Just a firendly reminder that "Love will Tear us apart" is a Normie song and that True Patricians listen to "Day of the Lords".
Joy Division
*New Dawn Fade
That's the lady that made that cool t-shirt right?
theyre all normie songs they literally sell that shit at urban outfitters
Most importantly everybody, if you do listen to Love Will Tear Us Apart, the Peel sessions or the Pennine version are way better in terms of performance and mixing
Who the fuck likes "Love Will Tear Us Apart"? That's their worst, albeit most popular song.
Patricians don't listen to shirt division
Entire album is shit anyway
>scumbag thief drug addict with epilepsy make a sad
Still normie in a way. Listen to Day of the Lords and come back to this tread.
Hey people OP here just fucking listen to Day of the Lords. It's different from their other shitty material and sounds like doom metal so just do it and you'll thank me.
No one who buys the shirt at urban outfitters actually listens to them. Most of them probably dont know it's an album cover.
bass players
Joy Division are the Beatles of Post-Punk, everybody knows them. Still good but all their songs are normie-tier.
joy division sucks
>tfw avoided listening to joy division because i thought it was a gay emo band
Just listen to Day of the Lords. It's underrated as hell. Even hardcpre Joy Division fans hate it.
weird way to spell insight
Based fucking pick user, I prefer Candidate myself though.
T. Can't detach music from character because of a lack of actual music taste.
Hey guys OP here I meant to post this.
Love Will Tear Us Apart is a top tier song, just because people know it and you're pretending it's shit and some lesser known song is better isn't a replacement for a personality you faggot
T. Plebeian
this thread is hilarious
>ddayy of the lords is good guys, i prommissee
>One of the best melodies of all time with great lyrics isn't as good as a 6/10 song on their first album
"i remember nothing" is their best song by a good margin
Cringe and bluepilled
Love will tear us apart is a classic for s reason idiot
Their best songs are Digital, 24 Hours and The Eternal anyway
True patricians jam to Warsaw