st. anger is not that bad
St. anger is not that bad
It's actually very good
Most of the tracks are garbage but I genuinely like the snare sound. Sounds raw as fuck. Shame about the rest of the album though.
it is bad but not for the reason most people say it is
the production, 'muh solos' and cringey lyrics are bad but could have been overcome
the real reasons it's bad:
>copy pasted 8 minute songs
The riffs themselves are pretty good, the problem is that there aren't that many of them.
This problem is intensified because they recorded a segment, looped it in ProTools and thought to themselves 'let's go write some fucking lyrics!' and seemingly adjusted the song length to that, rather than the other way around
it's peak irony that Bob Rock, the guy who got them to stop jerking off on repeating the verse and chorus two more times after the bridge/solo section, was a part of the songwriting on this one
Metallica as a recording band is unsalvageable because this happened, they seem to have no more people in their camp that's a capable 'editor' of James' and Lars' ideas
it's actually really good. purify has a shit chorus and invisible kid couldve been so much better and is a bit cringe, but every other track is solid as fuck. dirty window, sweet amber, and shoot me again are fucking raw as fuck. people hate on the snare (and the mixing as a whole) but it really saves the album from being a generic schlop of shit
the meme drums are actually addicting in a way