Ringo was a wife beater too

>Ringo was a wife beater too
Why did the Beatles beat their wives?

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it was a different time
wife beating was commonly accepted

Because they knew they would get away with it

because they were based. you have to keep roasties in line.

The madmen even put it in their name the whole time, Beat-les

Was the band just a front to beat some women?

Top kek!



Go to 1:24:45

That's literally the extent of john's "wifebeating". Obviously not good but everything about it has been blown way out of proportion.

>both john and ringo beat their bitch wives
>both end up preaching peace and love
beating your wife is literally the key to a higher understanding

Also remarrying i guess
At least Ringo married a Bond girl and not whatever John was on

To assert dominance, punish them for misbehaving and reminding them of there place in the world, duh.

to compensate for their shitty music. so now you can’t say “john lennon never did anything good”, you have to say “the only good thing john lennon ever did was beat yoko ono”.

Wife beating is a good thing so the woman knows her place

Wife beating is just men unable to control their emotions or process their anger at a lack of control desu.
Paul and George were the alphas and never needed to feel control in order to feel secure.

He beat Cynthia, not Yoko

who care not me

My father was wife beater too.

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My dad also beat my mum up sometimes.

Based on all counts

Junkies tend to have violent episodes

Ringo's a teetotaler

>The BEATles





Because they felt like it

Imagine being forced into marriage by social pressure as a young rockstar lad who gets panties thrown on stage every single evening.

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Because they were there

You'll understand when you get married
