What does Yea Forums think of Doja Cat's body of work?

What does Yea Forums think of Doja Cat's body of work?


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it's got about 4-5 good years left before it turns into a cottage cheese chicken nugget

shes really sloppy

im so lonely and horny

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Damn. Give her more years, Jennifer Lopez is still fresh today after all

Also (((Blacks))) don't crack

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>loves candy:
>loves drugs:
>dances around as a sexy cow singing "moooo"
>hot mistress:
>not a fan of the police:

unironically most promising female artist atm (cant prove me wrong btw)

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I feel you. :(

shes homophobic

How so?

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she mustve had a really good white dick bc every new picture of her i see shes pandering more and more to alt white guys.

She's probably one of those "white mans whore" types, not that I'm complaining.

el goblino...


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she got called out for using gay slurs. then defended her use of them

Faggot? wtf? Even faggots frequently use the term.

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>those feet
Jesus Christ man

What's the problem?

He is a faggot, that's his problem

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what breed is this?

half black half white

They are dirty because she is outside barefoot

Half Zulu half Ashkenazi Jew.

God I want to throatfuck that mulatto cunts' feet so bad

>Roastie in 4k

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she's ugly

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she looks like she fucks african american men

Just jacked off to this whore. Busted a big nut. 9/10

yea we can say it. but when you are straight and use it its a hate term...

Based thai whore

Looks like a fake ass. Also shill central in this thread

Fresh and fun.
She Is going to blow up big time this year.

I didn’t realise she was a pre established artist before the moo song. Kind of ruins it desu



I dont think putting more weight will be a good idea.

"Big time?"

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A butt song. How original.

How does this trash sell in a world with actual porn and hookup sites? It's like diet sex or masturbation light.

Well I listen to her while watching porn...

this sounds so bad
why do we even need female trap? women suck ass

Xtians rise up

she proper thicc

haha the basedboi copy pasted my old doja worship post. very based of him to spread the word i must say.

go out

Have sex


those legs are disgusting.