Can we say that EDM is superior to classical music? After all EDM can create sounds that are impossible to replicate in classical, but EDM can easily incorporate classical - as many have done.
Can we say that EDM is superior to classical music...
>Can we say that EDM is superior to classical music?
>impossible to replicate in classical
>EDM can easily incorporate classical
you have no common sense
imagine thinking that sound is more important than composition itself
a lot of the more adventurous and forward thinking dance music has always been influenced by modern classical, ie stockhausen, ligeti, xenakis. I don't really see the point of separating them and putting them in a hierarchy
>forward thinking
meaningless term invented by pseuds
Your very premise is beyond flawed and requires a profound amount of assumptions about both, even to consider them to be comparable at some juncture; which is never even stated in your premise to begin with.
>EDM can create sounds that are impossible to replicate in classical
Not true
you've never created art have you?
i have and i would never use 'forward thinking' and seen it pop up for years, it's just as silly as 'intelligent dance music'
Does replication necessarily make something superior? Like, Andy Kaufmandies a good Elvis imitation but Elvis can’t do a good Andy Kaufman imitation. Does that mean Andy Kaufman is necessarily better?
No, I think the fact that EDM even cares to imitate classical or incorporate it means classical is better
>I think the fact that EDM even cares to imitate classical or incorporate it means classical is better
damn, and your first part was so logical then you took a shit on the whole post
You know you might actually be right, I was thinking I should stop there but then I didn’t. That’s on me
I agree idm is silly and forward thinking isn't useful as a genre descriptor but I think it can be insightful in the way the term "outsider" is helpful, it gives you a point of reference for the mindset of an artist
Buzzword parroted by hipster faggots who can't formulate an argument.
for me, it immediately makes me think the person writing it wants me to believe it's better than all those other dumb, 'backward thinking' artists, and it turns me off to whatever they will say about the artist. outsider is awful, too: he writer is the one who put up the barriers. it's terrible journalistic crap that should be left in the 20th century.
>Does replication necessarily make something superior? Like, Andy Kaufmandies
>Kaufman dies.
>hipster faggots
Buzzword used by mu-tards who accuse others of not having an argument to deflect that they themselves don't, i.e. they project everything about themselves onto others. Hi, hipster faggot
The argument preceded your original buzzword cop-out, you fucking mongoloid.
such a cop-out, why don't you start over and tell me why forward thinking is a great term
Both are soundtrack-tier genres at this point.
sounds like the connotation is what bothers you, not the term. personally I like to speculate about what an artist is thinking or listening to or going for when they make something. I don't think it's an insult to any other form of music, I think it's just saying like saying futurism without the art history baggage.
you're arguing with 2 different posters here m8
yes, the connotation because you said 'forward thinking dance music' as a way to make sure i wouldn't confuse it with not-so-forward-thinking dance music, or dumb dance music, or less experimental, etc. and you see it's all the things going into WHY a person would have the need to be descriptive in that specific way (because it's not descriptive in a way as to explain genre, style, etc.)
no it's not generally descriptive, but you can usually tell when someone has modern classical influence vs when someone doesn't. that's all I meant. you seem insecure
modern classical is meme tier
EDM doesn't have the discipline classical has. It's still unable to properly write down what it's doing. It lacks scholarly investigation.
Which is this ?
it doesn't describe anything. 'forward thinking' isn't a sub-genre for anything, it's merely what you want to impress upon someone so as to not turn them off to a genre they'd ordinarily not think of as being 'forward thinking' but it's become an actual term now, used by people who are insecure about their taste being seen as not intelligent. you're projecting your own insecurity. music doesn't need to be smart to impress me. an artist can claim to think forward all they want. still, sound is sound. you can be really 'dumb' and make 'smart' music
toilet sounds
I can tell you're white as fuck from this post alone.
>you're white as fuck
Is it because I can write more than one coherent sentence without using ebonics?
did you listen?
You haven't heard an hour of modern classical music, philistine.
g8r b8 m8
Confirmed illiterate nigger.
how are they really different?
