/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>hey this thing sounds pretty good

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he's never coming back

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Goodnight friends :)

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Unironically aesthetic as fuck.

yea i'm out too

nite nite guhtards

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how do I make money to buy gear

looking to get an at home amp, most of the time I will have my headphones plugged into it so the loudness of the actual amp doesn't matter and it'll mostly just be at home so I don't care about the size
Looking for a wide variety of different sounds however and would like to be able to change the preset sounds too, those are the two most important parts, don't care about much else, as long as it's not over 150$

sell your cheapest gear to your local facebook buy sell group for double the price

dumb advice
send a big company a bill for some bullshit service like consulting. they usually won't check to see if they actually owe it and they'll pay without checking. send bills for $600 out to 1500 companies and you can make real bank quick

hows it dumb advice?
>oh no, this guitar I bought when I was 15 for 50 dollars I am now selling for 100 dollars, such shit advice, should've sold it for 50 dollars

sounds like something a stupid poorfag would say desu

I never thought I'd want a Superstrat but I think I might be sold on the Charvel DK24.

well, I mean, the guy is asking how to make money for gear. sound's pretty poorfag to me

he's unironically never coming back

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yeah but why do piddly shit for $50 when you could scam thousands of dollars just as easy? most companies would be too embarrassed to ever ask for the money back and you're under no obligation to refund it if they gave it to you in the first place. literally free oney

wow, she's really transitioning. Good for her

One is legal, the other is a felony with massive prison time.

He is probably too busy with Chad™ to ever post here again.

he looks like a calvin klein model

again, you sound stupid. if the police ever get involved just say you sent he bill to the wrong place and return the money. you can not ever get caught, the scheme is full proof

>you can not ever get caught
Prisons are full of people that thought exactly this.

Cavatina(The Deer Hunter) by Stanley Myers
This arrangement was done by Doug Niedt, played by me. My tremolo is so bad, if you can suffer through that then the rest of this take was pretty decent.

Now post what you're playing.

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Let's say I lived in Manhattan, and I had a few thousand dollars saved up for a new guitar.
Most local businesses that aren't large corporate chains (guitar center, etc.) have closed in recent years.
Do I peruse the stock in these larger retailers, and buy a good fit from there, or should I entertain other options? What are my other options for shopping for a new instrument? I'm not fond of the idea of making a purchase without having played on it first.

you're dumb and this is why you're poor. just send the bills to companies out of your state so the police where they are are don't have any authority in your jurisdiction

in a big city like manhattan you're bound to find good used gear just don't get mugged

Crossing state lines brings the feds in

At the very least listen to it in the background while you clowns discuss felonies.

there won't be any authorities involved because you'll tell them you accidentally sent the bill to the wrong company if they ask

That's fair, I suppose you're suggesting I buy used from individuals through platforms like craigslist then?

And pawn shops and the like, even my third world Mexican city has had weird shit like aluminum neck basses pop up on those and craigslist and shit.

>feds getting involved over a few hundred dollars
lol no

I like the idea. It might mean a whole lot more time spent shopping around but I'm also more likely to get a better value on something with some personality.
Thanks for the advice

Order a strandberg through guitar center and take advantage of their 30 day return policy

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>tfw you get in an argument with someone and someone else starts arguing in your place
ah, at least now I don't have to worry about missing 30 minutes of my guitar practice

>Visiting a bro
>We're bros but not really bros
>He fell for the boss katana meme
>i fell for the fender champion 40 meme
>we both have nearly identical MIM strats but i use 9s and he uses 12s (muh thicc tone)
>mfw my amp sounds better than his amp

i hate to be a brandwhore but fender makes some solid shit. even the picks.

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I unironically edited a picture of him to look like one of my animes... :#

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did you give him a bro job

Dude he already has a job

But is he a bro?

He's my bro but not really.

he's not your bro cause you havent given him a bro job and kissed him while calling him a fag

What gauge of strings should I use to downtune to C# standard?

Currently using 10s on a 25.5" in standard, by the way. Tension is perfect.

this is essentially what I was implying

Need help choosing a bass amp.

I'm not gigging, but at the same time, I don't want to spend half the price of a good live amp that might not be any use to me in the near future.

