This is the greatest album of this decade. Discuss

This is the greatest album of this decade. Discuss.

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too lazy to discuss but you mean of all time

cringe, get the fuck off this board

Ys is better

Sure, but it didn't come out this decade.

I love this, but I was more impressed by New Brigade. I think that's a front-runner for best of the decade too. Beyondless as well.

*blocks your path

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I recently relistened to both this and illinois, and adz fucking pales in comparison. Don't get me wrong. It's great, but leagues behind.

You're Nothing is better tho?

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It's only good because the last track.

Fire! Orchestra - Exit! is #1, HOOM is #2. Clarence Clarity's No Now is #3, and those 3 are above everything else this decade so far.

No way, Age of Adz is so much more consistent than Illinois

To each their own I guess, I personally think the comparison doesn't even make sense seeing as each album strives for much different things.

Literally unlistenable filth, Newsom has one of the most annoying voices ever recorded

>Fire! Orchestra - Exit!
>baby's first jazz album
>best anything


Joanna is NOT a freak folk artist! She makes very high quality, straight-faced folk music that does not dabble in any of the psychedelic influences and naturalistic toyings of freak folk.

who you talking to there user

It's great without impossible soul, with impossible soul it's aotd

front-loaded IMO

Carrie and Lowell is clearly better

I’m not talking to anyone in particular. I’m just going to try and shitpost this in every Joanna thread I see from here on out because I really disagree with the genre label of freak folk that is often applied to her. It’s not really an insult because Newsom does great work and freak folk is a great genre, as well- I just feel as though the genre designation is incorrect when applied to her music. She came from the crop of early 2000s freak folks, but I just don’t think she fits the genre-heading herself.

Carrie and Lowell is a great album with great emotion put into it. However, for the same reason A Crow Looked At Me cannot be AOTD contender, nether can Carrie and Lowell. While the pain of losing a loved one is obvious and presented beautifully in both albums, it is simply too emotional and contrived of a subject for an album. AOTD should stand on its own legs musically without needing the sympathetic background of loss and death. It sounds pretty heartless and emotion is very important for music, but both Sufjan and Mount Eerie have had more musically expansive albums than the albums I’ve discussed here.

folk is over, get with the times, old man

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This. I love Carrie & Lowell and I'll say it's probably one of my favorite albums of all time, but it's just too specific and requires things from the listener that an aotd can't. aotd has to be more universal and as user said be able to stand on it's own legs without needing the sympathetic background. However I will say that where the album lacks in instrumental complexity/richness it makes up for with imo some of the best lyricism of this decade. Age of Adz just fits all the criteria for aotd with compelling lyricism, rich instrumentals, universal themes.


AOTD without question.

I'm not sure I necessarily agree with this. Just curious do you consider Devendra Banhart to be a freak folk artist? what about vashti bunyan?

I think Banhart fits the description better (counting only his earliest albums like Rejoicing in the Hands, Nino Rojo, Oh Me Oh My before he started experimenting with other genres).

I personally wouldn’t call Bunyan a freak folk herself even though, apparently, she was major inspiration for the folk resurgence in the late 90s-early 2000s. I think, similarly to Newsom, she is too straight-faced and doesn’t play around enough with 60s acid-folk influences to fit the genre.

I think, however, that my definition of freak folk might be too limited and could even be incorrect since I’m a major minority in my stance.

I agree with your description of bunyan as being closer to straight folk, but I think newsom is experimental enough to diverge from that. I think you make a valid point in her not being a freak folk artist, I don't really agree with that designation either, but I also don't agree with her being just straight folk.

lame kate bush ripoff

almost like freak folk isn't a legitimate genre of music but something conjoined by journos for a laugh and parroted by insecure teens ever since

You’re right. Newsom transcends standard folk like Dylan and Cohen. Is baroque folk even a genre? Assuming you haven’t listened to him already, I might suggest In Gowan Ring as the closest contemporary act to Newsom that I have heard. Kath Bloom is somewhat similar, as well. In Gowan Ring’s music is as beautifully orchestrated as Newsom’s and uses similar baroque instrumentals- Hazel Steps Thrpugh a Weathered Home is the best example.

You’re shiptosting but you’re absolutely wrong. Freak folk is definitely a genre having arisen out of 60s acid-folk. The term has been around since then, at least, according to the music journos you referred to. There is a distinct difference between freak folk and modern indie folk that is obvious to anyone interested in the genre beyond the surface-level.

Kate is fine but Joanna is quite obviously a much better composer

Eh, it's an easy pick on paper, but the album is not perfect. Not to mention it's 2 hours long and suffers cohesion and consistency issues that Ys and Divers did not have. Also :

>Baby's first folk album

>>Baby’s first folk album
Newsom’s voice is too twangy for that. Even though in this case it’s an example of tourist-core being some of the best that the genre has to offer, baby’s firdtfolk would be something by Dylan or Cohen. Baby’s first modernfolk would be something like Iron and Wine or Sufjan, I think, for easy-listening.

i listened to joanna before all those. i associated all of those artists as normie or pleb

you really are an insufferable lot you know that

Welcome to the thread. I hope you enjoy your stay, you numbskull.

This thread is how Yea Forums used to be when this album came out, before all the cancer and right wing mysoginy, fantano was only a joke, share threads a plenty, met some genuine friends on this board then who i still am friends with now IRL, hate what its become. I miss u old Yea Forums

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Joanna Newsom makes garbage music for tourist

I hate jewish music.

lol i literally looked up baroque folk to see if it was a genre because i thought the exact same thing. Listening to In Gowan Ring rn really cool stuff thanks for the rec

Will she ever top Ys? I doubt it. She came close with Divers which is better that Have one on Me.

you listened to Joanna Newsom before you listened to Bob Dylan? we got a true patrician in our midst gentlemen

I love Joanna but this is the only answer

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This. Divers is super underrated, definitely some of joanna's best work but hardly gets mentioned on here

Because they don't really follow Joanna. Somebody told them she's good and Ys and HOOM are her best. I love Milk Eyed Mender as well but nobody here knows about it.

She isn't Jewish

milk eyed mender is fantastic. i feel like freak folk and really just folk in general are sorely underrepresented on this board


is that your expert analysis

>better than anything

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Everytime I've posted this in AOTD threads, no one has ever disputed it. Can we just call it the best of the 21st century and be done with it?

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They got better after their guitarist died desu
Well I’m not gonna write an essay about how HOOM isn’t AOTD. I love the album, don’t get me wrong. But it is beginners folk.

>But it is beginners folk.
why is this such an important point for you to hammer in? seems childish and insecure

Also fucking good. I love how much heavier it is compared to their s/t.

I’ve never listened to this. What’s it like?

>seems childish and insecure

I know you are but what am I?

Best songwriter of the new millennium, for sure. But Ys and Divers are both better than that one.

Out of the way, fellas

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i tried to listen to her and couldn't, ok