Billie Eilish

What's next for her career?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i dont care


Hopefully she can pluck some of those disgusting Scottish eyebrows groundskeeper Willie looking motherfucker

Opiate overdose

That shirt damn that is deep as fuck

fucking enough brothas so my time can finally come

Godspeed you black shitposter

May billie suck your dick one day

Female Lil Pump: her album sells a fuckton but then right afterwards she's forgotten given that she's basically a meme and known more for her social media clout than her actual art.

Also, I get the impression her label is exploiting the fuck out of her and will keep doing so until her hype is completely over with.

>Also, I get the impression her label is exploiting the fuck out of her and will keep doing so until her hype is completely over with.
She literally IS the label.

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niggers are not human beings and should be kicked out of white countries

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I find a sense of irony in her going on tour with Denzel Curry, given how at this point she IS the clown from the Clout Cobain video.

she'll get killed for some stupid reason and ascend into zoomer heaven where she gets to suck my dick

die nigger enabling disgraceful cucks. black men who touch white women should be lynched

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black "men"

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kill yourself nigger enabling bitch. i would beat the shit out of you and the nigger bitches who cock you suck. niggers are retarded slave monkeys who had ought to be genocided.

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>being this angry over a black man reaching out to - NOT fucking - a white teenage girl

Niggers are not human beings and should have all been genocided after slavery was abolished

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We've already destroyed this talentless thot:

dont bump the thread, cuck

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Joke's on the parents for not doing their research beforehand.


>all black people are the same

BBC is a hoax

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Why do /pol/tards have black porn on their computer?

all NIGGERS are the same in that they are not human

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xanax overdose

She makes an album entirely of Kate Bush covers IN THE ORIGINAL KEY.

you don't OD on xans you OD on the opioids they're laced with notably fent.

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yea... try b for this post...

try not being a cuckolded nigger loving disgrace to white people

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Her Hot Ones interview should prove she has little intellect to do anything meaningful. Figures her brother writes all her material.

shut up nigger lover

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what hahah its much easier to overdose on benzos than opiates and you have like a 0.1% chance of getting a fent pressed xanax bar

But it's impossible to OD on xans.

death hopefully.

is that what your doctor told you as he wrote you an unlimited refill script and counted kickback stacks

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It's literally impossible. The worst that happens on xannies alone is a blackout.

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also have fun never being able to drink alcohol and dying during withdrawals

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all of you are cucks

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stop bumping this thread with a picture of a nigger with a white woman you fucking cucks. sage goes in the options field

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I don't understand the point this image is trying to make.

>Mega Death

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love seeing her with black men

id love to see you dead

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Imagine thinking you're superior to black people because you're white lol. The reason women fuck black men over you is because they'll fuck anyone over you mate.

t. nigger loving cuckold whose wife fucks niggers
racist men have higher testosterone. tribalist instincts are correlated with masculinity

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Billie is honorary Jew she is disowned by the white race

you are a cuckold bitch surrendering white women to niggers. kill yourself

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I hope she can deal with abandonment.

If she touches one she can die at that point I don't care

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When did SGP go full potato?


The only cover song she'll be singing in two years will be Memory from Cats.

Do people really consider her music to be provocative and socially conscious or is that just an exaggeration?

P4k said it was feminist and LGBTQ representation

>Billie Eilish
Um, did they forget she defended an abuser (XXXTentacion) and is going on tour with an abuse apologist (Curry)?

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What's feminist about her music? Because I'm not hearing it.

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Didn't answer my question but okay.

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You should see me in a crown because "yass queen slay"

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The song which sounds like a Lorde ripoff where she generally acts like a little brat? How is that "feminist"?

Great artist
Fuck the nazi incels

>abuse apologist

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Anyone got the coffee gif?

t. cuckold nigger lover

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Denzel defends X and Chris Brown because they're BLACK. White society views all black males as animalistic, so when a black man does something criminal (like domestic abuse) other black men will come to his defense because they know their whole race suffers due to the scrutiny which that one black man receives. It's about survival, not "abuse apologia".

Niggas gotta stick together

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She will prove all of you incels wrong by outselling Ariana AND getting AOTY.

don't care, listened to one song.

What did you think?


Unwed mother with a biracial baby at 18.

No it’s not

Why does Curry fuck with her at all, when he's a highly respectable artist and she's a talentless industry plant with a shit-tier vocal range who can't even write her own songs?

They do, don't they?

that's from mixing with opiates. it's literally impossible to overdose on benzos.

She's a meme and like all memes she'll get old and her audience will move on to the next Lorde clone.

I remember for a while Denzel Curry was just another soundcloud rapper with no real identity. I also remember him saying that he really respected XXXtentacles because of his work ethic and his constant give-out-respect-to-every-peer type attitude. I've seen Curry make a lot of power moves into the spotlight, including mimicking that attitude after his passing so it just seems like some shit to further his career

He had a decent fanbase years ago though. He and X were close friends so that amounts to what he said about him. With that said I have no ducking clue why he’d throw his credibility away by white knighting this talentless hoe.


Difficult question