Thoughts on people who don’t like music at all?
Thoughts on people who don’t like music at all?
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Kill them on sight
the truest patricians
fuck them
Link pls?
literally me and my buds at Yea Forums
Literally me
they're boring people and/or something is legitimately wrong with them, music has been around since the dawn of man and is one of the most important facets of life and culture
contrarians who thinks their edgy opinions make them superior
Absolute brainlet tier
No ability to understand basic art
good way to get lots of karma and then sell your reddit account
Is this autism? Literally what is wrong with this guy
I kinda pity them
probably very high iq. at the end of the day it's a worthless waste of time unless you can make money off of it. don't get me wrong i love music, but it's not getting me anywhere in life and i'd be better off reading or lifting or working.
>and/or something is legitimately wrong with them
A percentage of the population has tone deafness or cognitive disorders that don't impact the rest of their life in any way so they don't know it. All they know is they don't like music.
Even "boring" or stupid people listen to the radio in the car and shit.
Nah it must be some sort of autism. Autists can't handle their sounds
both correct
Unironically I assume someone has an autism spectrum disorder if they say something like this. Music is one of the only universal parts of human experience, anyone who can't appreciate is lacking in something important
Tone deafness. Ulysses Grant once remarked that "I only know two tunes--Yankee Doodle and something that isn't."
Except there's autists who can't even talk but can play piano expertly.
yeah there are all kinds of autists
>screenshot of reddit via phonepost
i remember when redditers posted Yea Forums screenshots on reddit and never the other way around, when did it all go wrong?
what does he do when people are SPEAKING
Keeping with Schopenhauer music is the purest form of human expression. These people need to be destroyed, they're bad for society.
Music is the greatest thing to ever exist. Kill yourselves promptly.
I don't get it. Music makes me sad, happy, everything. Music really is something I adore and cherish. From feel good stuff like Kate Bush to stuff like Xasthur, there's a place and home for every variety of music. I love it.
yeah - a soul.
Yeah, fair point.
an actual insect. Bug.
>Kate Bush to stuff like Xasthur
Kate and Malefic should do a collaboration.
This was literally me up until i was 18
The problem is probably just the music they've been exposed to
honestly he's softened up, I could see him dipping his toes into something heartfelt and kinda positive
I didn't hear his new stuff yet. He did that thing with Marissa Nadler but she's darker than he is anyway.
this guy is making feel people in this board like those monkey videos on yt
>ever since I was young
>scientifically defines sound
>covers his ears when he hears music
This dude's totally like 15 and autistic
fuck imagine getting in a car crash and waking up with this
they probably have autism
Unironically autism
i thought i didn't like music as a young'n but it turns out i just don't care much for pop and other assorted mainstream tripe. when i started digging online i found lots of music for me to love
>Marissa Nadler but she's darker than he is anyway
Okay, let's not be unreasonable. Prime Xasthur was pretty emotionally genuine.
IMO if you can confidently say you don't like any form of music, then you haven't listened to enough yet. This dude might be extremely into some obscure genre like electroacoustic and just not know it yet. Considering how much music there is in the world, there's bound to be at least one song you like out there.
This theory also extends into saying you don't like a genre of music.
You’re not a part of Yea Forums. You’re literally underage.
It’s a recent /x/ thing, but there seems to be a lot of baby monkey videos on YouTube that have disturbing hate comments.
> Music? La la la, who cares?
> Music's good for one thing. You play it while you're porking the old lady...
> To distract her from how smelly you are.
in a few years this kid is gonna stumble upon music they actually like and feel like a fucking idiot
is this some kind of """subtle""" lefty propaganda
yes. yes it is.
i'd have to kill myself. music is the only thing i have going for me.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Based schizoid poster
Take your pills
Is there any link to these videos?
Check the /x/ archive, there was a semi-recent thread that had a playlist of those videos.
i have diagnosed autism and music is one of my favourite things in life
never heard of anyone who didn't like music due to autism
not how autism works
I have an autistic friend who literally only listens to Weird Al and Green Day's "American Idiot". He also jokes about being allergic to all other kinds of music.
looking up "baby monkey" and going in the videos brings up a lot of comment sections talking about how much they deserve to die
It would be awful, but maybe liberating in a way. One step closer to being free from desire.
whatever you say zoomer, i’m sure you’ve been browsing here since you were 10. also, “a part of Yea Forums” holy shit get a grip
they might as well not have ears then
Go back to (f)eddit
Don't call me your bud, retard.
it's called a spectrum
I think this sounds like a legitimate brain condition
I read a book called musicophobia or something, it talked a lot about people with weird aversion to pitch and tone deafness. interesting read, but point is, it's something with their brain not understanding the difference between music and noise
underrated post
Someone pointed that condition out on this thread already. Kinda sad but probably most who have it don't really realize it, they just think music isn't their thing.