Small bass combo amps with at least 100W and a line out jack for PA support are your friend.
Good amps to try out:
Ampeg BA112v2
Hartke Kickback 112
Fender Rumble 100
Peavey Max 112

just get one of those 12 inch speaker ampeg amps theyre like 200 bucks and work fine

Aren't they all a bit low quality sounding though? They're not starters necessarily, but cheap sounding?

SS wattage is cheap, and SS amplification sounds great with bass, especially since 99% of the time you’ll be using a clean sound.
And a few of those lines, the Rumble line especially, have come a very long way. Give them all a try. You might just be surprised.

I would use 10.5 or 11s 2bh. I use 10s in D standard and its about the tension of 9s in standard. I feel like 10s in Db would be too floppy

reminder that tonewood is a huge meme and the only thing about wood that matters is how cool it looks

Is it worth getting something with a higher wattage than 100?

Since it's SS, you can still keep it down enough indoors right? Or line it out to an AI/DaW?

>Is it worth getting something with a higher wattage than 100?
no you will never need more than 50 watts

Not sure if sarcasm, a comment on bedroom warriors, or you think they're talking about guitar.

even for bass you dont need that much most of the time. if youre playing a huge concert you will be mic'd up. nobody turns a 100w amp all the way up

So you did think they were talking about guitar?

dont really care honestly. i already posted what i posted im right youre wrong thats how it goes

No need to be defensive, I'm just curious. So you did think they were talking about guitar?

Please don't provoke him user, I'm trying to get some help and I'd appreciate more of your constructive feedback rather than shitflinging

I'm not trying to provoke him, nor am I the one giving out advice, I'm honestly just curious. I don't play bass, but I'm to understand wattage requirements are much greater than for guitar, which is more likely to be true if this user was giving out erroneous advice due to thinking you were talking about guitar.

Wattage requirement is definitely higher for bass. Maintaining clean headroom, more wattage to push speakers for lower frequencies.

To follow up a bit, they’re all single speaker combos. They’ve all got compromises and won’t sound as great as an SVT with a fridge or two. But at the same time they’re also not 300lbs and taking up half of your living room either.
That said, bass amp makers have come a long way in the last 30 years with combo design. Better porting, better speakers, better EQ curves, better cabinet design, better speaker protection. And Class D power amps made having lots of wattage lighter and cheaper than ever before. Even compared to the late 1990s when things weren’t that bad, we’re so much farther along now.
Can you get better than what I suggested earlier? Of course you can. But you’ll have to look around and won’t always be able to try before you buy.

Always nice to hear some acoustic stuff here. Good work user

I want to steal someone's practice routine who knows what they're doing so I don't waste my time like I've been doing for years with nothing to show for it

Pink Suhr posts his practice routine here all the time.

Sure, if you want. But note I was saying you need AT LEAST 100 watts AND a line out. Beyond some point all the extra shit is just adding cost, weight and complexity to your load-out.
100 watts on bass is enough to get you through smaller gigs by itself, the line out is used to run into the PA for the bigger gigs, and a smallish combo amp isn’t obnoxious at home either.

Is it frowned upon to buy a really good guitar for your first? It's a stupid thing to ask since i'm a 26 year old working man but still wanna hear the opinions.

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You might be wasting your money because you will not practice or play it.

If you can afford it then go ahead. Gibsons and Fenders keep their value well for resale in the event you don't keep it up and all the poorfags will be well jealous.

No BUT make sure you wanna play first before blowing that much money. Strats are quite expensive and that polka dot one is nearly $1000.

You'll be playing for like 1-2 years before you even approach sounding good. Are you willing to spunk £500-1000 on something that you might give up after 6 months?

Guitars don't hold their value

Thanks all. I think I understand the point of buying cheaper to start.

yeah i dont see why not. expensive guitars are really just for flexing. there is a play-ability difference but you wont notice that until you play longer

i really loved Ten Words

Biggest concern for a first guitar is the downside risk: what if you don’t like to play or just don't use it? Musical instruments generally don’t appreciate in value, so if it’s not for you, you could stand to lose a bunch of money. That’s why cheaper guitars are recommended for first instruments, so if you do make that call and decide to sell it off (almost always at a loss) you’re only taking a small hit, not a $1000+ one.
If you decide you like it and want to keep doing it for awhile, then sure, get the awesome guitar. But until you know that for sure, save your money.

It's different for bass amps.

A 50 watt bass amp won't keep up with most drummers.

