Reminder if you are actually an ""artist"", eg. a musician full time you are literally worthless...

Reminder if you are actually an ""artist"", eg. a musician full time you are literally worthless, get a STEM degree you lazy stupid twat

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Shut up nerd retard.

I'm actually both. I'm a classical composer and a bassist in a post-hardcore band in my free time and a computer engineering in my daily life. Borodin pulled something similar (being a chemical engineering). And even if you're going off STEM - Einstein, for example, greatly appreciated music as a whole and thought it one of the greatest endeavours of humanity. So do with that what you will.

Lol shut up nerd


Actual post-hardcore or just unrelentingly loud guitar rock

>no one who’s not an engineer can contribute to the world
Get a soul

>please guys, flood my market haha
Thanks for making it extra clear that the E is not for economics, dumb ass.

Ok, I have a STEM degree and I'm an artist too. What now?

I know exactly what ethnicity and religion you are, lmfao.

Actual post-hardcore.

I've never seen this pic before. Thanks for sharing opie...

If you can be a musician full time and make enough to get by then you're probably working your ass off.

STEM sucks, we get no pussy whereas successful muscians get endless pussy. I made the wrong decision.

I wish someone would just fucking kill me because I’m too much of a coward to do it myself

Most people would never be able to get a STEM degree no matter how hard they try. If you have one, good for you. Don't think that you can just tell everyone else what to do.

>I did get my STEM degree

I'm in STEM and every day I kick myself for not going to music school, I have been playing piano since I was 4 and I could've probably gotten into a fairly good school.

You really do have to do what you're passionate about. I have a 6 figure job lined up after graduating that I plan on quitting within the year with no plans as to what I'll do after. I figure I'd rather be a drifter than a corporate slave

Maybe most people with a double digit IQ.

No you fucking didn’t
If you’re not a fantastic musician, then you’re better off not wasting your time with music in vain. It will drive you crazy and make you doubt yourself.
If you’re capable of being STEM maybe you could be capable, but just as equally possible you’re being good with that would just signify less ability with music. regardless you’re probably better off.

You should have rebelled against your parents wishes on STEM and played music and go on to write one of the best albums of the decade. Pussy fag.

I’m passionate about music and I don’t care about anything else and I’m not fucking good enough, I’m sloppy I procrastinate I have no discipline I cannot lead/direct or organize productivity if I’m even lucky enough to be being productive, I wish I could be good at anything but it feels like music was the wrong choice. Maybe if I invested my formative years’ creativity in a different medium or outlet I could have been more able to not make supplemental forgettable material, but my stuff’s interesting bits are restricted and take an absurd amount of effort and time to bring each individual piece to par to where it should be in terms of quality.

A Philosophy degree is usually pursued more by triple-digit IQ persons than over half of STEM degrees.

I'm not better off, I'm an incel whose only skill is inserting the right symbols into a text file to make computers do what I want and if I was a rockstar I wouldn't be incel.

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Investments bud, I'm a full time dickhead.

as someone who is a musician 3/4 full time I will say that you have to work incredibly hard to do so. 10s of thousands of hours of individual practice, thousands of hours of rehearsal, sessions, the instability of tour life. unless you have super rich parents you have to have the skills to do a ton jobs (musician, tour manager, booking agent, live sound tech, recording engineer, etc). your work life and leisure life are combined to a point where you are never not at work

If you were a rockstar you might just fail and suck at being a rockstar and be an incel then too except for different reasons

I cannot even wrap my head around the logistics of how any of that stuff even functions so I don’t know why I even kid myself that I’m even doing anything hat matters when I try making music. I’m fucking delusional and the most I could ever amount to would be that of a lolcow of creativity

Reminder that nobody can stop you from being a musician. You can play at home, you can go play in the park, or busk on the street, you can play a gig, you can upload your music to any social media, you can play with other people or alone, etc. If your passion is music then you can do it everyday. Now if your passion is to be a star...then you're fucked. But then again if you want to make a living you have to stop thinking as simply a musician, and start advertising yourself, networking and all that. You have to create opportunities, if you sit on your ass expecting to "make it" you'll become frustrated and angry. Go and take every chance you get, and maybe somebody will see you and give you an opportunity you couldn't have created yourself. If you don't make it it's only because you don't try hard enough. Stop bitching

you guys know you can be in STEM and also do music enough for it to be fulfilling and creatively satisfying

the problem with this thread and a lot of dialogue about the arts in general is that it breaks it into this success/failure dichotomy that really doesn't exist. you get what you put in and even if you're not doing it professionally you can still get a great deal out of time invested in the arts

Im finishing my bachelors in mechanical engineering next month and I hate myself and want to suicide

music is a universal language that every human holds a piece of. by no means does developing and using your piece of it mean that you have to try to do so professionally/full time. all I'm saying is that if you choose to it is one of the most intense jobs there is (because it's actually a constellation of jobs). if you go in with a plan b you will take the plan b.

idk i know this super hot guy whos a mechanical engineer or something

at like 27 stem will get tons of pussy just hang out in wineries and wear boots


Actually this