
Rubber Soul
Let it Be (Naked version)
A Hard Day's Night
Please Please Me
Beatles for Sale
Yellow Submarine
With The Beatles
Let it Be

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Abbey road is below Pepper and The Beatles Imo.

Also their best song is Strawberry Fields Forever

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Oasis are better, simple as.

Let it Be worse than Beatles for Sale?


Harrison was such a cool guy. You can tell he hates hanging out with these idiots.

Nah, eveyr song on Abbey Road is amazing. Sgt. Pepper's and White Album both don't have any bad songs but any song on Abbey Road is better than Fixing a Hole, Gettin Better and When I'm 64. And Obladi, Oblada, Wild Honey Pie in White Album.

The thing is that every album until Help! is at least a 9/10 for me.

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Let it Be have a lot of great songwriting but the production is dreadful. That's why I ranked the Naked version too because it's way better.

>every song on abbey Road is amazing
Stop lying. Maxwell Silver Hammer isn't amazing by any means.

Sgt Pepper > A Hard Day's Night > don't care about the others > Rubber Soul

Rubber Soul is the best.

Awful taste. Maxwell Silver Hammer is fun as fuck.

I never said it wasn't fun, faggot. But it's not amazing.

Yes, but it's still bad.


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Sgt Pepper's
Rubber Soul
White Album
Abbey Road
Magical Myster Tour
Let it Be
Yellow Submarine
A Hard Day's Night
>honorable mention
Hey Jude
>Shit tier
Beatles for sale
Please Please Me
With the Beatles

Strawberry Fields Forever
The whole second half medley
What Goes On

>Implying Hey Bulldog isn't their most underrated.

Worst is either Maxwell Silver Garbage or Wild Honey Piece of Shit

>Please Please Me
>shit tier

Kill yourself


>I don't like Maxwell Silver Hammer

Attached: 173E53AE-C6E7-4F2E-BD00-0640756148BF.gif (307x343, 22K)

The only bad song they probably ever recorded was Maxwell Silver Hammer. They're incredibly consistently good.

You have your own subreddit why must you come shit up this board with the ultimate overrated shitty boomer band?

Attached: d90.png (2906x1704, 1.61M)

>Beatles? Yeah, they're my favorite band

Attached: E1F50BB4-52DA-47D9-A83B-9A2099DF3085.jpg (640x640, 72K)

>the greatest band of all time is overrated shitty boomer band

Attached: le beatles.png (2906x1704, 1.62M)

What is this image trying to express exactly?

>other people say it isn't the best band of all time so it isn't

>beatletard cant interpret an image
Of course,beatletards cant abstract anything

Abbey Road
Sgt Pepper
White Album
Magical Mystery Tour
Rubber Soul
A Hard Day's Night
Let It Be
Please Please Me
With The Beatles
Yellow Submarine
Beatles For Sale

Best: A Day In The Life
Worst: Revolution 9
Overrated: Here Comes The Sun
Underrated: Here, There and Everywhere

We're used to simpler thoughts. Just like A = A, The Beatles = the greatest band of all time. I'm used to work with tautologies.

Attached: le beatles.png (2906x1704, 1.65M)

>i read that they aren't the best band ever so they really aren't!

Attached: le beatles.png (2906x1704, 1.67M)

>I present to dislike this band therefore it's objectively not the best band ever #fact
I see, truly an NPC.

read a little to the corner dear plebeian

My take:
Sgt. Pepper
Rubber Soul
Magical Mystery Tour
A Hard Day's Night
Let It Be
Beatles For Sale
Abbey Road
White Album
With The Beatles
Please Please Me
Yellow Submarine*

* - Note: Yellow Submarine's 4 new songs are terrific, but the album is handicapped by having 2 old songs, plus soundtrack instrumentals on it. Perhaps we shouldn't even count it as an album. It is more of an EP.

Attached: aaabb2.jpg (971x775, 551K)

You don't think they're NOT the best band ever? Surely that's because someone else told you so since I can't think on my own there is absolutely no way someone else can

Attached: le beatles.png (2906x1704, 1.7M)

Reminder that according to Yea Forums The Beatles are the greatest artist of all time

Attached: A44FD8EE-8059-4741-9007-BD3AD9CFE088.jpg (1376x1962, 284K)

>no u
>no u no u no u
>u are NPC I not NPC
That's some mad NPC ITT.