Playing root notes on bass at 100W is roughly equal to a guitarist playing a 25 watt amp. It’s passable for practices and smaller gigs, but for much more you’ll really want more power.

Because you lose less money if you quit, and when you're starting out you won't be able to tell the difference between a gem and a shitplank anyway.

Perhaps more importantly, you need to have played a while before you know what type of guitar you actually want. Your first will always be a dice roll.

I'll search the Dead Thread stack

Guitar is tanoshii!

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god i hate anime but this cunt is too adorable to dislike. please delete this before i become a filthy weeb

Pink Suhr-sempai, please post your glorious routine so we too can obtain /gg/lorious /gg/ains

This picture made me sad.
>tfw you realize r is the discord tranny

What does this mean?

Why not just buy a Kemper?

dont have the money yet user. soon..........

>no replies
I guess there are no good guitars for indie/alternative, then.

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Jazzmasters, Jaguars if you want lots of trem, Telecasters, Mustangs if you don't

Pink Suhr is the guy that posts images of HSS strats (often pink) with anime faces shopped onto them. Reply to this post, for example:

dawg I have a washburn n4 USA custom and a standard squire. I am like beginner level and I bought the custom shop because I love nuno bettencourt but as far as playability? Get yourself a nicely set up squier guitar and it'll feel the same as that custom shop guitar.

Just don't get a really shitty 100 dollar no namer piece of shit. Get yourself a reputable good guitar that isn't gonna dent your account.

By the way here is my soundcloud to hear my power level :)

>If you want lots of trem
I'm sorry but tremolo isn't a feature on any of those guitars.

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You'll be fine as long as the gigs you play have house mixers/speakers.
You know why people don't gig with half/full stacks anymore?
They don't need to, every venue has a sound system in place and they can just mic up.

>the asshole who bullys /gg/ day in and day out looks like a movie star
this actually makes me mad

I've seen people gig with a Fender Rumble before.

Anyone has recommendations for songs to play for an intermediate guitar player? everything feels either too easy or too hard. Thanks anons

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Here you go :)

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Learn a new technique

And here’s a clean one

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People are more likely to stick with it if they buy a good instrument to start with.

>there won't be any authorities involved because you'll tell them you accidentally sent the bill to the wrong company if they ask
oh the secret to getting away with crime is just saying you didnt do it? thanks ill remember this user

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i just got a 100 dollar david gibson from amazon that comes with an amp its pretty inexpensive and i feel like if i play enough with this guitar itll give me time to save for another more expensive one when i have the money

thanks for this im getting my guitar thursday so i could use this

What did you buy


It was inexpensive and i really wanted to get started on being able to just play and this seems like a good deal

>one pickup
Uh oh. You’re probably going to find that you will want an upgrade fast. What kind of music do you want to play?

i think i want to make metal music when i have more time playing, but i also want to try shoegaze and a bunch of other genres, i have a lot of ideas so i dont really have anything set yet cause im not sure what my focus will be but most likely noise rock/metal

I'm the one that recommended him that out of 3 possible options he listed.
Said he was going to pile up more money later and get a better one, I think it's fine since he wants to start playing metal, not much you can do at that pricepoint, certainly not a Suhr.
Btw, what do you think of thornbuckers? worth it?

>single pickup hardtail

I'd rather buy used. This is the garbagest of all garbage

This. A good guitar will inspire you to play more.
This is just bland and...bleh

>A good guitar will inspire you to play more.
i get what you mean i have a warranty so if it doesnt work out i can return it and get a better guitar, but i dont think im going to be writing any music for a while by the time i have enough skill to play decently i should have enough money to buy an expensive guitar

You're not going to be motivated to play if you have a shit guitar, trust me. It's gonna sound like shit and feel like shit because it's, well, shit. At least buy some used Epiphone and maybe a Roland Cube.

You gents play guitar correct?

Play something.


i found an epiphone is this what you mean? also those amps are crazy expensive do you have a rec thats less pricey?

I can't use GC because I'm in Europe, so I can't see it. But I can see from the link that this is a Epiphone Les Paul Jr., which is probably miles better than the first you posted. If you buy that with a Orange Crush 12 or Orange Crush Mini Combo, you've got a much better deal.

I don’t mess around on my classical as much anymore but here you go

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Maybe off-topic for this thread, but there's no reason this routine wouldn't be good for practicing piano too, right?

