Whoa Dami....
Other urls found in this thread:
thinking about SinB...
kpop has their fair share of thicc pops but there's just something about gahyeon that drives me absolutely NUTS
>jooe is hot now
what the fuck?
seething seaniggers
The only thing that Solar does better than Wheein and Hwasa is singing at higher ranges, but that's because Solar's base voice is already high, naturally giving her access to high tones.
>cute flex but ok
any sharkman in
guys guys! this group of korean girl pop singers did well on this chart that has been proven countless times to be easily manipulated! I'm sure the ceo of their company will be so happy as he rakes in the money while drugging the girls and pimping them out to his ceo friends!!
any sharkman in
bet my waifu's folder you live in asia and imagine the status of kpop in the west through the lens of hallyu dominance over there. kpop is nugu here
why are they so mad all the time?
Stop fighting ffs
A very large number of JAV actresses work at soaplands and delivery/hotel health. There are even databases and resources to find out which ones they work at. I slept with one my last trip to Japan.
any slugman in
3 fuggos and 1 cutie
dont post in this hour old thread
sharkman aka slugchad here
considering how good your predictions are about anything you keep talking id say start deleting your bp folder
our girls
when are we gonna call out the blatant white face that asians do? YOU ARE NOT EUROPEAN
I feel as if people call wendy a great vocalists because other people say the same. Most of /kpg/ doesn't even know kpop out of the top3. I've been to a kpop club at my uni and to kcon actual and I learned that the normal kpop fan really doesn't know kpop at all.
but that one is lowercase
>twicecuck seething this much
neither are you seanigger
did that last thread really only last 8 minutes?
our girls really did it again. They are SO talented
thinking of me telling Jihyo to get breast reduction surgery because her back must hurt
based falseflagger, someone will take that bait
looks like dude from sf9
based jeongbro
long ago in a distant land I, Arin, the shapeshifting mistress of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil
How can Jihyo even compete?
i guess trying to make it as memepops is better than pretending they're actually more than average at singing and trying to make songs geared towards vocals
>le koreans hate SEA so I do aswell! I'm just like them!
kys faggot, you smelt it you dealt it
bp isn't popular either despite yg's failed attempt to force them, what are you on about
that's another example of how indifferent the west is to kpop
And why do you see Wendy as a top vocalist.
no shit, people in korea ONLY care about groups that are already popular. and people outside of korea ONLY know about those same groups
there's a reason groups that aren't an immediate success never really make it at all with very few exceptions
ok momoland is based
by winning on sixteen
oh Arin, youre so cute!
my internet has been crapping out all day. kpop for this feel?
all these rookies can't even produce a top tier visual, dancer and vocals.
>no daisy
this fucking sucks
lmfao, everyone hates you
She's been hot since shortly after BAAM. Hyebin and Jane have recently upgraded
Who is this Twich girl please respond?
they did compete. and she got eliminated during 16
it was the longest stinkiest shit known to man
it's better that she lost
she wouldnt be stuck making toddler pop and wasting her voice on songs like yes or yes like jihyo is
wifi was better
keep projecting
based nakyfriend
>jooe carrying the visuals
why the views so slow? where are my fellow filipinos at?
That's how it is in saturated entertainment niches normally. Korea is also more restrained by population size unless the group can get jap traction
No one except for kpop fans had any idea or interest in who BP were supposed to be
obviously i meant vocals, but we all know twiceniggers want to avoid that topic LOL
BP is relatively popular here in Germany, I've seen some of their songs on normalfag playlists and one guy asked me if I knew about BP and BTS
Twice are all 100% north-european except for jihyo who is from india
>ariana grande
looks like I'll be staying away from fromis now
>admitting to being SEA
yikes we only like viet boys(female) here
>being a billionere is bad
based as fuck
better for who?
certainly not for her
i'm pretty sure she's happy being rich
Song isn't bad at all, I like it way better than BAAM (The rap break is actually good this time around)
The choreo is really really boring tho, they can do much better.