Can't be, it's the genuine best.
Most overrated has to be something that's 2nd place or lower but treated higher

this is like having an argument with that woman with alzheimer that always asks what day it is

Attached: le beatles.png (2906x1704, 1.73M)

imagine making this image

>this is like having an argument
But you don't have one, lol.
Based NPC.

Attached: le beatles.png (2906x1704, 1.75M)

It feels just like talking to that old lady because her ability to recall memories only allowed her to repeat what I just said,feels pretty similar

I agree, that's exactly what I'm feeling now. Based NPC.


Attached: 1511383535395-0.gif (152x195, 1.89M)

Yes user,since I started saying the word "Npc" and since I disagree with your opinion(which is therefore a fact)and I dont give you emotional satisfsaction,I am the current figure of "bad" things,which is in this case an "NPC"
Beep bop

>NPC is doing NPC stuff
Yea user, i know you're doing those things. Based NPC.

Based Yea Forums

Attached: 1541794751540.png (481x436, 305K)

>Abbey Road and White Album that low

For what purpose?

Attached: wzg0hu1sgp821.jpg (639x835, 103K)

Yes user,since you redirected what I said at me,these things you redirected at me are therefore untrue on you and true on me,for this reason,I am the NPC meanie baddie
I am an NPC,based npc,thats who I am,because that is not who you are,for you have sucessfully redirected these evil NPC things that I said back to my evil NPC self.
I am going to sign my post,now


>being this mad
Kek, you're funny, NPC.

Yes.I am really mad,and my anger proves to be hilarity towards you,my fellow human of notorious superiority.I hope I can remain funny to you.I am going to sign my post now.


Based NPC.

Truly I am a based NPC.May I keep offering you my servitude?I am going to sign my post now.


It's not a bad album but A Hard Day's Night is way superior in any way shape or form.

Nah, I think you're ok for now, my fellow NPC.

>dabs in 4/4
>what is the absolutely incomprehensible mess of 6/4 measures in Revolution
>what is that 7/8+4/4+11/8 section in Here Comes The Sun
>what is the sudden change from 4/4 to 6/8 in We Can Work It Out
Those are just some examples, we can go further if you'd like.

Thank you.I will now turn myself off until my services are required again.I am going to sign my post now.


What is your favorite band?

>what is the sudden change from 4/4 to 6/8 in We Can Work It Out

Can you explain to me this? I'm know shit about music theory but you seem the type of fella who knows (I guess)

I don't think they will ever be required again, NPC. Sorry to tell you that.

Not a band.Its Sandy Bull
To make even that sound boring is truly an achievement only worthy of the Beatles,still I do not deny that they do have good songs,to deny that would be simply contrarianism,having said that,you have not provided examples in spite of the fact that your observations are correct

Based post. Even their earliest songs are complex for pop structures. My favorite one is I Want To Hold Your Hand.

Attached: 1541791657651.jpg (300x387, 17K)

>make a false statement of "dabs on 4/4"
>user proves your statement is false
>"n-no but...but the songs are boring!!"
Completely irrelevant to the statement you made.

You are correct,I will edit the image now

>Not a band.Its Sandy Bull
not the question pick one retard

Pay attention to the bridge (it's when it modulates to B minor from D major, it's super easy to hear, it's that section where John starts singing). The bridge's switches between 4/4 to what I think is somewhere between 6/8 and 3/4 (the latter makes more sense arguably). You might also parse it as slow triplets.

>no user I dont want you to understand the point of the question and answer accordingly,I want you to answer in an exact military-like way to exclusively what I have asked at face value
beatles listener
Still,it would be lubricated goat
Anway,Im going to have dinner and take a shower now,see you in some other thread

Attached: le beatles.png (2906x1704, 1.76M)

Which songs do you think are good? They were pretty willing to throw caution to the wind.
The executive meddling to get them to play it safer during A Hard Day's Night ended up just helping them develop strengths elsewhere to keep stuff interesting, it's anazing.

