Up-and-coming indie synthpop sensation Computer Magic posted this pic to her IG. What do you think of her, Yea Forums?

Up-and-coming indie synthpop sensation Computer Magic posted this pic to her IG. What do you think of her, Yea Forums?



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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no art hoe gf


the shills on this board don't even try to hide it

OP here

my biggest inspiration is the Pale Waves/Gus Dapperton shills

Cute music!

Wish she would move her hands so I could see her tiddies

She likes to tease

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Nice stuff great job


>she's a typical western female who was raised without a male role model and so she prioritizes the dopamine rush of getting male attention for 5 seconds above having dignity or self-respect

Danz has a father and step-father! Her male role models are kraftwerk, gary numan, brian eno, the list goes on!

Danz is a girl!

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Showing off your body requires a lot of self respect desu I never got this criticism

>worshipping music artists because of their tiddies
Can people here stop doing this shit

I like her music, it's super fun.

t. Incel


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t. roastie

(look, i can project too!)

Why are you shilling yourself? Pretending to be someone else to promote your own music is pathetic. Keep it in the shill thread.

Anyway, you got a phone number?

I wish I was Danz, then I'd be talented.

ugly, talentless, but nice body

it reduces yourself to a sex object, you cunt

>indie synthpop sensation

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She's unironically very popular in Japan

bc she looks like an anime

*blocks your path*

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danz is sexy and talented. i know you're reading this: i love you danz.

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Nice, very nice

>Listening to Danz's music!
>Collecting pictures of Danz!
>Photoshopping pictures of Danz to appear naked!
>Creeping out Danz if someone links her this thread!

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does she have FASD?

Looks like a boy

a cute one

I would date Danz so hard if she was a boy.

how can a girl be so beautiful?

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Fuck clairo this girl is cuter and way more talented she should replace Clairo threads

Don’t all women?

short hair =/= boy. check our eyes.

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why do all nerd girls turn into art hoes? i mean im not complaining but

indeed. she makes lush synthpop: youtube.com/watch?v=CJJUVvSI-kM

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So who's going to link Danz to this thread? Her IG is @Danz_cm.

She seemed to not be too weirded out by people wanting to see her feet, on her Youtube comments, and even made light of it on her Story!

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better leave her alone

>What do you think of her, Yea Forums?
I don't.

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>Her male role models are kraftwerk, gary numan, brian eno, the list goes on!
fuck, that is awesome. this girls has really awesome music taste, besides her awesome music.

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She knows her shit, she runs this IG: instagram.com/synthhistory/?hl=en

I'm not normally a waifufag but I think I'm turning into one.

>twitter is full of sexy posed photos
>go to her website
>danz at her battlestation
>greyscale danz in fetish clothing
>danz posing with keyboard
wish i could just listen to woman artists without them working a side job inflating their pussy. i know attention is the coin of the realm in girlworld and all but i just think of the poor sod who's actually going to wife this woman.

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I've been following Danz for about 6 or 7 years now. She started off very shy and conservative, but around the time of the 2016 Election and after, she became staunchly more liberal and open, gradually posting more "risque" photos. It was interesting to watch. Today was the first true "topless" photo, although self-censored. And was another milestone. I'm wondering how much further she'll go. I'm not even sexually attracted to her anymore at this point, it's platonic, so i can't fap to it or anything.

I think I've seen her go through 3 boyfriends, too

She's really cute and cool, it sucks girls like this always come with baggage

>What do you think of generic synth pop girl #9123410?
When are people going to get bored of this shit?

when they stop being qt

I watched a few of my female friends go through the same transformation. kinda upsetting it's such a prevalent thing.

Pity she's a typical industry thot.

It's just reflective of the mass culture.

>generic synthpop
come on, how many artists sound like computer magic? just because it has synths it doesn't mean it's generic.

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that's wrong. danz is independent: she is singer, songwriter, producer, even music video director. she even has her own record label, channel 9 records.

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Is she single?


She was dating a guy who played her drums (Chris Egani) then a woodworker named Chad for a couple years, and now there's rumors she was seeing a comedian dude.


Any ass pics bro?

>a woodworker named Chad

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>even art hoes pick chad
Yea Forums btfo yet again

Go to bed Junes


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what is Junes is it a music

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boys can literally look like anything you retard. are you really brainwashed by eurocentric gender ideas that you think genitals are defining of your gender

omg a (((female))) """"""""""musician""""""""" is showing off her body to cope with the fact that she can't into art and nobody will ever take her seriously!!!!????? NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!


>Posting topless photos, but not posting feet photos
Foot fetish is one of the better fetishes out there. She shouldn't be ashamed to show her feet. I've seen them briefly in the 'Clouds' music video, and they looked fine.

well, she did just turn 30 this year. if she doesn't have her thot phase now she'll miss her chance.

