Art and Music

Who is the musical counterpart of Jackson Pollock?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-26-12-47-28-1.png (412x595, 714K)

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oh boy

free improv

Stone roses

Attached: stoneroses452.jpg (452x452, 119K)

john cage with his aleatoric music

That Pic reminds me of this

Attached: Coldplay - Shiver.jpg (500x500, 75K)

>samefagging this hard
You need to go back

Ornette Coleman

philip glass

maybe Brötzmann or some other European free jazz artist

too structured

This is the only real correct answer.

This could be correct.

Straight up just wrong.


Attached: XenakisMDaniel_crop.jpg (220x222, 11K)

Again, too structured. Xenakis was literally a mathematician and architect.

Xanakis is 100% Escher

Attached: convex_concave.jpg (3200x2756, 1006K)

Thanks user this inspired me to do some research on Xenakis' life, interesting stuff.

>too structured
There is structure in this painting, though. The green on the bottom and the yellow on the top with the zig-zagging of the black leading your eye from the bottom to the top, for example.

Attached: a0557629198_10.jpg (1140x1200, 559K)

death grips. Full moon literally has no time signature

yes, but the aforementioned artists are still *too* structured to be comparable at all.
when you think of Pollock, you don't think of structure; you think of the artist being one with the moment, and how the artwork is created in the moment. Philip Glass, Xenakis and Stockhausen were all much too methodical and rigorous.

some free jazz/free improvisation stuff. something like science fiction by ornette colemanprobably

Really is. Nice trips btw

I don't think you understand how time signatures work

well, could u tell me the time signature to Full Moon?

>Philip Glass, Xenakis and Stockhausen were all much too methodical and rigorous.
Well, sure, but you're also saying free jazz is too structured.

its in 3/4

Attached: 1513781408023.jpg (620x682, 39K)

>abstract expressionism
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless

Probably Ornette Coleman's "Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation". (Also because it has a Pollock painting on the cover and its gatefold.)

Attached: ornette-colleman-free-jazz-atlantic-1364-cover-1800-ljc.jpg (1800x1800, 1.82M)

>simple pop song forms
yeah, no

What's the musical equivalent to Picasso- a degenerate fraud that only the uneducated and deceitful pretend to like?

Attached: 4dot9lity1k01.jpg (1272x860, 247K)

said Ornette Coleman is, but was mostly just thinking of The Shape of Jazz to Come there. his later output works (as does most european free jazz, which I mentioned earlier)

this is actually really accurate

Most vaporwave artists

Johnny boy

Attached: John Squire guitar.jpg (720x576, 92K)