Jane>Hyebin>Ahin>Rest btw
you're not allowed to @ me until fromis gets a dome tour
show red velvet being better dancers
go on
I've never heard anyone even mention blackpink (or twice for that matter) in germany. Only bts lately, because of the fabricated hype
anyway, since you're obviously going to salseshit as your defense, some people just want to make good music and be known for making good music.
Everyone covers Ariana Grande
wtf I love ariana grande now
Why did Twice do this no makeup photo op with what I think are plastic surgeons?
Was it like a "Love your own skin!" campaign?
the redpill is that yuqi is the vocalist of our generation
There are some plebs on kpg but most of us know most of the mid tier groups and you have to get into the nugus and super nugus before it's lol literal whos.
For instance Matilda actually have 2 really good vocalist but they are beyond nugu so nobody cares other than the fact that Dan-a and SMNGG Jungyeon are sisters.
whats going on with sana's hairline? jesus
kpop has become so stagnant and tiresome. i know it's happened before too, but it's at possibly its lowest low ever now
I still dont get why its worthy of 40k+ dislikes even if the meme is spent
yeah, no meme moves is gonna hurt them
jooe's rap is unironically the best part of the song
daisy's meme raps are really shit
Those people dont join kpop girlgroup survival shows
i'm fairly certain jiwon would rather that she was able to retire at the age of 25
is this a joke right? if you watch the video she isnt doing much either than shitty pirouettes. meme dancing
other groups doing it doesn't make it better
i don't listen to cuckedcore and thought fromis was different
who that?
not a single kpop idol would ever even look at you
you know that, right? if she weren't an idol, if she were just an ordinary girl, she'd cuck you with chad
keep escaping into your pathetic little fantasy world where these whores are girls who would actually acknowledge your wretched existence, you sad, miserable koreaboo incels
no one will ever love you and you'll die alone
i cant. that was pretty good
need more of this and less hoochie mama dancing
yeah and those people don't become idols
To show that momo is a natty goddess
my waifu looked at me once tho
My small brain is having trouble processing the cuteness.
her chin doesn‘t look natty
yikes ahjumma!
armys hate momoland and probably had something to do with it
also apparently mld took a giant piss out of the fans during the teaser period so that most likely has something to do with it as well
It doesn't have any influence on fromis' music... who the fuck cares
who is this semen demon
Thats not true. I would have a chance with uggos like daisy if they weren't famous
nah fanatics is just better than whatever shit the Philippines listens to
jiwon is very pretty and talented. you convince me about her vocals but she still not the same level of Wendy. What is she doing in fromis in the first place? why she not itzy instead?
>he says while posting an actual prostitute
>D.ana mentioned
based chad
her iq is small
She's clearly a homo
You guessed right
It it twice's momo
90% of hey.one's pictures look like she was taken by surprise
no one cares about twice's lame concert
what kind of weirdo would go to one of those things anyways
It's a shame Taeha isn't around but Daisy is so useless
Reeny has been sort of quiet since this scandal stuff broke out...
>he hasnt been to a fansign
fucking pleb
because she left jyp after sixteen
thats a dentist
keep telling yourself that you delusional cuck
fuck you pussy
you just posted the same shit, girls pretending they can do ballet. you are serious arent you? you literally think a few twirls makes them amazing dancers lmaooooo
look normal bitch
our kids
It seems like Jennie is getting far more attention and endorsements than the rest of Blackpink. Are they getting Suzy'd?
Too bad Nayeon didn't ask her to fix her teeth
Why does momos face look way rounder sometimes? not complaining
fanatics would never have any quality choreo because there's no way doah could get to that level and likely the other three girls that haven't debuted yet
daisy is only dating that guy because she's never seen me
what do you mean retard
she's pure and innocent
wtf they're better at vocals than any of twice and itzy members
Oh, I didnt watch the teaser, maybe that contributed
that's her best part tho
confirmed a hoax
let me guess momo and lisa are top dancers like seulgi?