Sounds very good, nails would help the tone and control, but I understand you don't play it much.
Was it original, Improv?, name of piece?


It works for all instruments :)

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It’s some song I got out of a workbook, I think it’s italian iirc. I’ve always hated nails which is probably why I don’t play much anymore. I do like how they make me feel like a sassy black lady though

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Jesus please no.
Those would sound terrible.

hi /gg/ just learned D, A, E chords.. how do i learn to strum from 4th string (D chord), and 5th string (A chord) without looking at the soundhole or the neck?

Just grow out your natural nails if you’re really dead set on it.


lol I’m not, I was just making a joke

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Strum all 6, but mute the unwanted strings with your thumb or index finger

Practice and muscle memory.

Don’t focus too much on *not* strumming the 5th and 6th though. Focus more on the rhythm and pattern of the strum. If it’s a little sloppy and you end up hitting other strings some times? who gives a fuck. It’s still in key and sounds good. No need to worry about that autism

alright thanks :)
btw if i dedicate 15 minutes everyday, how long will it take me to become good?

Not very good

That's more than I can coax some of my students to play. You'll be fine with that amount at the beginning.

whats the recommended amount of time to practice?


Can a Line 6 DL4 do

how can i turn my shitty 50 dollar guitar into a playable one

By selling it and getting a job

At the beginning when you're just learning a method book?
15 minutes a day is plenty.
It really depends on how quickly you learn.
Learn the fretboard from frets 0-4(66%~ of the guitar's notes are found in that first four fret window), do this by playing simple sheet music at first out of a method book.
Don't worry about theory etc until you find someone(accredited) to learn it from and know the guitar pretty well. You want to learn music theory in a universally applicable way, not what I've dubber "Guitarist Theory" where retards pretend to know what they're talking about and confuse everyone else who does know. You also won't remember what you've learned without applying it and you have to know the guitar well enough to have that link between idea and action.

exactly why i left the discord a few weeks ago. i saw pic related just sitting in there for hours not saying anything

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Speaking of Discord can I get an invite to the /gg/ Discord channel?

>known honeypot
>still wants to join
You cant stop stupid.


Roast my board

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why dont you keep your wah and volume pedal out of the fucking board if they dont fit you're asking to break a cable
also dd-500 kicks ass

What looper pedals do you guys use?

Does anyone have some tunes by Jcum? I wanna see what all the fuss is about.

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how do i be a good bassist? is it true that bass is guitar for dunderheads

I don't know who you are but stop going around r/guitarpedals and stealing pics.


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There's at least three people in shitty flats on my block alone that play better than this. There are times when I found that piece almost enjoyable, others it was a bit grating. And then it got way too repetitive. I was just curious how high the bar was for /gg/ (I thought this guy was gonna shred but /gg/ was still gonna hate on him for being a tripfag, so I was worried I was never gonna make it).

And why does he seemingly only use single notes lol

i wish i could play half as well as him

Hey, that's my board! Why you LARPing?

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This is a joke right? If this is real, I really don't understand why he's so cocky because this is just shitty.

I've found /gg/ is very fair overall in their treatment of you in relation to your guitar playing skills. /gg/ is completely justified in the way they malign jcum and most of the negativity he brings on himself.

I've never really had that problem here. But this is why

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Post the board with the pug next

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I'm sorry to inform you that the "pedal" in the upper right corner appears to be Nintendo's Gameboy; the most successfull handheld console of all time

this whole bubble font vs tall font thing is driving me insane... pls help me.
>pick uno
EHX Green Russian Big Muff
Stomp Under Foot Green Russian
Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian

no seriously. i want to play as well as jcum. Im fucking shit. I want to die.

The would be a Super Fuzz Boy

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D-Sound Ram's Head

Is that you bluegem?

Just call me B~ for short

>Just call me B~ for short

absolutely fucking not.

I like bluefem :) how’ve you been buddy?

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I lost all my old shred vocaroos on my old phone.
Skip to 830 to skip the bluesy stuff

lol suit yourself

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Damn /gg/ now that i have my pc imma spend less time on this particular thread and more on /prod/.

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Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
Bust most of all
Fuck trannies.


