pic related has become my favorite album and i need more music like this
i've already listened to their discog
and i've listened to antichrist superstar also
Pic related has become my favorite album and i need more music like this
Other urls found in this thread:
time to move to a better band
hows middle school treating you
yeah no
your loss, tasteless faggot
Well, if you have their entire discog you already have Coil and Foetus songs.
Once you finish with Marilyn Manson, you could go there.
Also this - you are a tasteless fag
>no u
i've never heard of coil and foetus they sound sick thank you
If you really want to get to the foundation of Reznor’s and especially Manson’s schtick you need to go here.
Ayyyyye theres my guy rozz
They do remixes on Fixed. Easy entry point for you there.
>literally denies two bands that sound extremely similar to NIN
god why are there so many insufferable faggots on here
The only Ministry album that sounds remotely like NIN is Twitch. DAF I’ll give you. Godflesh sounds nothing like NIN.
DAF sound nothing like NIN
Decent idea, NINs work with Bowie should help you get into him too.
pic related, this is a little known gem of a live album
Earthling and Outside are good listens if you like NIN but don't plan on being a fucking child forever
Yeah, my wife got me this as a random present last year. LOVE it.
I got these on vinyl not long ago in a bargain store, both sets. really good but the quality isn't ideal in some parts. hearing bowie's band play NIN (with that setlist!) is a highlight. do check out bowie's similar studio industrial output though
you definitely should check out godflesh and foetus if TDS is a favourite, not as big on ministry but still worth it.
>Ramleh - Product of Fear
>Throbbing Gristle - Journey Through a Body
>Prurient - Frozen Niagra Falls
>Vampire Rodents - Lullaby Land
You think he's ready for TG?
Killing Joke after Pandemonium
Gary Numan from Exile onwards
If you skip on Godflesh you’re a moron. Possibly the best industrial band to ever exist. Also check out Einsturzende Neubauten
lmao probably not but never too early to try
metal box is kind of related
>Killing Joke after Pandemonium
So the most metal Killing Joke? Weird rec and I don’t get it. What’s wrong with pre pandemonium?
Numan I get when he decided he wanted to be Trent Reznor.
i thought that record would work for a start, just dip your toe in the deep end right? seconding metal box and einztürzende. the latter helped me appreciate more free improv industrial music over pop industrial
Death Grips is basically "what if NIN was Black". Start with ex-military and bottomless pit and see what it does for you.
I used to be like you. TDS is still my favourite album but you're bound to find something you like in the genre. Try Rabies by Skinny Puppy and if you like it listen from their debut forward.
If you just want EDGE try Chemlab and Orgy, they're pretty catchy and accessible
You have to remember that Reznor warped and dumbed down Industrial to appeal to the plebeian masses. Working your way backwards through his influences you are going to run into music that is mercurial and challenging and oftentimes quite a bit different.
Rabies is SP worst album. Jourgensen fucked that album to all hell.
Is this guy fucking serious?
the new soft moon is pretty Reznor-esque.
I much prefer The Soft Moon when they stick to Post Punk Revival. His wannabe Trent stuff sounds so hollow and derivative. A poor copy.