Any other albums like this?

Any other albums like this?

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Check out Bluetile Lounge, I prefer the album Half Cut but I think most like Lowercase

I need more soul crushingly depressing sounding albums like this too OP

this Album was supposed to make you suicidal right?


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seconding the op's question, also kinda related: are there any songs as RAW-ly sad as American Music Club - Away Down My Street? i've been listening to it for days ever since i first heard it, nothing else scratches that itch.


lowercase evokes more emotion for me but i'm a big fan of the harsher instrumentals of half cut

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Ok but what’s the name of the album

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>what is reverse image search
Smog - Doctor Comes At Dawn
or something like that

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bedhead - whatfunlifewas

I fucking hate this record and I have no justification for it.


Also this, damn, I can never get this record out of my head.

I really love pic if you can get into some slightly grungier-tinged "slow-core". It doesn't hugely sound like Low but for me it certainly hits the same spot in my noggin.

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Audrey - Visible Forms
Azure Ray - Azure Ray (and others in discog)
Cat Power
Duster - Stratosphere
Mojave 3 - Ask Me Tomorrow
Nina Nastasia - Dogs (highly recommend)
Nina Nastasia - Run to Ruin
Scout Niblett
Songs:Ohia - The Lioness
Tara Jane O'Neil - You Sound, Reflect
Amy Annelle - Call It Sleep (and everything else, but especially that)

>I fucking hate this record and I have no justification for it.
It's not Bill/Smog's best but as far bleak music goes it's hard to find something much bleaker.

Julius Caesar and Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle are his true masterpieces though.

I love bleak music but it's just kind of amusical for me, reminds me of stuff like A Crow Looked at Me or Sun Kil Moon's recent stuff or Carrie and Lowell in that it kind of feels like poetry set in (and written as) music without really touching upon the musical elements that I prefer in those journal-y settings (buildup, metaphor, general incorporation regarding the medium of music). It's kind of ahead of its time in that way, I guess, but just doesn't land for me. As someone open to something of his that's a bit more musical in its execution, what would you recommend?

>music is amusical

You sound like you're beyond redemption but maybe listen to the more recent stuff written under his own name rather than the Smog material, so the latter of the two albums I listed. Though even the former is pretty largely based around the textural/dynamic qualities of the production than the actual songwriting itself but given your taste I could see you calling it "amusical" or some bullshit like that. IMO you have to listen to his earlier albums to get the context and understand where he was progressing from to really have his later albums have their full impact but fuck it do whatever you want.

I don't understand what's wrong with wanting music that's musically incorporated. I don't hate the stuff I listed but it's not stuff I would ever listen to when walking around, by myself, etc. It feels like music for people who are too trendy to just read contemporary poetry.

Can you even OD on weed

>music isn't musically incorporated

I'm not just being dense here btw, I understand what you're suggesting when it comes to ACLAM or Benji, but it's literally just the most trite, avant-teen half thought out take you can have. If those albums were released as poetry anthologies no one would read them because they'd be pretty shit. However, they work as albums because the arrangements provide a guiding and structural backbone to the admittedly narrative focused songwriting. It doesn't mean they're "amusical" it just means they're focusing on the introspective and performative qualities of their songwriting which have been considerable aspect of popular music for the past 120 years and an aspect of traditional music for a fuckin millennium.

Now the real kicker here is when you brought up Carrie and Lowell which is one of the most compositionally and melodically rich contemporary folk albums released in a long ass time which really shows that you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about and were making superficial judgements about it based on the restrained acoustic musical palette it employs. So again, fuck it do whatever you want since you're more than likely beyond redemption here.

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>If those albums were released as poetry anthologies no one would read them because they'd be pretty shit
I agree; I think that these works have to be considered in a musical context because they are released as music and can't be separated from that context any more than the reds of Mona Lisa can be separated from the painting.

>performative qualities of their songwriting which have been considerable aspect of popular music for the past 120 years and an aspect of traditional music for a fuckin millennium
Sure, okay, I dig it

>Carrie and Lowell which is one of the most compositionally and melodically rich contemporary folk albums released in a long ass time which really shows that you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about and were making superficial judgements about it based on the restrained acoustic musical palette it employs
Maybe, I've only listened to it a few times. This could be true.

But the ultimate point I'm trying to make here is that is isn't what I explicitly look for; that is, not what I'm willing or unwilling to accept, but rather not what I explicitly look for in pop music. I think that's pretty reasonable.

>Dying of starvation
>In McDonalds