You know the drill


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>> Experimental
>> Hip-Hop
>> Alternative
>> Electronic

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>First wave Black Metal
>Bathory Cover

After 2 years of musical hiatus, I have decided to come back and record myself. I worked on improving my textures on BM vocals (high pitched screams), I'm paying tribute to First wave Black Metal pioneer Bathory with his best track : "A Fine Day to Die" (1988).

Instrumentation is full VST only, this is mostly a vocal demo. I am finishing the last 2 verses very soon.

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>psychedelic hip hop

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nice stuff
you really need to work on, well.. everything

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>Syd Barrett Grunge

Leaving feedback on my repost account as we speak:

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Oh crap I meant to send my soundcloud with that post

>bedroom pop
>I N D I E

Personally, not my thing as a whole atm. But, you should be proud of your ep, user. It's really well done. Some straight bangers along with some nice experimental moments. Truly nice job. I'll prob keep coming back to it.

Not good m8. But, I could see potential if you go the meme route, a la Viper. I kind of dig it ironically. If you want genuine feedback, the raw vocals aren't gonna cut it for you. Try experimenting with some effects.

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