at what age did you realize george and ringo have the only good songs on help!?
At what age did you realize george and ringo have the only good songs on help!?
Neither of them wrote you’re gonna lose that girl (the best song on the album), so you’re incorrect
yeah, its not bad
Help! is a fantastic track, I used to look past it due to familiarity, but its really good. George generally had the strongest output on most Beatles albums, I guess thats what happens when macca gives him 1 track an album, and generally Ringo does well when he's given 1 song every other record
>Help! is a fantastic track
yeah, its not bad.
>George generally had the strongest output on most Beatles albums, I guess thats what happens when macca gives him 1 track an album
this is actually an interesting phenomenon to observe, and you're absolutely right. do you want to know a secret, don't bother me, im happy just to dance with you, everybody's trying to be my baby, and i need you/you like me too much are all arguably the best moments on each respective album. by the time rubber soul happens he's as good as lennon/mccartney. next thing you know george is putting indian songs on all their records, he doesn't give a fuck
>Ringo does well
literally shits every song he sings except for
>octopus garden
>with a little help from my friends
>act naturally (cause it fits the story very well)
But his best song is Long, Long, Long and it's in White Album.
not a bad tune but after looking over the tracklist that's probably my least favorite song on the album. and we all know yesterday is the best song
>don't pass me by
>good night
>octopus garden
I keep forgetting that he sang that one
>i wanna be your man
>honey don't
>what goes on
>not based
this thread is for intellectuals only
yeah, its not bad
Holy shit based. My fav John song of that album. Another Girl by Paul is also a hidden top tier
>another girl
yeah, its not bad
Whichever one wrote You've Got To Hide Your Love Away or Ticket To Ride does.
It's only love stands out for that weird modal melody John's got going on.
Neither George nor Ringo wrote I've Just Seen a Face, the best track on the album, so you're wrong.
The Beatles were Ryan Seacrest tier until Revolver. My father raised me on them: Hamburg until the Saturday Night Live appearance that could have been. So much early stuff is disposable.
awful taste
literally shit the post
What You're Doing is their most underrated song, shame it's in the middle of BFS
>I've just seen a face
>You've got to hide you love away
I never did, man
There are no bad songs on Help!; I Need You is a stellar song, though.
absolutely based
yeah, it's not bad
>at what age did you realize george and ningro have the only good nogs on help!?
huh ?
Ringo is the thinking man's Beatle.
this entire album sucks dick.