Bastard and Scum Fuck are his only good albums
Goblin and Wolf were "okay", Cherry Bomb was fucking awful with the exception of Deathcamp
Bastard and Scum Fuck are his only good albums
Other urls found in this thread:
wolf > bastard > goblin > cherry bomb > scum fuck faggot boy
you must be at least 18 to post here
Wolf is his magnum opus. Try again sweetie
nice opinion fantano, but wrong again
Goblin was awful. Except for Yonkers, which I'm pretty sure he had someone else produce the beat. It sounded amateur as hell, like they made it in Garageband in a day
tyler made yonkers in ten minutes
>needing a producer for one of the most generic NY beats known to man
tyler is actually a decent producer even if he's rippping off pharrell
Flower Boy > Cherry Bomb > Wolf
IFHY still might be my favorite song though
Spotted the teenagers.
Flower Boy was fucking awful.
based except goblin needs to be lower
i'd argue that wolf is his best cohesive piece of work with scumfuck behind it.
Goblin is easily the best out of his early work, and we don't talk about cb here.
"cherry bomb was bad xc"
go home reddit
the production on the album was absolute trash
over half the songs are unlistenable because tyler's voice is inaudible over the loud ass fucking instrumentals that completely drown him out.
that is the point you absolute mongoloid. he explained it in an interview. he wanted those songs to sound like what its like to be in a mosh pit. imagine actually preferring fag tyler to hype tyler.
reddit, please, go home.
>I like shitty music that no one else likes because I'm a """""purist"""" and anyone who doesn't like the same music as me is a redditor
pretty sure tyler himself knows he failed with that album
it's not bad it's just not as good as his classics
Cherry Bomb was Tyler's best era for everything. If you dont like mixing, try listening to one of the fan mixes.
listen to this fag. now honestly tell me this isnt his best.
>Yeah, these obnoxious screams in the background really add nothing to the music. If you don't like it you're reddit
go listen to your faggot album, you bi-curious 14 year old.
scum fuck faggot boy is his WORST.
look, the pleb filter! it worked!
imagine getting this mad over posts on 4channel
Cherrybomb is hands down his best. Smuckers was a fucking jam. Blow My Load into Two Seater was also great. And Okaga, CA gave me some strange feels.
imagine interpreting the words "pleb filter" being used out of rage. i'm not angry, i'm amused.
K but what about Pilot and 2Seater
Nope 22
You just have shite taste
prove it
Bastard=Cherry Bomb>Wolf>FB>Goblin
>Bastard had some of his strongest songs and the woozy synthy 80s sound I prefer from Tyler over the dry 70s shit/90s neo soul shit
>Cherry Bomb had less outstanding songs than Bastard but as a cohesive project is probably better, as Bastard had some misfires. Cherry Bomb is a great test to see who actually understood Tyler/OF's sound from the beginning, people who dug the underground stuff will love it because it's such a return to form, only with more advanced and experienced production
>Wolf is great and cohesive and only slightly behind the first two, but has a few misfires and is too long.
>Flower Boy is pretty good and a decent evolution but just really a cleaned up version of CB, and for that it suffers. Late into Tyler's career, he also seems to lack captivating lyrics and subjects
>Goblin is easily his worst. Worst production, worst songs, and very few highlights.The "skits" are stupid and not acted very well, the "disclaimer" was totally unnecessary, and we generally find Tyler at his edgiest due to his newfound audience. Analog, Yonkers, Nightmare, the outro of Radicals, She, and Fish are the only songs worth it here.
Wolf > Cherry Bomb > Bastard = SFFB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> el goblino
What about Her you negro
Her sucks
This is spot on
I think he’s just plain terrible
objectively wrong you closeted fag
horrible opinion
Tyler sucks literal cock
How do you prove your age without posting your ID?
So does Luther vandross, frank ocean, and Elton john
whats wrong with the Yonkers beat
OKAGA, CA is his best song. Tyler will never top that.
Cherry Bomb > Wolf > Bastard > Flower Boy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goblin
people are just upset they didn't get a bunch of money off of a beat made in 10 minutes
anyone here above 20? this guys music sucks
tyler had an absolute shitfit over this on twitter
Based, fucking nailed it
Imagine being deaf like this guy
>proceeds to listen to Loveless
Daily reminder that if you enjoy anything pre-flower boy, you have the taste of an edgy middle school skater and you shouldn’t be on this site. Any songs of his that use the words “nigger” or “faggot” are especially forcefully edgy. If you enjoy these, please leave.
>inb4 “stop enjoying things I like lole”
Maybe God will save us?