Tool fans

>tool fans

Attached: autism.png (1014x296, 37K)

These people don’t deserve to procreate

man, religious people are fucking weird

i wonder if his kid will like the tool

Based, hope he turns her around.

tool fans are the sole reason I cant get into them 100%. I prefer APC


nothing wrong with having Jesus Christ in your heart.

I don't remember Jesus preaching anything like what that guy is talking about

lmao the absolute state of lobsterfags

Attached: jbp.jpg (960x602, 64K)

>uses cherrypicked comment from plebbit
yep. fuck em all.

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Have people actually seen evidences of Tool and being like this? At this point through real life and internet encounters I have seen more ppl that complain about pretetntious Tool fans than pretentious Tool fans.

Attached: 1552972696446.png (348x301, 72K)

something something rent free

Attached: Nu1tlIF.jpg (612x528, 51K)

For me, it's the "groupies."

>my le epic cat photo totally BTFOS jesus

A pure fedora

it's not religion that's the problem here it's his autism and the autism over the religion. And his autism over everything else.
>and a believer
This part I'll agree with you on

Just wait until the album comes out. You'll swear everyone joined a masonic lodge and started snorting molly all day.

im down.

>letting a man inside yu
closet faggot

>she is also two months pregnent