I've never been able to understand why they used the SS logo in their label...

I've never been able to understand why they used the SS logo in their label. Gene Simmons is probably the most Jewish person in the music industry. An industry full of Jews. His name is Chaim, he was born in Israel, and his mom survived the camps. So what is up with that logo?

Attached: kiss.jpg (570x838, 96K)

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Chaim was the one who modified it so that it wasn't a blatant SS logo in the first place.

Attached: 512px-Flag_of_the_Schutzstaffel.svg.png (512x341, 5K)

>he doesn't understand rock

They did it to provoke old people.

>what is shock rock

The full thing is funny, but 4:35 is the important part

Attached: kiss_germany_logo_ss_nazi_german.jpg (605x400, 277K)

Picture on the right looks better

How so? Looks so plain

this, probably. keep in mind that the whole taking-the-holocaust-super-duper-seriously thing didn't really kick in until the late '70s/early '80s

Eric Singer can somewhat pass as Peter Criss but Tommy Thayer's square ass jaw is the first thing I see in this photo

paul and gene are gonna have themselves replaced soon enough

He got that cartoon super hero chin

Attached: tommy-thayer-and-amber.jpg (682x1023, 86K)

Kiss are clown rockers but I’m not surprised at all that the two assholes of the band are Jews, who shit on the actually talented members of the band…

What an original non parroted take that in no way makes it seem like you know nothing about KISS

Fact of the matter is, every member of that band were/are assholes for some reason or another, but the narrative that Paul and Gene are to blame for Peter and Ace's bullshit is completely false

> the narrative that Paul and Gene are to blame for Peter and Ace's bullshit is completely false
> t. Stanley Eisen and Chaim Witz

Kek'd but it's true. Ace quit the band every single time because he wasn't happy, first time he just didn't like the direction of the music so he left, second time he just quit because he was mad he wasn't getting paid as much as he wanted.

Peter was fired twice for being a cunt/unable to play the drums, and Ace was even okay with this, the Ace/Peter love/brofest is largely fabricated, Ace would throw Peter under the bus in a second.

>why would kikes use the holocaust for their own financial gain?

Knights In Satan's Service

Ooga Jooga

Everyone survived the camps

Based Ace. I always knew he was the best.
You know what else is banned in Germany? The national anthem.

>You know what else is banned in Germany? The national anthem.

Attached: 1446223697630.jpg (689x797, 84K)