Stupid fucking roastie cunts only listen to Ariana grande and radio music

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just get a gf and tell her you're gonna put some music on
that's literally all it takes

just turn gay.

>just get a gf
>put on mbv

nobody will ever want to be your GF with such a shit taste in music desu

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that's just the aesthetic of the music
pay attention to the melody and the music as a whole, don't think of this and appreciate it as a traditional rock band

yes i know retard
i love shoegaze and noisy music in general
thats what almost any girl would say about mbv if you pit it on

Based. People here bitch about women’s music taste and how there are no good female artist but suddenly get all squeamish once they think of sucking a dick

being prison gay isnt the answer
theres a girl out there

no, you still haven't completed the first step.

hehe mbv is one of my gfs fav bands
get jelly virgins

im already lost on that step mate

how did u meet a patrician gf

that's me replying to the girl dumbo
have you tried treating women like actual people instead of retarded children?

it doesnt matter id theyre a girl or guy if they have shit taste you explaining the appeal of shoegaze to them isnt gonna work

dunno, my gf listens to garbage post grunge all the time, but i introduced her to Deathconsciousness, explained the music and backstory, and she liked it enough to listen to The Unnatural World and Voids of her own volition
you'd be surprised at how open people are to entry level experimental acts

Women literally don't understand or care about music

for the most part

based and redpilled

She ugly

The found the qt shoegaze gf you all dream of


skip to 10 minute mark

Then you wouldn't be very Loveless, now would you?

dangerously redpilled

women don't understand anything

>tfw your gf will never text you randomly about loveless
Well, my girlfriend did. She played When You Sleep after we had sex yesterday. I showed her the album and she loves it. Thoughts?

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You are living the dream that 99% of Yea Forums, myself included, wants and will never achieve. How do you feel.

you can't fuck to loveless it's sacrilegious

>can’t fuck to loveless
>only shallow is literally about sex

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Yeah and that's why the word shallow is in it.

I feel fortunate to know such a sweet and affectionate person and I don't believe you can't get the same

But they are retarded children. Everyone always says they mature earlier but forget that their peak maturity level is like 16 y o because of how society raises them to lack responsibility and accountability, this is exactly what a typical normalfag woman would say.

>being this desperate
This is why you don't have a gf, OP

>I don't believe you can't get the same
We have mental problems that go beyond simply getting a gf. But thanks for your optimism.

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this thread really just needs to have sex

kek I was just thinking that while listening to it last night

>had a summer fling with a childhood crush I met for the 1st time in 10 years since we were both 12
>family were always close but drifted apart because they moved out of state
>her family invites me to stay with them at their summer home near beach and shit
>first couple of weeks felt like we really reconnected
>after that notice she was always on her phone texting and checking message
>thought nothing of it
>one day she looks through my bag and finds multiple cds I brought with me
>She notices loveless and really liek the album cover
>asks me what kind of music it is
>tell her it's shoegaze
>she laughs and tells me I listen to weird music
>tells me "we should listen to it together one of these days. It would be nice."
>later that night we snuck out of the house to meet up with her friends to go out drinking and smoking at some nearby ranch
>she made the first move and started making out with me
>month passes and she just starting to ignore me out of the blue
>find out that this entire time she was messaging some other dude the entire time we were on vacation
>find out it was another close "friend" I had who was always the chad type
>time comes to leave and parents show up for final three days to also hang out
>end up leaving with my folks and think her and her family are also leaving
>find out couple days later while I'm back home that she stayed there for at least another month to hang out with the other dude who showed up
>got cucked
>whenever I see this album just reminds me that we never got to listen to it together.

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All relationships either end or turn to shit and you live a long shitty life with them

>Look at me, I'm special, I listen to poorly mastered pop music!

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oh boy

But there are probably heaps of chicks into this sort of sound at local venues.
Have you tried to check out those gigs?

you will probably be alone your whole life

Why do people who've never been in a relationship act like they know everything about the subject?

Why do people who've never been in a relationship longer than 5 years act like they know anything about the subject?

When you say gf you mean someone you love or someone you fuck or both?

>tfw gf doesn't like loveless

I'd rather ask for advice about relationships from a guy whose gone out with multiple women rather than some incel who has never kissed a girl and goes on r/braincels and r9k everyday.

have you actually met a potential partner? she'll put up with your snobby taste in entry level music if she likes you enough
you reek of inceldom

I'm fairly certain half of Yea Forums are kissless virgins with no friends. I would know cause I'm one of them.

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>have you tried treating women like actual people instead of retarded children?
But user, women are retarded children!

desu I just want someone (male or female (male)) who likes ornette coleman and john zorn as much as I do.

please have sex oh my god

found the incel

Actually lmao

I took my second gf's virginity to this album
feels guud mayne

this desu, the only girl i knew who was interested in music transitioned into a guy lol

you might have a better chance of acquiring a gf if your tase in music wasn't so bad

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>I want a gf to do the thing i like to make me feel good! women suck because they dont do my thing!

Grow up or remain destined for eternal virginity, you fucking spastic

>I want a girl I have nothing in common with
Enjoy your shitty relationships

i want a gf to lisetn to entry level musci with becuase isaw it in a tumblr blog!!!!! i wish i was cooool!!!!!!!! you sound fucking pathetic man

you fucking retard, thats not the point. of course you need *some* shared interest, but in this fantasy it is "I want a girl to fit my love fantasy" instead of "I want to create one with another person". if you only want to give love, and not recieve it, then it will never work

>he doesnt know how long it took to record the tambourine part on Soon

Wow, they must be horrible musicians

desu the less you have in common the better because this way you can each enjoy your own intellectual spaces. have a gf one day and you will see what i mean

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>have no taste in music
>want gf
that's why it's too much to ask

I was an /r9k/ incel 4 years ago. I was clearly abnormal. Did volcel cocoon mode for 2 years and I was good. You can do that too

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I had ex bf with whom I listened mbv every night. Now i can only crying when I hear this :' (

the fuck? my ex gf introduced me to no wave and industrial. you’re just too socially clueless or going to the wrong places, faggot.

fucking kek

it's almost like it is all those things, user


You have to indoctrinate music tastes into your gf. Convince them that they're stupid for liking what they like, and smart for liking your choices.