I hate myself
I hate myself
feel better slugger, what are you listening to
jimmy eat world -ten
im thinking about dick
Will somebody please put a cock in this guy’s mouth. It’s what he wants.
Please for the love of god change your trip to something else
fuck, your life is awful
Have you tried listening to CHVRCHES?
Change your fucking trip you fat fucking retard
sort of helped, than I accidentally fell for the singer
quick rundown on this faggot tripfag?
tldr hes a faggot tripfag
Waifufagged chvrches singer on here and she found out about it, tweeted about it and banned him from concerts or something so that made this guy famous on here. Some Yea Forums trip 7kt was involved too. This was in like 2013-14
Since then he basically just shitposts about his life on here
nah, wiafu fagged as a joke, took part in the "leave a trace" trolling, felt bad about it, sent two tweets to lavren, she blocked him and somehow got him super banned from twitter, kept memeing, lauren found out who he was through some mutual friends they both had. that's about it. nothing special .
I wasn't banned from anything.
Yeah, and I sent her some DM's on insta that were just stupid. Apparently she read them, and some of my comments I left. They weren't anything bad really, just kind of embarrassing.
go outside, go to the gym, socialize, drink less, eat healthier, try to get on a good sleep schedule, get a hobby,cut down on internet and social media use (hard to do these days I know),stop smoking pot, get a hobby, maybe read some self help books. you can get better, you just need to put in the work, the rest will follow.
This nigga could be an inpatient with Jordan Peterson and still be a fucking sad sack.
oh, and clean his room.
and realize that he never had a chance with Lauren. all of this got to his head so profoundly that it formed a delusion, and gave grandiose opinions and views of himself.
dont give him advice let him wallow in pity forever. you cant save him.
we tried,people from mopeds tried, his family, a lot of people tried. he let down and pissed off a lot of people..maybe even lauren too.
pissed off, yes, but I'm not sure about letting her down in anyway.
Pretty much everyone hates you
Still playing it hard for attention
You are such a ridiculous wanker
show dms faggot
I like to think that every time Brandon posts one of these threads chad shoots another load of cum in lavren's pussy.
Other than this place being a time waster and somewhere to talk about in interest, you've been here way too long and the negativity of this place is fucking with you. Take a break and focus on yourself and not Yea Forums and some faggot that's obsessed with you to the point he has to de-rail threads and brutally insult you.
you will NEVER be with her again
this is advice everyone can benefit from tho, not just Brandon
I mostly post now with my trip off and still catch shit, even outside of these threads. How is that dude know it's me every time? How is he seeing it's from my IP?
>I'm so fucked up.
not him but it's probably because your posts all suck and only an insufferable faggot could've written that
lol lauren hates you dude
Brandon, please dude, PLEASE stop the delusion that everyone here that hates you is one guy. You’re basically gaslighting yourself. Everyone here knows it’s you by the fucking pathetic way you post and everyone here dislikes you.
everyone hates him, he's seriously better off dead. there's no point for him to be alive at all.
yeah, maybe not one guy but EVERYONE, come on now. we've had worse tripfasgs
>waifufag hates himself
gosh sure didn't expect this
oh yeah?
Well I bet I hate myself more than you hate yourself.
I'm not sure about all of that now.
this thread would be a new pathetic low for you, if you hadnt made the
>music to kill myself
thread. You really need the attention that badly?
I am. He needs to do everyone a favor and end his life. There's no reason for him to be existing at all. He's a waste of life and deserves nothing but death, but if he can't have that a life of nothing but pain, torture, and isolation can be the next best thing. He makes me and everyone ill.
we have?
Sounds like you have issues of your own.
I'm depressed because I'm not happy with my life and there's no one to talk to
you've had years to better yourself and we keep on talking in circles.
if you put half the effort into self-improvement that you do into blaming monty and attention whoring, you would have a life
yeah you should
You're looking for things that won't be found here on anywhere else on the internet. You need to get a life. Coming here, talking about music, memeing is fine, but you've made this place and this stupid "joke" part of your life for years. You can't blame anyone for being tired of you.. If it upsets you, if it bothers you, than you have become more emotionally invested in this place that you ever should have.
We're not your friends, We're not family. We're just words on a screen and taking it any where past that is where you fucked up. You wasted almost 10 years of your life here. 10 years.
It really doesnt matter, you wont listen this time like you havent listened the last hundred. you will be back in an hour with the same old shit
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