So why doesn't Yea Forums like the National...

So why doesn't Yea Forums like the National? Maybe they aren't super arty but they are great songwriters with solid lyrics and cool art-rocky arrangements that I find pretty consistently interesting and tasteful.

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I love them bunches and I actually found them during the lowest point in my life and they became one of my favorite bands because it hit a certain note with me. However, I see why this board doesn't talk about them all that often. As "controversial" or "wrong" this opinion be, I feel that they're like Mac DeMarco for middle aged depressed stay at home moms. Totally a vibe I can get behind, but (especially post-Boxer) they're more vibe music than music worth critically thinking about. Just "adult melancholic" instead of "slacker teen-20-something melancholic"

this. midlife-crisis core

sleep well beast was aoty 2017, and their new song is great. can't wait for the new album

This one pretty much answers it. I've listened to Trouble Will Find Me when I was getting over a heartbreak and found it extremely good. Now being a different person I find their new stuff extremely boring, but their old songs evoke some nostalgic feelings.

>They're more vibe music than music worth critically thinking about
Idk man, I'm not a huge fan of the band but this sounds pretty dismissive and lazy to me. Especially with a band that obviously puts as much effort into their arrangements and lyrics as these guys. But personally I don't think any music is beyond thinking critically about so maybe that's just my bias.

While I totally agree their arrangements are fantastic, you can't deny that they are intended to fufill a "sound" and "emotion" more so than an outwardly and obviously excellent song structure. Also Matt from the band has gone on record saying most of his lyrics are fever dream bullshinanigans that don't mean much and literally just serve to prop up an intended mood track for track

Also, arrangement became more and more complex over time. Up to Boxer they were a pretty straight-forward moody rock band, and they moved away from that with High Violet towards texturaly interesting and emotionally compelling songs. I am not trying to be lazy, and I'm a huge fan of the band. I've just listened to them for long enough to feel this is an accurate conclusion (at least through my experience, as taste is subjective and blah blah blah blah).

Alligator is my personal 10/10

user who called them depressed mom-core here. Totally agree, just because I feel a certain way about their overall career doesn't change the fact that that album is damn near impeccable melancholic-post-indie-rock-punk or however the hell one would describe their sound up to/maybe through (and god damn if I'm not being redundant mentioning this album over and over in this thread) Boxer

alligator and boxer are both great

Yea Forums hates with a passion the second wave of Garage Rock/Indie bands that got famous this century: the National, Xx, Black Keys, Royal Blood, beginning with Arctic Monkeys

the national are pretty arty, especially their stuff this decade. they're accessible though

This. High Violet was also good, I think they got really stale since though. I don't feel anywhere near as much emotion in their newer music.

But there's mega love for Interpol here though, how's that factor in? Or would you just label them as the anomaly?

What part of second wave of bands that got famous do you not understand, Son?

The National may have formed around the same time of Interpol, but got famous later

So, son, what are you actually saying here? because you imply Interpol and the Arctic Monkeys or The National didn't get famous within a few years of one and other (since you say "this century" somehow not categorizing Interpol in there)? Because they did. Are you seriously discounting the fact that garage has existed for decades? Yea Forums hates bands from the genre from this century? What about uhhhhh.... Interpol.... Or The Strokes? How does fame factor in to hate for "second wave" garage? What the fuck are you even arguing for?

One of the most boring bands ever

They only became famous in 2005. Too late by then

Very accurate, especially in how you expressed that the garage revival was not a "waved movement" but was a thing throughout the early/late 2000s continuing today in places like Chicago and a couple of the bands mentioned really stretch the definition of the genre. As well as addressed the "anomaly" of Ty Segall and other bands/artists of that ilks "non-acceptance" on this board, I'm glad you addressed all of the points I brought up in explicit detail. Real articulate. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, what does The National have to do with garage rock nearly at all beyond a few blips here and there?

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Boxer and Alligator are 10/10. The real question is when Yea Forums recognizes how slept on Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers is.


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