>once chance at life
>born a Yea Forums user
kill me
>once chance at life
>born a Yea Forums user
kill me
Other urls found in this thread:
i feel like i fell into a spiral that's ruining my mind and i can't get out and also the rest of the world bores me more than ever due to ny Yea Forums use. i can't be with normalfags anymore i hate their stupid smiles ;_;
ive been here since 2008. you’re here forever and your life gets worse
>once chance
>tfw been her since 13
>now 22
>entire life has been shaped by Yea Forums
ive been here since i was 12 or 13 and now im 18
my developmental years were shaped by this hellhole
I'm glad i could be here to enjoy the company of my fellow anons.
mfw 2007
you'll never come back life sucks
same. i discovered this site by pure accident (not even directly, via a Yea Forums wiki) and i’m unsure as to how i would be today if i didn’t chance upon it.
It's time for me to leave.
Life would be so much better if I never left reddit. Ignorance is bliss
>one chance at life
>born manlet
>kidneys syndrome
>in the worst place of europe
You all have easy lives.
I don’t mean to use you as an example, but this is why I will always advocate for circumcision. Phimosis sounds like an absolute nightmare
Fuck off outta here you Kike bastahd!
>born a Yea Forums user
>rubs hands
Exact same except I was 14
Shit happens. My list includes phimosis, severe cystic acne that left scarring, hard drug use in immediate family, mother dying when I was 12, and the area where I live is being invaded by minorities and is destined to turn into shit. Oh and Im a genetic lanklet, people have been commenting on how skinny I am my whole life.
I too know this feel. Same same.
What music do you listen to