What would Jacob Collier with a soul sound like?

What would Jacob Collier with a soul sound like?

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like the animal from animals as leaders

who is he?

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like me

i was watching this video earlier and i think i get why Yea Forums has such an irrational hatred for this naive harmless kid.
a lot of the people who browse here see music as an expression of the artists' deepest convictions, feelings, it's all very emotional and deep etc. and so we're invested in the idea that music is used to convey one's inner experience. and here comes along this kid who says "fuck all that shit, look at the way i can arrange all these noises" and mixolydiates the 74th quarta-mondo wankadoodle and it genuinely sounds like an amazing fucking spectacle and there's a lot to appreciate if you have even a basic understanding of music theory. the reason why it lacks "soul" is because jacob doesn't see music the way we do. he mentions a fair amount of times in the video that he doesn't take it too seriously and it should just be fun, which isn't surprising coming from a kid who's hardly ever had a bad day. so it would make sense that the "inner experience" he conveys is one of whimsy and wonder. which explains why it sounds like disney music. personally i don't think there's anything wrong with his tunes, it's a breath of fresh air compared to all this serious gloomy doomy crap.

He has nothing to say. Music as math makes me so fucking angry.

jacob's music so far has a tendency to be "busy" and unfocused. Disney music is actually much more impactful, it has strong melodies that stay with you and clear emotional arcs. But as you said, Jacob is just a kid, and he seems to be developing from what he's making lately.

like user

he's not going to fuck you, dude.

David Bowie

>Jacob is just a kid
isn't he like 24?

why does he need to say anything? music in and of itself is a wonderful thing. it doesn't come at the cost of all the other music that does "say" something. besides there's plenty of music out there that "says" dumb, contrived bullshit.
it's not "music as math", it's music as geometry. are you trying to say that geometry can't be beautiful?
associating art and emotionalism is so hard-wired into most of the kids who browse here that they can't see it any other way, and i'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's also the reason why Yea Forums cannot into electronic music

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>wot tae fok u jes seh boot ah myuh-sic ya wee bastard

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He might aswell be twelve in terms of his mental age. A sheltered life and inflated accomplishments in a bubble don't do him good. He's got a very nasty and arrogant vibe to him.

This university loves churning out soulless academia husks like an assembly line

>He's got a very nasty and arrogant vibe to him
Where’d you get this impression of him? Every video I’ve seen he just seems like a nice quiet kid who just really likes to play music

I get a real arrogant cunt vibe from his interaction with the second-to-last guy, the pianist

There's that video where he explains some made up cringe bullshit about the hyperlydianmegasuperduper (unironically close to this name) scale. Gives me the same vibe that homeschooled kids with no tv access give me. Just fucking punchable.


>I don't like it therefore it's meaningless

Stevie Wonder

Last night David Bowie, chicken legs, fish your sister

>how dare he talk about things!

long story short, it's some neo-classical reactionary bullshit
bring back neo-romanticism

>I can't make any subjective value judgment

Jake Tobin. Makes poppy, jazzy, avant prog where he plays everything. Unique scales, rhythms and changes. But his music has a lot of personality and character

>and it genuinely sounds like an amazing fucking spectacle
It doesn't
>it genuinely sounds like an amazing fucking spectacle and there's a lot to appreciate if you have even a basic understanding of music theory
There's a lot to appreciate if you are an autistic robot that thinks you can construct emotion

Yeah exactly. Why would I argue? If you don't like it, you don't like it. There's nothing more at play here.

it's pathetic that so many retards on this board just assume theory is a bunch of pre-defined formulas that you use to make music. do you really think that all those "emotions" you feel from listening to all your favourite music is just random musical doodling? i guarantee you there is mathematical structure in every piece of beautiful music you've ever heard, because that's how sound works, you fucking retard. simple ratios between frequencies result in pleasing tones, and irrational ratios result in harsh tones, and it's the dance between these two extremes that gives you music. that's all music theory is: pitch relationships, movements between them, and the corresponding emotional qualities that emerge from those movements.
this whole "logic v emotion" dichotomy is too retarded to be one of the most pervasive ideas in human history


Not really. People like you don't get that he has to explain things from the ground up so everyone is on board (most people who see his videos have little knowledge of music theory). If he just went like "yeah you know this Lydian dominant scale is fucking cool lmao Z#11b5 yadda yadda" people would stop paying attention fast.

No one argued it's something supernatural that grants soul to a piece of music. It's just much more intricate and subjective than applying some baby structure rules.
Your response reveals your autism. Music is not a science

i never said music is a science. i'm trying to say that beauty isn't completely divorced from logic, and that the logic vs emotion dichotomy isn't actually dichotomy but a misinterpretation of how our rational and emotional aspects are entirely dependent on each other. but i don't expect much from a board full of loner pseuds who prefer locking into either one or the other without ever developing the self-awareness that allows them to utilise both and actually function in the world like everyone else.

grow up.

steely dan

and also i never said anything about "rules". theory isn't a set of rules, it's a set of fucking training wheels. certain frequencies played together produce certain emotional tones, and the movement between different tones creates a certain "tension" or "release". once you become fluent in these "tones" you can put them together however you like. you need intuition and emotionality to string tones together, and you need rationality to dismiss your half-baked and naive ideas. it's not a one-sided process. most of Yea Forums doesn't even play an instrument so they have no idea what the process is like, they hear the finished product and assume that every emotional moment is exactly how the artist intended it to be from the very beginning. it rarely works like that.

music theory wankery doesnt make good music otherwise we would all just listen to Bach

holy shit why do i still come to this dogshit board

Definitely Zappa

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He's right though


holy fucking cringe. get a load of yourself, you delusional idiot.

fuck off jake. no one wants to listen to your shit music.