Actually, what types of threads on this board do you actually enjoy, I hear people complain about chart threads...

actually, what types of threads on this board do you actually enjoy, I hear people complain about chart threads, wojak posters, the celebrity obsessed, etc but I kinda want to know what type of threads people actually like

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Other urls found in this thread:

collage threads

the ones where people give each other recs outside of entry level to a genera

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Threads that actually discuss music. Chart threads, album discussions, best/worst/over/under, etc. are all fine. What pisses me off are threads that are clearly racebaiting or jerking to shitty female artists, mods should do a better job picking them out.

I hate those guys that post porn or jerk off to female artists. Outside of that it's fine

Threads that are thematic. Ie: albums and what they taste like

This desu

clairo threads are the only good ones

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I like any threads that are honest. Too much facetiousness and disingenuous posts here just to say contrarian things in aggrevating ways.

Yeah. I made a thread yesterday asking for "folk rock" recs and found several new albums to check out. Users were helpful and were genuinely interested in sharing the stuff they enjoy.

I used to like /prod/ years ago, but every time I check it nowadays it's just miserable cunts spreading intense hate without being constructive.

any thread about an artist i like.

no. get the fuck out of here. you are objectively retarded.
>inb4 easy trigger/bait
99% of the post-irony on this board is straight cringe, and shows you have the mental capacity of a 15 year old that fortnite dances.
to the others reading: we need to make a collective effort to ignore/sage all low quality posts/threads. without the desired reactions they will find somewhere else to jerk each other off

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i think i recommended apes of state, how did you like them user? i lost the original thread

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I like when people have the balls to send their shitty tracks to this toxic community.

I like when anons are having fun, or when people are really discussing good albums.

The stickers are useful, /gg/,/prod/ and the one for the wikia, but thats it, rarely I see good things around here but I'm here anyway.

Aye, I actually listened to them. It was only among the few recommendations on the thread I checked out so far and it was a pleasantly surprise since I don't really listen to punk all that much.

my only problem with the collages is how theyre determined. you listen to a grind album with 35 songs on it twice and it will be first on the collage for the whole week, whereas a 7 song album you listen to 6 times on repeat only gets half the counts even though you listen to it like three times more. also i rarely get recs, dont lazy post, nor see any of my recs on other peoples collages. guess i listen to shit music fellas

I enjoy the "Billie Eilish is an industry plant" threads and that's basically it

those are based t b h

I'd suggest making threads about genres you enjoy and asking for recs. You're likely to get recommendations both obscure and well known from users.

>mods should do a better job picking them out
does anyone know the expectations/requirements of being a mod here. im half tempted to apply just so i delete and permaban the rampant faggotry here

Anything but general threads for specific artists.
I also don't like bait threads.


I prefer the threads that mix genres and throw specific qualities of sounds. I find that useful in finding sounds that synthesise well.
Genres piss me off so much, but I have to admit they do help me with finding music. I kinda prefer it when the genre is irrelevant and people just look for interesting sounds and ideas.

That's why Anco was well received here a few years ago, they seemed to just explore sounds and found something with potential with MPP.
Then instead of cultivating that sound, adding to it, they stepped away from it, which is odd.

Applications for every board are announced for the header ever several months or so. There was one recently this year and the new Jannies have yet to be inaugurated.

my only problem is im not actively searching for any one specific style of music. I like the collage threads because i just listen to what im feeling at the moment, and, as unrepresentative as they are, collages are the most accurate. pic related

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We try to discuss music, but have a big cult of personality here even with user posters that really fucks things up. The people here aren't doing their part to report off topic threads, posts, and trolling. This place has gone down in quality and it's mods and posters refuse to do anything about it. I've been here longer than I should have, and I've seen and taken part in discussion here before. That's how it should be for everyone, but we have these people(one one guy that's ass damaged he wasn't liked here) using vpn's to post porn, de-rail threads, all the name of trying to take something down that was already at it's lowest point many times before. This place is a lost cause, and when the mods stop caring and anyone else above them refuse to do anything about it than that's it. It's done, Yea Forums is done.

