The only The Cure album that matters. All the other is unlistenable sadboy moneygrab

The only The Cure album that matters. All the other is unlistenable sadboy moneygrab.

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How are Head on the Door and Kiss Me sadboy albums

They wear eyeliner.


The albums wear eyeliner?

which was the better version of the album though?

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the one with Killing an Arab

Robert Smith said he wanted to be the next Elvis Costello until he temporarily joined The Banshees in 1979 on their Join Hands tour, and then he became a dark sad boy lmao


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first one because of foxy lady

We don't talk about that album

I'm comparing

where should I start listening with this band

Post-punk was already done better by other bands, I don't see what makes this album so remarkable. At least their sadboy stuff fulfills a niche.

kiss me x3 is half-sadboy.

Probably with the album OP posted and progress chronologically. You could go in from Disintegration and then go back to the other goth stuff and then go on the poppier albums, but I think their progression is pretty interesting.

Chronologically, starting with the album in the OP

This isn’t even a completely post punk album

>At least their sadboy stuff fulfills a niche
a very bad one which should have never existed

Boys don’t cry by far

This is not even a post punk album

This one

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