What do you have against transmissions?

really you should spend some time taking some guitar lessons real talk

I do its called practicing. Where should i start sensei?

do you know your scales? i was worse than Jcum (at improvising at least) until I learned scales and just noodled around them nonstop.

start with pentonic, then major and minor, then just look obscure shit lol

Fuck off you pointless NEET

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and this is why you will continue to fail

Any CHON fans? Can we motion to start putting /gg/s essential guitarist in either the OP or an infographic?

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Where should i start sensei?

Your obscure musicians are not essential guitarists dumbfuck.
Ill start suoer basic. Dimebag darrel and stevie ray vaughan.

is this a good deal? $250 for what i think is an SG1 and 20” orange amp?

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>look up ESP custom shop
>price out my modest build
>over $5000

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>hey guys we're here to gay-up math rock and play all our music super clean haha have you ever heard saint jacques in 5/4s? tiny tim would blush
i dont understand why people like this garbo

>Your obscure musicians are not essential guitarists dumbfuck.
Why the sudden hate? I had no idea of how popular Chon is or isn't, I only found them yesterday and watching some chord vids and reading talk in the comments.

Esp custom is a ripoff. Youre better of getting american custom. Dean makes usa custom from 3-4k. Hell a custom shop strat is less

It's just like a more floral animals as leaders, why do you not like it? Just because it's 'clean'?

Ok? This isnt your blog fuck off. Alex skolnick now theres a real guitarist.

opinion dismissed

>This isnt your blog fuck off.
lmao, what's up with you? It's not your blog either, faggot. Why don't you like Chon?

Because it doesn't "rock" at all. I feel like it's beard-stroking coffee-bean-sniffing safe-ass music. Don Caballero, Unwound, Archers of Loaf, US Maple, all really hard playing really noisy math rock bands, first wave shit was hard-hitting and exciting. This new shit makes me feel like I'm listening to neutered jazz made by white folk who watch too much Netflix. I don't care if you guys can play Ring Around the Rosie in 6/8 the girl from Elephant Gym isn't gonna date you.

It's a toss-up for me so I'll ask here -- going to get serious about my rhythm playing, should I learn Dave parts or James parts?

It seems like you're more hung up on genre definitions and them inaccurately being placed then it is the band itself.

If you want to discuss bands start a thread. This is the guitar and bass general.

Lol there's nothing jazz about Chon, all their shit is just running through diatonic scales over 7 chords.

I'm more hung up on the bands doing not only nothing new, but actually just removing anything that made the music fun and exciting. At least we have bands like Tera Melos to keep things hard I guess.
James Hetfield always baby, all downpicked too.

What are the best genres to play with a Telecaster?

Learn to play testament. Better rhythm and lead.

the fag genre

>learn music theory
>music i didnt like before suddenly becomes interesting
>music in general is 10x more enjoyable to listen to
i cant believe people listen to music or even try to make music without knowing theory i was a bumbling dipshit lmao


Honky tonk. Emo. classic rock. And john 5.
Yup this is why i can appreciate pop like carly rae jepsen now.

Theory was fun until the math. I'm too brainlet for the math.

Huh. Well I'll have to check out some of that other stuff you mentioned to compare appropriately. I do enjoy Chon but can kind of vaguely see where you're coming from. How do you feel about Animals as Leaders?

I know quite a bit of theory and I've never found it particularly math-intensive unless you're talking about some seriously advanced harmonic concepts. What are you struggling with?

Only djent I listen to is Messshugah cause everything else sounds like Mudvayne in 5/8ths. Tosin is too good for me to talk shit about though. Funny enough I saw Tosin play down here in my 3rd world city with one of his previous bands.

Nigga means he cant count

>spend > $2.3k in gear
>only play liner notes and cowboy chords and stick shit between my strings
>blow a fan into my pickups and ebow open notes
>play my pedals and piss off techfags
Someone STOP ME

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based, fuck guitar


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this is the best thing i've ever seen
wish i had gotten one of those EGC aluminum necks that fit on Fender bodies when he was making them

im trying to decide if this is based or not. can someone give me some pointers

How do I get better at lead guitar bc I have the basics of Rythm down and I can do barre chords and open chords well enough and I wanna work on my lead guitar so I can improv like these niggas on YouTube but idk where to start
I already know the pentatonic scale

>Plays gig in Ontario
>Plays next day in Ft. Lauderdale
>Guitar warped as fuck

this is fucking cool

they're making some right now dawg

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Also how do I know what notes are on each fret bc that would help me a whole lot

They stopped taking orders for them like 5 years ago matey.

