Is it still ok to listen to his music?
Is it still ok to listen to his music?
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No. I'm a transracial pedophile and even I am boycotting him.
Yes, because he's innocent.
He guilty but most of his discography trash. Only good shit is Off the Wall and Thriller
Innocent. And his music is pop perfection. You'll never his amount of talent ever again, zoomer.
What did he mean by this?
Yes. GOAT pedophile pop music ever recorded.
Which album had the best vocals
Even if you make the argument of financially supporting a band bomber or artist who did wrong, you're still hurting all the innocent people who worked alongside them.
many good artists were pedophiles. take bowie for example - nobody hates him for what he did
enablers arent innocent
Fuck yeah, dude. Even if he did it, which I don't believe he did, his music still jams. I'm stoned and dancing around my apartment to Don't Stop Til You Get Enough right now lmao
Why not? He is innocent.
This all reminds me Orwell.
We will erase him, and then forget erasing.
Much like 2 minutes of hate, nobody knows why, but everybody does it.
why would you hate a a guy that when he was 20 fucked a girl that was 17
He fucked a 14 year old though.
He didnt do anything. Besides if someone said hey let your kid sleep in bed with me, doesn't matter how fucking rich you are I'm going to say no. How fucking stupid did the mom have to be to say yes? It didnt happen because no sane parent would agree to that. If Michael wasnt rich you can sure as hell believe these people wouldn't have been hovering around him. Its all about the money, these people are sick too burning a mans legacy because they're greedy. And if you said yes to mj if he asked if your kid could sleep in bed with him and he got molested then its your fault for putting the kid in the hands of a stranger.
He's a pedo but that doesn't mean you can't listen to his music anymore. If you like it, you like it. Not listening to it doesn't affect him (he's dead anyway lmao), it only affects you.
That makes him at worst a hebephile and may not make him a criminal depending on what the age of consent was where it happened.
There is pedophilia in his art? HEE HEE OWW SHAMONE
Sure but if in public you may get some looks. I've never been a huge fan anyway. He's very inferior to Prince.
they were all high back then man, who knows if any of them were aware
nice meme pedophile apologist
"I like boys"
So is this the time to post Razortwat's well researched MJ is innocent trilogy to give the kool aid drinking masses a single, easy to access detox?
>t. American
Yeah, his music is pretty good. Pedo had good musical sense.
It's also an excellent time to (re)discover the incredibly based Jarvis Cocker
It's ok is you're an NPC
Either Thriller due to Human Nature or HIStory due to Earth Song/Stranger in Moscow, can't decide.