for their newest music video they should have changed the name to bengalMILK
For their newest music video they should have changed the name to bengalMILK
she's ugly
vimeo link bruh?
this spam is worse than that shitty horror album. this isn’t how you get fans for your music. making actually good music is
lmao look at this newfag
tits are too big
dude I’ve been here since Joel posted
This spam is awful
It would be more tolerable if the music was decent but it’s god awful
so then you're just really stupid and can't tell when someone is shitposting or baiting or it's a meme
The music is great, pleb
Kill yourself
>I’ve been here since Joel posted
i found your picture
nigga you ugly
those are some shitty tits
hot af goth slut
>pentagram tattoo
oh this is not satanic at all, nope
Thought it was a Meg White thread but I've been tricked into another thread for this shit
>aw shucks i really wanted my meg white thread
wew fag, that's a whopper of a statement
this is a work of art
Not him, but they are pretty lame
There are like 3 new videos
still my favorite
Olive Glass
Bitch has devil shit on her tits and that's not enough to finally admit this is all luciferian agenda to sexualize ambient
She a qt. Also beautiful track
Your music sucks, retard. Absolutely insufferable, "I stretched out a single note in audacity" tier ambient.
Just become an arthoe pornographer and be done with it. And for the love of god stop shilling your garbage, low effort music here.
i wanna anal with her and pop on her hooters
I prefer the IDM and downtempo style releases but this is prettier than most. I love these women!
this but unironically
fuck this guy
oh cool you can pay pornstars, too bad you have no musical talent
>i cant read: the post
what's a good starting point? i have heard the blonde model ambiant one everybody knows. i'm interested in the other non-ambient, never know which to go with
I meant it unironically
Hodes or Genung, and the new one Kosuga for all the vocal tracks. Also try Deire for a fantastic glitch album
there's literally only one video that has a pornstar and possibly 3 out of 50 have nudity, you are just repeating mu's hysterical npc talking points
your “””music””” just isn’t good dude, and spamming your shit isn’t how you build a fanbase
is she in any of the videos? asking for a friend.
Any video using a woman in it when she's not a direct band member is equivalent to pornography
Smack me in the face with those big tiddys
majek is a drum machine orgy
Where did you get this picture of my daughter? You BASTARD
>bengalfuel album sadye = satan
one need only see the trackless with 'caim' (a president of hell) to 'ninth circle' (where satan resides in icy cocytus) and the obvious MKUltra of 'butterfly' and 'veiling' and this cover blonde MKultra victim's dead stare and shhh gesture to grasp that this is satanic. it contains hz freq tones that depress its listener, leaving you only with this empty music. look this girl who the band's other covers is wearing checkers and tiger (more symbols of occult she is a victim of!) furthest from the warmth and light of the one true god. this artist must be deleted from streaming! they have porn covers, blatant occultism & people don't comprehend the tones which ruin health, seeking lust like the sex slaves that decorate covers. luciferian agenda has taken a serene genre, and i believe the artist once was good but is controlled! explain hermit ambient having these pro models posing in lingerie and getting naked. it's the ruin of music including lo-fi pop, look at all the slaves. look at all the SC rap being infiltrated by the elite to make them all drugged-out slaves and then die for profit! i pick on this artist bc a friend of mine did one of their videos before they turned satanic and evil and she was innocent and now has turned to drugs and stripping in bars! this music is luciferian in the extreme! it is easy to get away with placing hz freq evil in the music when itl seems like ambient. it will make you sick until you lose hope then reach for pleasure. this model is under mind control, look at her face! i pray for us all, it is infecting all genres. we are all under mind control!!! wake up.
Oil them bad boys up and rub em all over my pole, little lady
wtf i love bengalfuel now
this chick dirty, you can tell
more like bengalSHILLk amirite?
You should watch him speak for himself
it details his spiritual awakening with this powerful energy coming into his room and waking him up. doesn't sound like lucifer worship, but says he was asking angels for help. is that what they believe though, lucifer is the light? because if so there's more evidence for bengalfuel, don't know if you've seen the conspiracy posts from last year before that guy got banned for threatening to kill him/her. in any event that's his gf makes sense she would be into it too. the hand gesture is supposedly significant, and she is brightly lit and i think blue has symbolic meaning plus the album title lol, sadye is sorta like satan. but really though all the track titles are occult. is that what you are referncing or something else? have you seen this video making of interview thing? is this that belief? it makes a lot of sense and seems sweet and healthy though is why i ask. really think we're misreading it
kys moralfag
so much for nofap
based porn addict
i'd rather listen to this than virtually any other ambient ppl tell me to check out. this is pure ambient
her tits are actual milk jugs
based schizbro poster
Stop shilling your trash music
voice gave me the chills at the end
imagine the smell
what a disappointing set of milkers.
can't believe nobody commented on her tattoo
thank GOD there's an uncensored version!
fuck off degenerate scum
suffocate me with your breasts, mommy
She looks like a different person at the end, in the beginning she is like an ordinary girl then she becomes a spider slut. Interesting
Hail Satan
She looks like she pegs black guys
i wanna see that ass
implying i won't still poop on them
he a cute
i'd like to collude with her foreign power if you take my drift.....
This is so fucking good I'm literally in tears laughing at how incredible this sounds - the bongos, the maracas, the snapping it's all so good
Especially that Nicki feature at :40 sweeeeeeet, girl went OFF
imagine the stench
jesus fucking christ i just watched benga videos for the last two hours, what has happened to me. my vision is backwards bros
is that a human
literally meg griffin, gross
Think of the aroma
Conceive the fragrance
Encapsulate the scent
I want her to sit on my face and run back and forth pussy to asshole all over my tongue until she squirts on my face and in my mouth
perceive the odour
taste the rainbow