>god-tier closers
God-tier closers
My favorite track on the album and one of the three tracks I revisit from the album.
based, long road no turns go fucking hard
it's my go-to song whenever i feel angry or depressed
Name a better Godspeed song
Whole album is good.
If you mean opener in this case, then u right
didn’t like this album at all first listen, didn’t get the hype until that last track. I needa give it another listen because that last track was fucking incredible. great pick.
also great pick
Guest House is almost too much for me. I feel like it's every failure to meet my potential condemning me to be forever stuck outside my own happiness. I locked the door, I bent the key. But I keep knocking and knocking in desperation to try and escape my the consequences for my own (in)actions.
>not singing full volume when heaven or las vegas comes on
give it another try user
record too based
In my opinion, Treasure has a better closer. But, almost every CT's albums has a good closer.
Kanye West - Last Call
>shit thread attracts a swarm of tourist flies
i wish this shit was still as hilarious as it was a couple months back
>a couple months back
out newfag
the only answer
>it's spinning around in a very rhythmic fashion
>nobody posted Have a Nice Life yet
You're slipping, Yea Forums
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lol nu-Yea Forums fucking sucks
someone post the "I replied to everyone" image
do it yourself
lazy ass niggers ruining this fucking board smdh