Are you legit asking what's the difference between EDM and classical music?
thats like saying bread is better than wheat because you can make bread with wheat but you cant make wheat with bread. classical music is simply foundational
Stop stealing my memes.
Memes are public property.
i can do em all with my voice duh duhnnn, bleep bloop. i am superior
This. Classical was a developmental stage for music where early researchers worked out the foundational elements that would later go into music proper (like rock, EDM, etc.)
Im just challenging the idea that music is really DIFFERENT... 4/4 time signatures, same keys, same basic scales and tempering... is EDM really that far away from classical music?
Are you SERIOUSLY lumping all of classical music into
>4/4 time signatures, same keys, same basic scales and tempering
Choose your next words carefully.
Also, how do you define the genres?
poppeoepp POOO ON YOU
Well let's see
>different foundations and history
>different compositional tools, systems and methods
>different institutions of composition and performance
>the question of interpretation in classical music
>different type of music (one is mostly popular music, the other can be religious/art/experimental/academic/folk influenced)
So basically they're entirely different, you fucking mongrel.
no. just elements that make EDM and classical music similar. Just challenging the ideas of what genre means.
>one is mostly popular music
classical was never popular..........
all music is fundamentally the same. they all come from the same goals and ideas in some way. they often use the same keys and rhythms.
see There's a lot of ways of classify types of music but there isn't a world in existence that doesn't draw some pretty fucking straightforward lines between EDM and classical music.
Wise choice, sir.
bach literally wrote entire concertos devoted to dance. dance rhythms were even incorporated in some of his sacred works.. cum sancto spiritum in the mass in b minor for example.
Bravo, you figured out that I was talking about the other one. By the way, operetas and waltzes in Vienna were the start of popular music as we know it today.
Absolutely and objectively false statement. Everything you said was oversimplified and so obviously uneducated. Study and listen to more music.
Stylised dances that only "borrow" the character of dances for compositions sake does not constitute music meant for dancing or what you think dance music is today, buddy. Another gross oversimplification. Context matters.
i think there is more overlap between your supposed categories than you are accounting for. at some point "art music" was popular music and in the future "popular music" will be "art music" records have changed entirely.
context: bach's orchestral suites were made for ballroom dances. dance music.
I agree, this chart is just the one I had at hand and only one way of looking at it.
The pieces that were actually mean to be dance music and not just stylised, you could say that was "dance music" of its time, yes, but for aristocrats. EDM is the child of popular music (operetas and waltzes in late 19th century Vienna, ragtime in early 20th century) which has close ties to the middle classes, not the aristocrats and art music.
Again, context matters.
I also think the categories need to be destroyed.
so you do agree that classical music CAN be "pop" music... secular cantatas come to mind. even Monteverdi could've been considered a pop composer of his time. liszt most definitely was-- he was a rockstar. if a classical piece intended for aristocrats was then adopted centuries later for the middle classes, for example air on g string (orchestral suite in d major), is it then pop music?
It's a tricky question; what pop music means today is something different than just "popular". Pop music doesn't share the same institutions or functions as classical music for most of its existence. Popular music grew out of bourgeoisie institutions, such as opereta and waltz concerts and dances in the late 19th century and then from the mixed peoples of America in the early 20th century, and classical music dived into either the avant-garde (which sought to destroy all these previous institutions) or into secluded niche academic waters which the general populi would never comprehend. These I believe are the main currents of this certain musical evolution.
Not sure what secular cantatas have to do with pop music here, this was just another niche music for intellectuals and noblemen. Liszt was certainly a rockstar but after his long yearly European tour, he settled down and started composing "serious" music, not pop music.
I suppose that there are some instances where there is some overlapping.
i can tell youre either a nigger or faggot
most likely both
white fragility on full display
Anyone who disagrees with this statement has only ever heard shit from Skrillex, Marshmello or whatever garbage popular american faggot.
True EDM is way fucking better than classical shit - here are some tracks that prove me right.
Good bait
t. burger with no taste
You have to be retarded to still think 300 year old boomer shit from Mozfart is better than this
Skrillex sounds better than this.
it is
>itt what the kids are calling techno these days
Because the categorisation of the music limits the creative opportunity of pieces.