>electricalguitarcompany @chrispaic1987 just email us through the site. We always keep around 50 bolt on necks if various types on hand.

Attached: EGC bolt on.jpg (1024x768, 222K)

Holy shit.
Thank you user that's what I get for not having an instagram account.
Time to ask if they have a bass neck that can fit a P-Bass body.

lole enjoy never being in tune lad

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thanks user I will

good for you!

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imagine buying a guitar neck with the sole purpose of the neck never moving and the action is high.

There is a Kramer bass at a pawn shop here for like 400 bucks but the neck is warped so the upper frets fret out tfw.

What is a shim?

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What should I do with the row of free real estate, Yea Forums? A pedal switcher? Already have a wah but I don’t keep it on the pedalboard

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its one of my favorite memes ever
>check out my new tires yall
>aren't they cool?
>hear that?
>that's SOLID rubber
>heh heh heh
>never have to worry about a flat tire ever again

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>pedal switcher?
nah that shit's gay

>hard conections

I was once like you. Till I broke the inputs in my big muff. Don't be like me. You must stop using those before you lose a pedal, user.

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into the trash it goes

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>3 hours 10 minutes
Spotted the guy with no job

I've heard some of the high end squiers are just as good as the low end fenders. I'm really digging the John 5 Signature Tele and can't seem to find a fender version of it. Is this one of these fabled "good" squiers?
My Budget is almost Double the price of the guitar so would it be worth getting that and some aftermarket pick ups or should I just get a Fender Tele?

is this better user?

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Put on some jam tracks and just try a few times. Figure out what problem your having, likely your first major problem will be that you are unsure of wheather or not a note is in key/fits the musical motif of what you're trying to accomplish before playing the potentially sour note. Unfortunately the only remedy I have found in nearly a decade of multi-genered improvisational problem solving is memorizing every note and how it corelates too another note or chord. You then apply what you know of these memorized partnerships between notes, chords, feelings, and motifs into what you are listening too/jamming with. This will require you to train your ear to figure out what notes or chords you are currently playing alongside and using both that "ear knowledge" and the "pairings" of how certain notes will preemptively sound in your mind will then allow you to play perfectly in key excellent lead parts. Luckily this knowledge transfers to any instrument! Unluckily it takes years to get good enough to do it at all, and then years in adition to those to become more comfortable that this ear/theory knowledge becomes second nature enough to navigate without much active logical thought, allowing you to focus on overall artistic direction.

Hope that helps! Good good luck!

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damn thats sweet as fuck

Its supposed to be good quality. The only fender one is an expensive custom shop. John 5 made a point by doing a tour with the squier tele just the way they sold it i believe.

>John 5 made a point by doing a tour with the squier tele just the way they sold it
Well shit, really?
I was really on the fence about this or a Charvel san dimas for twice the price but if that's true I think I'm sold

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I'm not sure what you mean by this, what am I doing that's so risky?

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Suck my cock, bet you can't play for shit

This shit wrecks pedals.

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I'm not using any of those, I use patch cables cut to whatever length I need. They're just tucked away very neatly. Those coupler things are a horrible idea

nah fuck guitar and fuck bassists especially

I like how he took 2 seconds worth of info and turned it into 5 minutes of cringe

you'd have to have the sensibilities of an eight year old in 2002 to think this is cool

Just get an interface or di box, then pirate a good amp simulator and impulse responses

yeah, which is why I don't use em. look closer, all the connections are patch cables

nobody asked you shit BITCH

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what brand of cables are those they look like they take up little space and i want to get on the solderless meme some day too

Diago PF01 Patch Factory. Pretty expensive at £85 but comes with plenty of cable in case you ever need to change the length, and you don't need a screwdriver or anything to screw it in as a pick will work just as well. I've had a cable wear out on me during soundcheck and it took like 2 minutes to fix it

can't find them on this side of the pond so i guess im gonna keep looking

Whats your side?

i live in mexico but i have a po box in san diego, ca


40 bucks shipping baby

Yeah john 5 is wierd and humble like that and he knows his teles he has a world class collection. Id say go for the squier and report back

Es todo chulo

You really need to learn to internet

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I'm trying to learn improvisation because it's something I've been neglecting for a while, but how are you supposed to know what scales go with which chords?

