I'm the most unstoppable player in the league.
I'm the most unstoppable player in the league
sure, sis.
Reminder kids you can't be a real music listener if you support industry plants
>people who have money, or come from it get their foot in the door when it comes to art and the entertainment industry
Who knew? Obviously your dumb ass didn't
>unsuccesful industry plant
Nazis get out
I love Maxresdefault too. She is based
This is true and based. Real Yea Forumstants hate plants. Everyone knows that.
literally who tf is this??
She's an indie plant by the music industry. Her dad has that globalist money.
2013 called and it wants its memes back
come to brazil!!
heck off slut
I bet you less than half or even more of your fav artists or bands can be called industry plants in one way or another. The grass roots, I made it on my own, DIY shit is a myth to an extent
frick no u fucking slut
indonesia is way more important
shit I'll even admit one of my fav bands was touring in the us straight from a shitty British island before they even had an album out. that's some blatant industry plant shit, and even more than pale waves.
>mfw I get told to go to indonesia instead of basedzil
yeah let's send an american teenaged girl to a country where people are getting there heads caved in my mobs with pipes on the streets over stupid shit. fuck your shithole country.
Always the same fucking face
actually, i'll take that back, they did have an EP out at the time and their manager knows exactly what the fuck he's doing.
I really don't want to understand the softness of Clairo's cheeks.
it’s the tonsillitis
Don't support plants or else you're a poser
that's over half of the industry, and what you listen to. just accept it man, the "diy" aesthetic is just a selling point and has been for decades.
justify your statement pls
gee thanks incel
>anyone who doesnt like this bitch is an incel
only someone who has truly never had sex would think that
No, it's not. You're obsessed.
you know exactly what i'm talking about if you knew anything to the slightest about music and the entertainment industry, which you obviously don't.
This is the real truth. You can't be a real Yea Forumstant if you like plant artists!
This is so fucking good I'm literally in tears laughing at how incredible this sounds - the bongos, the maracas, the snapping it's all so good
glad to help u sunnyboy
come to brazil u heckling snail!
>Being opposed to industry controlled music is Nazistic.
Mate, Nazis are some of THE biggest proponents of free market capitalism.
Unless they say shit like (((Clairo))) they're probably just pissy at the machine.
This is so fucking good I'm literally in tears laughing at how incredible this sounds - the bongos, the maracas, the snapping it's all so good
Okay this user is probably a legit nazi though.
No idea who that is.
everything is controlled by the industry you ignorant worm
I am from Indonesia and this kafir must cover up at once or she will be stoned inshallah.
not close
Not really at all. The only problem is people like you don't support smaller artists, I'm guessing.
>What is quantification?
You do know there are degrees here right? There's even some true do it yourself bands in local scenes.
Obviously, and I'm not saying DIY is all bullshit. God damn some of you are giving me a headache.
That statement sure seems to leave room for DIY musicians. Just admit you did a dumb dumb.
God be praised habibi.
Plants suck, don't listen to PLANTED artists, or else your opinion on music matters not from this point forward.
Don't be a pleb and support plants.
i want to strangle you
if they do get signed, they'll be under industry control. not hard to get.
I liek clweirdo cus she got da big googly eyes like my animes
(Also: might as well just say everything and everyone is in the hands of capitalist power structures if you're gonna distort the meaning of industry control this much.)
she looks like she fucks african american men
wait a minute....
wow pls don't stop obsessing over me