I like sharethreads where anons clearly look into their local scene to find good shit. Scenes tend to feed of themselves and make new areas of music that way.

Yea Forums was always shit though.

for sure. ive seen em posted here and there. i guess im curious to hear the perspective of job duties and requirements from a current or former janny

I forgot about this, the meme's beign spread that are nothing but detrimental to any discussion of any sort, or discovery of new music needs to stop. It's annoying, it's stupid, it's not funny, it's just fucking the forum up more.

Not really, and it's never been this bad, ever.

What I hate are these threads that don't talk about the artists music, but just post random memes.
I blame rappers and thot threads for this the most.
Some rappers are solid, but most tend to be pushed here for advertising or meme faggotry.

It's shitter, yes.

so what im taking away from this is, until we get a janny thats not a lazy tranny, is just keep reporting everything thats low quality shit

I'm talking about shit like "posuercore", "tourist" "massa + black on white gay porn posting" and shit like that. It's done for no other intention other than to de-rail discussion of literally anything and run people off and make things worse. I've suspected who's behind it, but who it is doesn't matter because I won't give him the time to mention his name. Rap, Hip-hop, whatever you want to call it I'm all for, it's music and deserves discussion here.

Well I see you like The Midnight, so I'd recommend checking out their other stuff obviously, Endless Summer and Days of Thunder specifically , as well as Porter Robinson and Madeon. Both of whom are synthpop artists with only one album each.

I like good rap and hip hop, but there are people trying to forced artists like they force memes and it's painfully obvious to a person who, aware of what they're doing, listens to the music to find the content is mediocre.. like objectively mediocre. The music is sold on it's meme value rather than it's content.

It's the complete opposite of things like grunge which had good content, pushed by the industry in a weird way. Or old hip hop.

I'd recommend chart threads instead of collages. 25 albums are too much for one person to pay special attention to. I've posted 2x2 charts there and users rec me albums I love like Jackson C. Frank and Guide to Insufficiency. I suggest trying what I suggested and maybe a user will rec an album or two you'll enjoy.

it's montie using a vpn with different devices, we got it. he's fucked

nice, never heard of Porter or Madeon il check em now
ive been diggin the marlowe self titled and deca's the ocean if youre lookin for some recs and havent heard them yet

/classical/ threads are the only good threads on this mistake of a board.

ive never done the chart threads cuz i like how tapmusic will autopopulate everything for me, but i guess i can try not being a lazy bitch every now and again

>muh failed popularity and i-i'll get revenge on them and brandon!

More into those with strange compositions. I dunno I have pretty small scope of hip hop taste, it's more trip hop and 2-step/garage.
I did genuinely like Kanye's MBDTF though.

Liking Marlowe though.

Also didn't mind this crazy chav.

im curious what you mean by strange compositions. sounds interesting. ive heard just a handful of trip-hop, or at least what ive been told is trip hop like Monk & Canatella, and have no clue what 2-step/garage is in relation to hip-hop. honestly i could never into kanye and ive tried several times over the years, but if youre diggin marlowe theres another guy called blueprint whos been around a minute and still producing. check either respect the architect or deleted scenes.

I feel like I'm walking onto this everytime I come to this board

does this dude have any more? slsk searches are proving difficult

brandon can be a bro and sometimes funny and entertaining

When will this fatfuck schizo stop talking to himself?

>tfw he's probably gotta reply to this pretending to be someone else

sometimes we have to ask ourselves why were still here. leave and leave this place to the obsessed, forgotten, and pathetic.

You ruined a music sub-forum on Yea Forums. Good for you, put that on your resume, talk about it in public and see where that gets you.

I'll address you personally, and say that you're one if not all the reason why the forum is bad as it is.

nice quads bitchboy

>muh brandon
you're fucking crazy