I know how to figure it out, that a Dorian scale works over a m7 chord because the m7 chord has a lowered 3rd and 7th, which the Dorian scale also have, but are you supposed to memorize all of the different scales that go over each chord or learn the interval structure of each chord and scale?

Could you not do that using a noun as a verb thing that shit is supper Reddit.
Ya tu sabe papí.

Could you learn how to internet?

Does it have +2 vs Goblins?

the whole jam will be in one scale unless you're getting into fusion or jazz shit, which you won't for awhile. Use your ear more than worrying about the theory at first. All the scale notes will be right, but some will vibe better accented against the chords. Don't get brainy about it yet, just listen as you play

Check the new andertons video, a blindfold challenge on Les Pauls: Chappers literally comments on people claiming he is an autist
he even clarifies he is not in the spectrum
which one of you did it?

I am getting into fusion and jazz, that's the problem, but unfortunately my brain is about the size of a peanut

ha. ha. ha.

no fun allowed

haa. haa. haa.

that spring reverb won't save you


shit ping pong delay won't either

im thinking based on these posts. lets see what the rest of the /gg/ community thinks

wait a minute
chappers? is that you?

>im thinking
highly in doubt

^^^im reporting all these retarded posts starting with the advertisement

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Has he learned any new licks yet? I swear, every time he picks up a guitar it's the same shit.

The San Dimas is sweet if you're a shredder

get really good at playing what you sing, this is the patrician way. Guthrie Govan confirms

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I used to struggle quite a bit with getting into jazz, but there are some quick shortcuts to sounding jazzy without knowing much theory.

First of all, look up 'chord-scale theory', it's basically what you're talking about and it's taught at nearly every entry level jazz studies course in music school. I would recommend Mark Levine's "Jazz Theory Book", that chapter on chord-scale stuff alone is worth the price tag, and he breaks it down really well.

Second, here's some easy shit you can do to sound like you know you're way around jazz:

1) don't overthink scale choice. Play Dorian over a m7 and Ionian over maj7. If you're playing over a 2-5-1, Dorian sounds good over both the 2 and 5 chords.

2) play arpeggios starting from the 3rd of each chord. If you're playing a 2-5-1 in G, play Cmaj over Am7, F#dim over D7, and Bm over Gmaj7. Pick a jazz standard and do this with every chord.

3) to really sound jazz as fuck, play a major arpeggio a tritone away from the root of the dominant 7 chord (ex. play an Abmaj arpeggio over D7.) You can also (if you like really outside-y, altered scale stuff) play C diminished over D7 (I've been getting into altered scale harmony and this sounds incredible when you're developing solo ideas).

Hope this all helps!

Not that guy, but I'm gonna fuck with number 3, sounds spicy

>Play Dorian over a m7 and Ionian over maj7
Why dorian for m7?

What are essential pedals for a bass player? Genres are noise/hardcore/jazz punk. I've only played clean or used distortion built into my practice amp.

No essentials, pretty much no bassist in any noise rock or punk band uses pedals.
You are free to do as you want.


I am an idiot, is it simply because dorian contains a minor 3 and minor 7 and the 5th scale degree is dominant?

Check out what ive beed doing with my new pc. Plz r8.

Pretty much, and many jazz guitarists will treat a 2-5 as just the 2 chord for two bars. I don't like the idea of trying to play a different scale over every. single. chord. (i.e. Dorian over m7, Mixolydian over dom7, Ionian over maj7) because then you start focusing on scales instead of building actual melodic phrases, and your playing will sound scalar rather than sexy. There are ways to play scale fragments over each chord in succession but jazz musicians generally don't think that way once they've really developed their language.

you should stop playing around all day like a kid and go take some night classes real talk

your answer to this question is "pretty much"
>I am an idiot, is it simply because dorian contains a minor 3 and minor 7 and the 5th scale degree is dominant?

explain where a minor third or seventh is on the scale?

For electronic music? Thats stupid

you're a grown man time to grow up real talk

My lifes together m8. Thanks for the concern though.

Real talk did i fuck your mom or gf or something because if i did fuck it but it would explain why youre always seething and mad at me.

you're a middle aged man who spends all day talking to zoomers on Yea Forums m8 sort yourself out real talk


I feel really shitty for enjoying playing bass more than I do guitar. What's wrong with me I just think it's a lot more fun

hey spud i like seeing you around, but think you should work on the actual recording audio quality. who are some guitarist that inspire you?


