Indisputable facts....
Indisputable facts
penis cum zenjin pseudoscorpion
Not the best lp of the 60s. Hot rats was way better
Pet Sounds is the only good album there
haha peepee
only one album here is correct
yeah youre a fag and i hate you
t. genre tourist
>not even the best Kate album of the 80’s
Why are Life Is Pain on there?
a lot of these are not hard to stomach at all though
I didn't like floral shoppe as an album. A few songs from it were good the rest were eh.
unironically a better chart than 90% of the shit in chart threads these days. what were you trying to prove? The only one that is a really “endurance” is Impossible Nothing, but that album is great and only a test of endurance if you have the attention span of a gnat
You, sir, are a worthless tourist.
>60s - The Beatles
>70s - Wish You Were Here
>80s - Remain in Light
>90s - kek
>00s - Is This It
>10s - Congratulations
Even Vektroid hates Floral Shoppe, stop sucking off lame albums you newfag.
>floral shoppe
You deserve to be bullied
Pet Sounds is more important.
>Abbey Road
Revolver is more important than Pet Sounds.
Opinion discarded
unironic . . . Obviously IAOTS or Laughing Stock are the best of the 90s though I think that goes without saying
Leaves Turn Inside You for 2000s and we have a deal
Rubber Soul tho
Where's the 50's moron?
Dust Bowl Ballads is one of the most important albums of the 40s and a damn good listen.
> she
That anyone could say that Tiger Mountain is anything other than Brian Eno's worst art rock record is incredibly difficult to take seriously... Even Before and After Science is better in every possible conceit, including judging both albums in the framework of a concept album.