What drug are you on/off?

What drug are you on/off?
What are you listening to?
Do you an artist? If so, what is your medium and how's it been going?

Attached: berlin.jpg (300x300, 27K)

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Obviously meant "Are you an artist" but changed it from "Do you make art."

Anyway bumping this thread

about to end a month t-break from weed spectacularly. no particular plans for activities/what to listen to but i'm sure i'll figure it out once i get going. i'm a musician, it's going pretty good, i'm just focused on getting better right now.

also tapering off of a year long phenibut habit. it's pretty easy for me, some people get it as bad as withdrawing from benzos but i guess i just replenish quickly and deal with the effects well. kind of a double edged sword.

That's exciting, hope you enjoy the return to weed. What do you play?

Cold-turkeying diazepam after years of a growing benzo addiction (in Berlin as a matter of fact, speaking of the Lou Reed album) was so horribly depressing. Had never had that "can't get out of bed" depression before. Just thinking about it makes my chest feel a little heavy! Which is to say I'm very glad you're not feeling as bad as withdrawing from benzos.

Smoking my 4th bowl of the day

Took two edibles earlier in the day too.

Just listened to Mercury rev. Might keep listening to them.

I’m an actor, I got a paid film gig last month which is nice but I’m still a far way from making it my dependable source of income.

was going to eat an edible and paint tonight but decided to go at it sober. i am not a great visual artist but i really enjoy it. i've also recorded a lot of music this week which has been nice. i've realized that, for myself, doing music and art while high yields worse results. i still use pot but not as a crutch for creativity.

My tolerance seems to have gone down enough to get high from poppy seed tea. Feels nice.

Listening to American Football LP1

Does Web Developer counts as being an artist? Just kidding, I hate my job and my life.

i play guitar and bass mainly. i can also get around a keyboard and i'm working on my voice. as for the phenibut w/d, i'm sure it could get pretty awful if i went cold turkey, but i'm taking it slow. it's a really weird drug. sometimes it just made me feel down and pissed off and eager to quit and sometimes it felt like MDMA. it synthesizes with amphetamines incredibly well but i'm also laying off those. time to get fucking blazed

I’m mostly trying to drink less and listening to foetus at the moment.

As for being an artist, I play guitar and bass and mostly make free improvisational/noise stuff by myself and front a shitty deathrock kind of act with a couple of friends

That's terrific, congrats on the work. Have you done much theater? I love film, but live theater is for me the peak artistic experience.
Nice restraint. I find weed affects artistic production in unpredictable ways, except that it severely decreases my endurance, which is a very bad thing for serious work.
Did tea raise your tolerance or something else? I made it once trying to get well and pathetically dopeless. I think the guy in the health food store knew I wasn't making muffins. In any case I think the poppy seeds I got were pre-washed or something, didn't do a thing. Got me out of the house that day, at least. Sorry about your life man… Do you like the new American Football album? I'm inclined to go back to the first one as well.

To answer my own thread, now that I admitted what a bum I am:

I should be writing


Had a lil weed

i'm listening to the Dead Milkmen because i'm in a rut. are you happy?

Awesome… You write songs or anything? And the phenibut, is that a prescription you're on?
Best of luck with drinking. It must be so fun to play in a band. I did it in high school and it was such a thrill. I was taking it seriously half the time and goofing around the other half, and it was a blast either way. For the free improvisational/noise, do you have a nice pedal setup and stuff? A looping pedal is hours of fun
Can you turn the volume down?
Happy, generally, as a rule? No, can't say I am. But at this very moment, I'm 83% content.

Yeah theater is where I’ve done most stuff, never any paid work there that I’ve done.
Haven’t really auditioned for anything that high level there either though.
It was more of a first step than anything else.
Gotta start somewhere.
Plan on moving to SoCal at the end of the summer or sooner, way more opportunities there than where I am now.

Of course more competition too though.
I honestly prefer theater work if I am in a small/black-box setup.
I much prefer it for the less extreme exaggeration it allows for in comparison to large stage work.

then don't take a break, just fucking quit for good

That's too cool. Taking steps to achieve your dreams and shit. Really admirable, especially with all of the negative energy that gets sent towards artists, the ambitious, and ambitious artists.

And the small theater was what I was thinking of. Went to Edinburgh Fringe 10 years ago and it changed my whole shit.

If you've read or seen any good plays written recently, I'd love to know. My knowledge tends to be limited to 20th c. avant-garde things… But that was way back when, the rear-guard is where they were now.

Why should he quit for good? He hasn't indicated that he doesn't like weed, in fact he seems to like it so much he wants to get higher so he took a break to help him get higher.

>i'm just focused on getting better right now

>he wants to get higher

i don't do drugs anymore but i used to dabble in psychedelics
right now i'm listening to fright night by ariel pink's haunted graffiti
i'm no artist and i'll never consider anything i create to be art, but i've been playing guitar and bass for a little while now and i plan on writing and recording some music soon

I thought he was talking about getting better at music. A tolerance break is something you take so you can smoke weed again to get higher. I think you're the one who's reading this wrong, not me.
I kind of like acid but its correspondent lack of sleep makes me like it less.
Don't sell yourself short with the music. Good luck with the writing and recording, that's always rewarding

Trying to quit opiates. Oxy and PST. I've had a really anxious off and on relationship with them for the past 8 months where I haven't had more then a week of sobriety during that period. Right now I have five days and I'm confident that I'm going to surpass a week this time.

Been listening to Pulp - Different Class lately. Love it.

Yes, I have a handful of friends who are musicians who are willing to work and I play guitar/piano/sing and I really think it's starting to come together, but my internal turmoil and negative experience tells me that it won't and I'll be like my dad at 50.

If you're saying that you're using H, I'd highly recommend checking places that sell unwashed seeds online. It's a cheaper habit and just as good of a high and you don't have to drive to some awful neighborhood three times a day and worry about being pulled over.

I say this as a recovering user.

Currently junksick. I haven’t been doing dope very long so it’s not too bad.

Listening to Red House Painters’ self titled rn
I write poems and make sophistipop music. Been feeling more inspired lately, especially poetically, but it’s been really eating into my shitposting time

I'm switching from LSD to coke for a month or so this weekend, because while I love psychedelics I also love variety. Right now I'm not listening to anything, because I'm at my workplace. But I've been listening to a lot of jazz lately and I really love Brown & Roach At Basin Street, 10/10 album.
I've been writing short stories for some time now, I've put a few of them into various lit competitions, so I'm waiting for a response right now. LSD really helps with writing sometimes, not so much with making a competent story, but finding the right words for the passages you really want to hit hard. I've written the story I consider my best so far while gradually increasing the dose of LSD over a weekend, so it ramps up very nicely from grounded into maddening and confusing, then back down. A few people I've read it to, my peers and colleagues mostly, have been literally in tears over it, so I guess that's nice.

on weed, off everything else
listening pic related
i do artist, band makes deathgrind/free improv noise
its been going well except drummer got eviction notice

Attached: scorpion violente - scorpion violente 12'' [2010, bruit direct].gif (311x312, 54K)