I feel like these people are workaholic types who spend any spare minute a) worrying or b) watching Netflix before going to bed early
just correcting myself in case anyone might be interested in the book.
That isn't specifically what "spectrum" refers to. Spectrum is a scale that measures the severity of the disorder, not the specific parameters the subject is operating within.
did you see the red hat and lose your sanity
Wait what? I was under the impression karma are just points? Who is buying accounts with good karma?
Yeah hat reaction among those people that have this somehow makes sense. It’s like a lot of deaf people who have grown up and been deaf their whole life are happy that they’re deaf, or in some instances scorn the idea that their missing out on hearing is a bad thing
lmao that is what it was
people who want to influence ideas on reddit, because karma = reputation to ledditors
Of all the buzzwords there are to use, it seems like the people on this shitty board like to use "contrarian" and "edgy" to shut down any attempts at creativity or going beyond what is socially/morally accepted. Pay attention closely, these people are also the mumbling drones that will try to sell you anything off the "Yea Forumscore" chart, not because they even think it sounds good, but because they think it is obscure, inaccessible and thus scathing psychologically whatever normalfag listens to it, making them "stand out" in their mundane social circles. This board has been on a very steady decline since 2011, honestly not even sure why I bothered to write this out since no one here is past the age of 18 anyways.
I'm autistic and I listen almost exclusively to noise music.
i think it's rather they perceive it differently.
oh yeah, shutting down creativity like calling all music ever bad
You know all about reddit, huh?
feelings lol... who the fuck has those
>better off reading or lifting or working
You know you can listen to music while you do these things?
They’re probably literally tonedeaf which means they need to be purged
You listen to music while reading? Why?
They don't have souls.
>Is this autism? Literally what is wrong with this guy
I'm mildly autistic and my gf is heavily autistic, almost to the point of not being able to function in society. Yet, we both LOVE music and are completely into it. We even sing harmonies together. She's a Springsteen head and I'm into the 60s and 70s artists.
Are you two the people in that video where the guy says well Alice, it seems we both got autism
Liking something too much (like music) is very Onions
Not usually but I could if I had to
thanks to people like you yes
I'm not the person you were arguing with and I never posted there in my life. I'm just trying to make you mad.
but tone deafness doesn't necessarily mean they'd avoid music altogether. my oldest brother is tone deaf, completely incapable of reproducing notes accurately, but he sometimes sings along anyway (and it's horrible) and certainly enjoys listening to music
fuck, i meant to reply to , not OP, my bad
my friend used to work on a farm and he asked the farmer he worked for what type of music he liked. that 60 something old man said he didn't like music and never had. I always felt that was fascinating.
I guess I can kinda relate though since I don't like watching movies or shows, feels like a complete waste of time. the only form of entertainment I consume is music (and video games I guess, but only the ones I can mute and listen to music while playing)
if you look at movies as merely 'entertainment' then that's why you think they're a waste of time. if you develop an appreciation for cinematography or the nuances of performance, you might look at it a little differently. and i don't mean that in any negative or belittling way, i just mean that a person's perspective, experience, and knowledge of the techniques involved goes a long way in deciding that any work of art is worth consuming. Sure, there are your big-budget crowd-pleasers, but to me a great film is better than anything in the world. The farmer probably didn't like music because farms require a ton of commitment and dedication, and taking the time to listen to music could be perceived as a risk to his livelihood, a waste of time, especially as the world moves forward and giant corporate farms overtake his business.
ok reddit
Adrian Sherwood is also tone deaf, so it's definitely not just that
based af
This is me 100%. I only come here because I'm insecure about it.
It's the opposite. They are the least neurotic and most balanced and healthy.
The more someone enjoys music the more suspicious I get.
t. does nothing but listen to music for the last 8y
so does that mean musicians are the most suspicious?
One less shitty distraction desu. It would suck having no soul though
There's either something wrong with their ears, maybe they're damaged and various frequencies are distorted to them or they have some anti-social personality disorder and should literally be euthanized for the safety of the rest of the population.
some stuff like drone/ dark ambient/ field recordings could be pretty nice for reading. depends how much focus is needed on the book tho
>I'm insecure about it.
you'll just end up with too wierd of a taste from here go to reddit for more 'pleb but not top 40 pop' music
Start with Yea Forums.
Sometimes I take perfect pitch for granted.
You have to be careful though, some people are just used to an environment of atonal or dissonant melodies.
Like I used to have a very good ear, but lately I started to experiment with dissonance to the point where it is fucking with my ears. Especially when you use bends on strings to make sure the notes are not perfect.
Ambient music is helpful with it.
Other music is distracting though.
>Weird Al and Green Day's "American Idiot"
He must be 12 year old me.