We made it on reddit
We made it on reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
actually kill me please
disgusting. this made me throw up in my mouth
whoever laughs merely out of "poop" being mentioned anywhere deserves cancer
whoever screenshots posts and puts them on reddit or instagram is an absolute faggot
i wish i could choke every single one of them
srsly why tho?
Sega is better than Nintendo.
why dont they just go on Yea Forums
Because they just want to laugh le funny maymay meme text pictures that are spoonfed to them
Where on Yea Forums? Any board that isn’t specific to a subject like this or Yea Forums is either filled with porn, Aimless vile hate or porn that conveys aimless vile hate
I’ve seen people say they’re too scared to
It’s funny how most of the people on the internet that know of Yea Forums are scared to go on it
The redditfags who do go on here just come here to screenshot greentexts when they are posted and post them to their homeland for internet points earned from others people's posts. Lazy people don't even have to come here to find greentexts themselves when they can just wait for the next reddit post or the next youtube compilation.
normal people don't want to wade through constant /pol/shit on every board
Because people think most of Yea Forums is just Yea Forums and /pol/, and honestly they are kind of right
said it once and ill say it again, /pol/ should be removed or /leftypol/ should be added to even it out, theres a reason 4channel was needed
>youtube compilation.
This is a thing? somebody has made a video compilation of green text posts?
you're right
alas! two souls dwell in my heart! the duality of man....................................
yea they're pretty popular
It is way more widespread than you think.
Theres a YouTube channel that has made around 520 ten minute greentext compilation videos where a text to speech voice reads greentext stories line by line, and I think theres even more channels that do the same thing
They are the same people who get horrified and offended when they see someone say the n word on here
Is that Yea Forums greentexts page on Instagram still there? It was fun shitting on that kid's shitty Bandcamp album
i thought we were already here at reddit
I think he either made his Instagram private or deleted it.
the same thing but with reddit posts is also really popular
it's so incredibly fucking lazy, i hope to god this trend dies soon
he changed his name to perfect.sound.whatever and i dont think he posts mu screenshots anymore
theres some new fag called mu_memes_and_greentexts though
god damn frogposters
Yea, I've seen those trending. Like the "best of this subreddit" or "funny answers from r/askreddit posts" shit. They are so easy to make and they get pumped out like fucking crazy, its like unhealthy YouTube candy
lol why is this guy posting le ebin green funny text outside of discord meme channels?????
XDDDD ok n0w th!$ !$ 3p!c 111!!!
This board is reddit
Bro... Of course one has to find a board that aligns with their interests. Are you stupid?
Holy fucking shit, why?
Post it Reddit.
I know multiple people IRL (majority female) that find Yea Forums's desktop layout too confusing to operate, so they use reddit.
Fucking brainlets.
wasn't this post exactly what got r/MDE banned
bros....this is what fame is like
I'd love to see that shit. /pol/ would be too busy fighting /leftypol/ to infect other boards.
I Mean these boards don’t really accommodate greentext because of a lot of time they descend into of topic bullshit. But that board that once did have now degraded into such abject nonsense there’s no enetanment value to it. Seen on guy post interracial porn and the word nigger several times, seen em all
>meme ideology realizes it can't beat other meme (but based and bourgoisiepilled) ideology
>instead both just keep spamming dogshit on other boards, except it's doubled this time
I'd doubt that. Don't you see how often these faggots complain about "discord trannies" and /leftypol/ raids?
id honestly rather that than every board just taking /pol/s dick. im not even a leftest its just annoying seeing a bunch of actual retards sperg out over blacked.com on fucking /out/.
They're fucking faggot normies. Can't stand redditors, worse than most any fucking poster on this board. That includes kpop posters, frogposters, fucking all of em.
Well you have to understand that plenty of people in Yea Forums go on places like r/indieheads and probably circlejerk subs.
As long as they don't steal shit from here and they don't treat this place like reddit I suppose it's okay. What else can you do.
This is why frogposting shouldn't be allowed. It's legitimately Reddit-fodder.
This happens to me all the times, sometimes to the point where my asshole starts to bleed. Not fun.
Yeah I know. At least the people who come to both sites are better to deal with than those who stay exclusively on reddit. And like the other guy said, if they don't act like redditors on here it's all good
this. come up with some OC you fucks.
I remember that was a thing when I was going to Newgrounds, but was back in 06-10 which according to old anons was the wild west of this place.
>tfw first memory of the place was someone linking a slime girl thread from random board in 07.
We're still living in it, baby.
that kid's Bandcamp album was so fucking shitty, I thought it was a joke. He went by the name Boomdagger, fucking BOOMDAGGER
Heres the album by the way
this is what happens when newfags with "a strong nirvana influence" try to make music
I don’t mind frogposting in the sense of using a frog picture, but there are some threads that are 100% made for reddit screen capping and I would say like three quarters of them have Pepe pics.
Those threads where everyone replies the exact same thing are big examples
That’s what this was? I remember people posting this but I never knew why
yeah post it
>what is every other board that isn't /pol/
greentexts arent even funny most of the time. Ill admit it tho that wipe greentext was pretty funny. but i wont even bother reading cringefests that start with
>be me xDDDdddD
People complained about fucking r*ddit being too complicated and they got a tablet interface in return. Pleb filter is a thing.
i mean Yea Forums Interface is shitty if you don't go into catalogue mode
I feel like “greentexts-as-joke” types have gone down in popularity on Yea Forums but they’re the ones that get posted to reddit. Whenever I see a greentext story it’s usually just a story, not really a joke just a way to tell a story without big paragraphs
go back though
Its like if young Kurt Cobain made the album We Like Pizza by Pizza Kids
Thanks for the free memes, lets hope Reddit doesn't get their grubby hands on them.
thanks you're going in the compilation too
Throw us a link when you post bby :3
She cute
My Yea Forums x filter actually filtered that thread, wish my parents had filtered me too desu.
To all the anons who keep crying how meanie weenie /pol/boogeyman is:
I met this guy in my college who openly mentioned in some conversation that he browses Yea Forums to sound edgy , I asked him about his favourite board he replied back "oh, it's greentext board"; unsurprisingly he's one of the biggest redditor pseuds I've met, he was browsing Reddit and was letting out a forced laughter every few minutes looking at "fail" GIFs
>"oh, it's greentext board"
Holy fucking shit
fuck off casual racist
>"oh, it's greentext board"
We /r/greentext/mu here boys
Nigger? D:
totally true honestly.
we should just make 4channel a secret website so only cool frens can come an post >:)
How did you see them say that? You're a lip reader?
kek, saved every last one, reminds me of smuggies.
Pewdiepie has made videos over greentext