I'm turning 30 next year and I've been on Yea Forums since 2003 somebody please shoot me.

Actually m8 you inspire me. All my guitar uploads have been improvs recorded through my phone. Inneed to buy an interface now that i have my pc. Did you hear the electronic piece i made? I reckin that better audio quality

>a 30 year old construction worker with a high school education who spends his day off talking to zoomers on Yea Forums
get back in school m8 real talk

>I only found them yesterday
>Oh yeah I definitely know enough about them musically already to put them into the guitarist canon
You're like those pieces of shit that listen to an album once and declare it as one of the best albums of all time. Kill yourself nigger.

And then what sensei? Fuck i can only imagine how successful your life is... Wow you must be a billionaire. Yes a billionaire wasting his time on Yea Forums taking bait and giving yous. Wow.

don't be too stupid to take good advice real talk

Or stick around and watch the zoomers kill themselves like that shuibaby kid. That shit was funny af. Alas is the fate of all weeb trannies. Also nice joke. Retards wont catch it.


No I'd rather they didn't kill themselves and kept consuming anime cause I don't wanna turn 40 and have no new anime to watch.

The japs kill themselves plenty and they have no shortage of degenerate animation.

have you tried some rehearsed recording? not improv?

Please stop using /pol/ buzzwords I don't like you pseudo-nihilists shitting on other cultures simply because you can't get a girlfriend.

If you're still watching anime at 40, you need to kill yourself.

>another tripfag to filter

Yes user I agree at 40 I will take myself to the coal mines to work until I die and I will no longer experience any joy in my life because joy is not for adults.

Not in a long time. I used to have a band when i was in my early 20's. It always devolved into playing 5 songs then getting plastered. But we got real good at those 5 songs. I quit because they only wanted to play thrash and i also had my life to get on with. But believe me once i start writing my music its not gonna be shit first takes and what not

You sound like a loser desu

One of the first animes i saw was l.a blue girl. Pretty sure thats degenerate by definition
>le pol boogeyman
Grow up degenerate shit is degenerate. And thats an old word

There's adult joy, and there's childish joy

Im sure youre an expert on the subject. Whats your fascination with me again?

Rich coming from you

The best part is he legitimately doesn't seem to recognize it.

You don't even know who I am

He thinks you're Roman. He thinks everybody here is.

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I concede, user. I do believe in the /pol/ boogeyman, not even Project Chanology was this bad. La Blue Girl was pretty good though user, not all anime is degenerate.
Please don't quote me Corinthians, I already had enough of that in Catechism class.

Yes i do Youre user on the same site i am making inferences and shit up to pass the time.

You truly have no idea what /pol/ is, do you?

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No. I'm on a subsection of a website that started as an anime site but evolved beyond that, and I'm here to talk about, learn and educate on guitars and guitar accessories.

Has mas plebada y viejones en /pol/ que piensas. El odio hacia los mayates nos unifica

You sound like a loser desu

party rock is in the houuuuuse tonight
everybody just have a good timmmmeeee


It's not like you have anything better to be doing, is it?

I try not to browse it too much but most of the people I know generally from Yea Forums practice unending cynicism and nihilism towards everything and are unhappy if they cannot bring others down anonymously, now that might not be exactly Diogenes' or Nietzche's dogma but it is what it is.
I don't even entertain the thought of them being Stirner egoists because voting Trump to own the libs isn't exactly unspooked.
Yo no odio a los mayates, y si tu odio está basado en valores morales judio-cristianos que trajeron los Españoles junto con su rubeola y le metieron a latigazos a tu tatarabuelita indigena hasta que dijera "yo también odio a los jotos" y se llevaran su oro, pues, Quetzalcoatl llora por tí, su hijo.

No mi odia esta basado en la vida real. Son buenas para nada inutiles que nomas quitan el sueldo a todos los otros razas trabajando para mejorar sus vidas. Son parasitos

Ser mayate no un raza, user...

I actually do im drinking and chatting with my friend. About to grill.

Google translate failed you larp is over.

No estoy haciendo LARP, user.

Imagine taking pride in the the language of a slave race.

Who enslaved the spanish?

new thread
new thread
new thread

Imagine being monolingual lmao fucking loser

Funny thing is i bet ypu have no pride in anything just delusional whimsical fancies you hold about yourself.


Monolingual people disgust me.