Why do you consider metal trash?
Why do you consider metal trash?
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well I do think it should be recycled, but I wouldn't yell at someone for just throwing it away I guess
It's needlessly edgy. But it's the fans that are trash mostly.
Because it's just a bunch of morons screaming. Shut the fuck up i wanna listen to the music.
Nice selfie!
Yeah keep listening to your trashy ass metal. The most onions ass genre of all.
>Nice selfie!
based basedposter
how can something be "needlessly" edgy?
nice selfie
are you the new gorespammer?
Oops wrong reaction image!
no dude I love metal huehue dududururururudududududururururudududu
I miss the gorespammer. And the swedespammer.
who's swedespammer? don't recall i've seen that poster
clown metal conquers all
Metal as a whole isnt trash, there are plenty of metal bands that are great, and many bad, just like any other genre. But the majority of metal consumers are strictly metal consumers ('Metal heads') the excess of metal heads are just cringy neckbearded individuals that come off as ridiculously cringy. The metal heads i know are kissless virgins essentially. And then those cringe metalheads then make cringe music and you have to sift through the shit to get to good stuff if you want to listen to metal
i still listen to metal, just not the recent releases. everything's been done and it's just not interesting anymore. there's so. much shit and so few that are actually worth listening to, and you even have to dig really deep to find the good stuff. it's tiresome 2bh
>how can something be "needlessly" edgy?
Have you tried listening to metal before?
god dammit dad get off of Yea Forums
He used to post these weird bargain bin swedish music. He used to go by klytus and jazzthreadguy I believe. You can see his stuff in the archive.