Is he right?
Is he right?
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not this shit again
it baffles me that some people actually think Ben Shapiro is smart
this is why Yea Forums is awful. How many identical snarmy bait threads do we need.
Unironically yes. There are maybe a handful of good rap songs while the rest just glorify the absolute worst aspects of society
>killing niggas and doing crime and making this money and being a consumerist faggot and owning all the top brands
fuck rap
If you listen to classical music at your home instead of exclusively at concerts and if you've never played and studied a classical instrument then you're a fraud that only pretends to love classical to look smarter than others
The internet lets anyone believe they too are an intellectual
If composers wanted me to listen to their music they should have made some albums. Every Mozart piece has like 10000 different versions fuck that
Classical music was the rap of it's day
Maybe people just have different taste in music.
Real intellectuals listen to contemplative modernist composers like Morton Feldman, not what's basically old pop.
glorifying and acknowledging are not the same things. some people actually experience the things being rapped about. Are they not allowed to have music to relate to user?
That some people tweet what they're listening to, while attacking anyone who has a different taste in music, is objective proof that some people are vain.
ok, this is epic.
Disregard my last post, I suck cocks
>glorifying and acknowledging are not the same things
I'm aware, and most rap definitely does glorify
nah for once a tripfag was truly based
So? Some classical is anti semitic.
i wish
he talks really fast and owns da libtards on youtube cringe compilations so he's got to be!!!
“((((some people)))) are stupid”
Huh. Almost like he’s too cowardly to say what he actually means.
The virgin Shapiro vs. The chad Peterson
Which is actually funny because most people generally see talking too fast as a sign of low intelligence, so it really says something about the people that think he’s smart.
He literally got cucked by a toddler.
Should bait be against the rules? I'm thinking it should be.
the virgin peterson vs the chad zizek
put your name back on and stop being such a retarded newfag
>mosleyite pic
>yet pushes this trash made by a man who has said himself many times over that he is in this to prevent the right from become strong and unified
Wew lad!
Only thing Ben is right about.
Trolling outside of b is against the rules have you ever reported a post before?
this board literally does not have mods
yes, rap is a disgrace to humanity
He plays the violin
Is violin for people who can't learn to play the Cello?
>The chad Peterson
LMAO can't believe he actually said that. I don't even like rap and I could feel the edge through the screen.
Shapiro is that nerd in class that nobody liked
Fuck Mozart!
I'm so tired of this meme. Music was looked at differently and cannot be equated to that of the garbage heap that is the American and global entertainment industrial complex and how they have warped our view of the entertainer and performer.
Fuck you both. Classical music was just classical music. This is how it worked: independent contractors were hired or fired by lords and aristocrats for their ability to write music on behalf of them and that's it. I don't see McDonalds calling up Austin Hull and asking, 'Please write us a three song EP to laud and commemorate our billionth hamburger sold."
It doesn't work that way at all.
Its just different times and art is expressed in a different form and medium
Yall niggas dum dum
Right, just as cake is edible and is a different expression of calories and nutrients than that of fish or meat. There is an ostensible difference between pop and 'classical' and the nature of pop being whatever is popular is frustrating because it's not like there was folk music played in taverns or other shit like that-- it existed just as widespread, if not more, than any orchestral piece.
Of course it's a lot different, and I do still enjoy Mozart, but my point was that Mozart is just as accessible as modern pop music. It doesn't really seem like something to brag about to like Mozart. I'm sure a lot of pop stars like him, maybe even some rappers.
i have satie, mozart, beethoven , debussy, stravinsky, the beatles, bob marley, joan baez,bob dylan, hugo wolf, mahler's kinder toten lieder, j.s. bach, the third movement of scheherazade, plus the other three parts, duke ellington, gershwin, porter, berlin, kurt weil, miles davis sixties quintet, stan getz doing jobim, the first bulgarian voices album, in short perfect taste, plus i'm trained in theory and i have a high level of technique on the piano from the hanon book and a jazz trio(so called, but too wild harmonically and rhythmically for lounge zombies). yet i'm a bridge personality. i have the theoretical basis to know when i'm hearing lame chord changes, but i disengage my rational faculties and therefore go directly to the core of the composition, which is transcendent of theory. i only turn to theory when the aesthetic result is tepid. in terms of a literary aspect, my standards for that are yeats, rilke, neruda, so good luck with that. sorry if i misjudged you thought. i don't like to personally insult anyone. i live for beauty, so sue me. i look forward to a future pop music that is truly wild, don't you? something that will even make debussy's or scriabin's chords seem conservative. i'm coming from a place of hope, but i must dismiss average music
It's even worse than that, they are also niggers
Look, that's a lot of names that wasted my time to read and I wish you just said you appreciate a wide milieu of artists and that you've studied traditional theory and how you try not to lean on theory very often despite you having your own set of heuristics you subconsciously lean on when writing music-- but I think I'm done trying to razz you as I don't think you're going to get any wild pop music as there's no concern for that which is intriguing or evocative as if it can't be produced in three weeks, WMG doesn't want it. Nobody cares about the difference between workflow and style anymore and you can hear it. Also fuck Splice.
I'm a classical fag and don't listen to almost anything else save for old pop rock but no, he's an idiot.
Moat people that like Mozart don't even get him btw
I wouldn't say Mozary is very accessible, not his best stuff anyways.
Well he's certainly one of if not the most popular composer of all time. It's hard to say if anyone really gets any composer/music. You kind of have to be a composer/musician. It often seems like people just want to name drop extremely famous composers and feel unique for doing so.
>This is how it worked: independent contractors were hired or fired by lords and aristocrats for their ability to write music on behalf of them and that's it.
Lol you fucking retard that is not even close to accurate. Basically none of the Romantic composers did that
We're not talking about romantic composers now are we
Rap is retarded music for retarded people.
>Beethoven, Mozart, the list goes on
asNKTOOEHR TWITEER SCREeeENCAPph =n-fgbkjpoifdjvoijfxvoicj3 v
People only pretend to like him so that when someone calls them anti semitic they say "WELL ACTUALLY IF I HATED JEWS WHY WOULD I LIKE BEN SHAPIRO, CHECKMATE SJW LIB KEKS"
I listen to both and they generate different feelings and moods and thus can’t be compared.
Also him generalizing the whole genre as rap makes him an idiot, he’s probably talking about the mumble rap stuff you hear from Lil Pump and Tekashi and undermining the rap music that sounds good and has outstanding lyric structure.
I rememer once he tweeted about his favourite piece of music and there were seething niggers calling him "basic" and linking to their soundcloud
Cool man, can't wait to listen to a group of grown men calling people poopoo diaper chuds and begging for more patreon bucks so they can uhhh fight the system
I'm not even a JP fan but how people enjoy this garbage is beyond me.
He actually is. Rap will be forgetting in 100 years. Not Mozart.
But he Un-ironically.
>Unironically liking Chapo Trap House.
The real sign of a waterhead. But you guys are so ironic and not-serious....
For me, it's Purcell.
But liberals hate Shapiro, and they are the ones pushing anti-semitism
Anti Zionism.
It's good you stay on Yea Forums you seem to be very shallow.
anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic.
Man I guess liberals were the real Nazis all along
ok just did to you
we dont do that here