Oh my god! I love The Beatles! greatest band of all time, kind of crazy imagining how 4 nobodies from the middle of nowhere became the greatest sound makers in human history! Only Queen can stand up to them.

What glasses is John wearing?

Holy shit user thank you. I'll never listen to it again the same way I did.

I listen to Beatles since I was 8. How they still amazes me with 23?



Only miserable people hate Beatles. How can you listen to Penny Lane and not smile instantly

literally what's good about that song and don't bring up the orchestral build up thing because it barely adds anything

you know you can't name a better band which is why you are avoiding the question and leaving pussy

>Still,it would be lubricated goat
didnt see this. thanks for outing your bad taste

It basically contains a short recapitulation of the entire album (between Paul's verse and John's final verse) while using ABA form, bringing it extremely close to classical music. It also contains proper development, an extremely clever use of unprepared modulation, Neapolitan chords, very refined harmonic and melodic constructions, and Paul's section, when in relation to the ending, is a gesture that is astonishingly close to that of the great classical composers.

In My Life is beautiful and fully deserving of its praise. Most overrated is Hey Jude obviously. Best is Here Comes the Sun. Worst is Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite.

Based John coming up with the best ideas. The crescendo is really nice

Fixing a Hole and Gettin Better are far from the weakest tracks on Sgt. Pepper's, quite the opposite actually.

I'd say it's 50/50 the credit there.

It's actually this.

Revolver > Rubber Soul > With the beatles > A Hard day's night > Sgt. Pepper's > Beatles for sale > Magical Mystery Tour > Help > Please Please Me > Let it Be > White Album > Abbey Road > Yellow Submarine

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fucking based

1. Rubber Soul
2. White Album
3. Abbey Road
4. Revolver
5. Past Masters
6. Meet The Beatles (US) and whatever album has Roll Over Beethoven on it.

No other albums worth ranking desu

Best is definitely Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite. Possibly Strawberry Fields Forever

Just how many songs do they have about doing drugs

White Album
Rubber Soul
Abbey Road
Sgt Peppers
A Hard Day’s Night
Let it Be
Please Please Me
Magical Mystery Tour
Beatles for Sale
With the Beatles
Yellow Submarine

Best: A Day in the Life
Worst: The Long and Winding Road
Overrated: She Loves You
Underrated: Fool on the Hill

desu the most underrated song is Helter Skelter. It's super famous and popular but it LITERALLY inspired the genre of heavy metal

based, best solo has to be something

kek curb your pretentious faggotry best part of the song by far was written by paul, its a good song and nothing more

One thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing I think you should know

it's not famous at all. I never heard of it until 2018. I'm 28 years old.

Your anecdotal ignorance is not a proof of your antithesis. Quite the opposite, it merely shows that you have a particular gap in your general cultural knowledge which most people in the anglosphere do not have.

I hate everyone commenting in this thread. Beatles talk should be banned on Yea Forums. You wretched souls have managed to turn discussion about something as beautiful as the Beatles into something disgusting. This site deserves to be shut down. I hate all of you.

Attached: Ringo-Starr.jpg (1600x1067, 366K)

Are you retarded?


This faggot gets it.

i nearly have a phd in philosophy. the anglosphere is an outdated, racist idea + the beatles are not "culture."

>nearly have a phd in philosophy
>outdated, racist idea

Easy there rabbi......

Okay first off Beatles are meh but this is Easily their worst song. It has like three chords and the song lyrics don't even make sense

Love love you to
You know I love you
Love love you to
So pleaseee Love me too
Whoa Love me too

Just childish

Later stuff is way better

That's Love Me Do bro

First off, The Beatles are'nt Meh, second of all your assssement is pretty spot on

Rubber Soul
Sgt. Pepper
Abbey Road
White Album
With the Beatles
Hard Day's Night
Beatles for Sale
Please Please Me
Magical Mystery Tour
Yellow Submarine
Let it Be

Best: Rain
Worst: Within Without You
Overrated: Helter Skelter
Underrated: I Need You