Starting the thread off by posting the best release from Trip Records (so far).
Post orange albums
Matthew Garcia
Liam Foster
oh shit, it's not channel orange
Robert Roberts
i thought this thread died already, thanks for reviving it i guess. I shouldn't begin threads like this by posting lesser known albums because then the threads wont get attention but i do it anyways.
Charles Carter
I honestly thought it was going to 404 before I even posted lol
Adam Bennett
Jacob Gray
Evan Miller
Isaac Martinez
Jackson Thompson
Blake Taylor
First person to post channel orange gets banned
Hunter Phillips
Dylan Perez
Brody Long
Jaxon Mitchell
Brody Ortiz
Oliver Collins
Nolan Ortiz
Carson Wood
Benjamin Scott
Surprised nobody postes it
Carson Russell
Jonathan Barnes
Nolan Rogers
Brayden Diaz
Jordan Wilson
Ethan Taylor
Easton Richardson
James Moore
Justin Fisher
Really? No one gonna do it?
Evan Fisher
Connor Jenkins
Jose Bell
love that label
Andrew Collins
Samuel Roberts
Juan Kelly
Thomas Ramirez
Owen Reyes
Jayden Diaz
Jonathan Brooks