Did she peak with Davos? Do you think she can surpass it?

shit tier as go

danz sit on my face


she is so nerdy

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ebin rebubbal :3D

all i ever wanted is very underrated: youtube.com/watch?v=Q1cw0DBBZ0E

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shes been up and coming for a few years now huh

who likes the stone roses?

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Haven't seen these two before. Do you have a collection of photos? Can you upload it somewhere?

i have and it's the most complete i know

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Well, upload it then.

tbch she is still an indie artist. she is barely promoted.

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New queen of Yea Forums!

i don't think so. danz is not popular enough and Yea Forums don't really like synthpop with female vocalists.

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So is this shit actual shilling or what

If she wants to market herself like this then she should give her fans some porn as well. Why tease? Post facials of this cum queen.

cute and decent music desu

not the op but don't be as asshat. just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's shit and other people shouldn't discuss her.

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Bump. I need it.

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ok buddy.
part 1 - www25.zippyshare.com/v/3j911q61/file.html

yet another twiggy weird looking thot

part 2 - www8.zippyshare.com/v/PkBK8HS9/file.html
the biggest one

do you like her studio?

Attached: Danz 1276.jpg (1080x1349, 201K)

She's beautiful, retard. Plus the music is great

Be nice to Danz, pleb

Damn, that's a lot of stuff. Thank you.
Is there more?

I remember downloading a pack of Instagram videos here some time ago, but I'm not sure how complete it was.

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post underrated danz songs


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have sex fags

>up-and coming
>what do you think of her?
every fucking shill says this type of shit
fuck off user

>Yea Forums is waifuing another generic indie singer because they think she's cute


her music is nice too

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only incel virgins would post misogynic hateful comments about women desu

Do you still have that pack?

I am sorry but I am all out of cum sir!

This should be it.

Waiting for more from

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get both of them

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Thank you. Are there more uploads coming?
I seriously need to get some sleep, but I don't want to miss anything.
I guess I'll just leave my PC running with this thread on auto-refresh.

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all her music videos

Cody & Danz - Make It in America.mp4
Cody & Danz - So Small.mp4
Computer Magic - A Million Years.mp4
Computer Magic - All I Ever Wanted.mp4
Computer Magic - Amnesia.mp4
Computer Magic - Be Fair.mp4
Computer Magic - Been Waiting.mp4
Computer Magic - Clouds.mp4
Computer Magic - Dimensions.mp4
Computer Magic - Dreaming.mp4
Computer Magic - Fuzz.mp4
Computer Magic - Gone for the Weekend.mp4
Computer Magic - Hudson.mp4
Computer Magic - Lonely Like We Are.mp4
Computer Magic - Mindstate.mp4
Computer Magic - Ordinary Life (Message From an A.I. Girlfriend).mp4
Computer Magic - Perfect Game.mp4
Computer Magic - Running.mp4
Computer Magic - Suspicious Minds.mp4
Computer Magic - The End of Time.mp4
Computer Magic - Trinity.mp4



she knows what she's doing


wow such talent


Ladytron is the worst band of all time

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Sexy slut

Just do porn, you whore.


just cut the music act and go into porn

The music is legit tho
Hella go


Holy fuck this whole thread is like one person replying and commenting to himself shilling this fucking synthpop girl. It's pathetic and sad. Ya, she's cute we get it. Fuck off.

You seem mad, autist

Lead by example


Genius pop


This Danz thread has more content than any other Danz thread before it.

Any more photo/video collections?

idk bros i just can't take women artists seriously anymore. it all started with the rise of instagram where music became secondary to sexe pics of bobs.

it's not unique or interesting anymore to pose half naked in the shower. the cock's been tugged enough.

Average synth pop.

Sex sells.

Get out, /pol/. We're having a nice discussion.

Samefag much?

The ones posted are big enough

What is wrong with average synthpop? Average is normal. CM is above average anyway.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with average did I?
No one would be paying attention to this if it weren't for the sexualized image which is nothing to do with the music.

But obviously I'd rather spend my time with the extraordinary rather than the mediocre.

blessed thread. her music is great too

Thoughts on this album?

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Dubs DO lie

Neck yourself, autist.

looks like a south american tranny

No, u

she looks like she fucks rich asian men

>tfw tranny and could pull off this look

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Yeah, I like it.


Okay, this is epic

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>30 years old
>Up-and-coming indie synthpop sensation

>30 years old
>Up-and-coming indie synthpop sensation


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she's ugly

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gonna cry? piss your pants maybe?
maybe shit and cum?


Man I feel you

Frankly, from the pics in this thread I thought she was another 21-24yo, but the pics could be years old or expertly touched for all I know.

Most of the photos are fairly recent.

She looks too much like Dumpster Fire.

no u

gonna cry? piss your pants maybe?maybe shit and cum?

that's not very mature

grow up, kid

Epic gangnam style booty blasted MLG noscoped