Boxer>Chronosaurus>Mixtape so far
All are pretty great tho
angles and lighting and expression
it's still funny to me how Seoyeon is the main rapper even though she can be argued as the best vocalist in fromis
why did the twice tour flop? weren't they supposed to be popular in japan?
she left or she got eliminated? why didn't she just stay?
no, but those two girls you posted cant dance for shit
why do you think she's on a "break"? she's off fucking her boyfriend. cucks
Chiayi's Gotta Go cover was pretty meh
Fun fact:
1 twice's dome tour are all the same price
2 you do not know where your sits are til a few days before tour
Why would she fix her single best feature? Nayeon would look boring without those cute bunny teeth
tell em'
why are you so desperate for (you)s?
They're the reason her jawline is beyond fucked
>n-n-not complaining, just saying
why are you such a fragile cuck? Momo's head shape is dependent on what sponsor-kun wants.
>like seulgi
momo is miles ahead of seulgi
with those ears she can fly as high as a bird
how did it flop
red velvet look at my wife when they are waving good bye in the concert.
she got eliminated then left the company
she left because she wanted to debut soon and itzy was 5 years from debuting at that time. Itzy might not have even been in concept back during sixteen.
that sounds terrible
how about this?
he said daisy was only a pump and dump
why can't you give an answer? we've seen the pics and videos, there's no need to pretend otherwise
>there's no rookies better than red velvet
>momo is a worse dancer than slug
You're really outing yourself as some ugly spic or SEAshitter.
you're just being obtuse on purpose for (you)s and I want to know why
Yeah because she didnt mew as a kid
That's minimize scalpers
stop entertaining him
we can't sing
>red velvet look at my wife when they are waving good bye in the concert.
this level of ESL lmao
good effort user
why are you so incredibly mad?
>2019 kpg taking roastieluvs and loonatrannies seriously
BASED nakychad saving the thread
that's sad. she could have easily replaced cub.
can i sit on jeongers lap?
what will happen if twice keep taking Ls like this? is itzy meant to replace them? seems jyp planned it all along
Oh wow, I didn't hear this one somehow
Sounds really sick too, this could be their best album yet
sorry, I won't do it again
i literally didnt imply or say any of that. thats just your insecurities projecting. I said those two girls you post arent good and are trash
i can sing better than most gaypop succbois
>everyone that insults twice must conveniently be these same people that i dislike because they shitposted me
try again bud
fuck you
I'd rather eat her ass for dinner
seething twiceroastie
I'm gonna make some coffee anyone want a cup?
Fromis will have a guaranteed 7 years and most likely will get a 3 year extension. Assuming she will get solos at some point the only advantage of being in Twice is money related. It's not like Twice even get solo CFs.
how does that work? what if you go with a group or partner?
I guess. there's probably better ways to do that though.
where is she taking me
my ass stinks
Fromis unironically have the highest concentration of vocal talent and the best arrangement of talent out of every other 3.5 gen girl group
The main vocals: Hayoung, Jiwon, Gyuri, and Seoyeon are pretty much head and shoulders above every other 3.5 gen female vocalist.
The sub vocalists: Saerom, Nakyung, Jiheon, and Jisun are all serviceable and don't screech or sound abhorrent when they have to sing and actually contribute musically
Chaeyoung gets meme raps but she's good at it, and makes up for lacking in vocals by being the best dancer.
>good music
oh nononono
tzuyu did once upon a time
you know why
because it tastes like vanilla icecream and strawberries
freaking CUTE
only those mean loona posters hate twice and seamonkeys
Why did the Momoland uggos and boring people cheat?
Do they just ignore it when Yeonwoo gets a boyfriend because she's pretty?
omo wtf
You literally implied those girls are worse than red velvet dancing and then said momo isn't a good dancer. Now go eat your burritos jose.
their concepts don't really allow them to really show off their vocals right now though
>iljin is the best dancer
down here we all eat ass
fromisfags are gonna talk about how popularity isn't important and then cry about not being invited to kcon
nancybro sorry but you also are a cuck
pronkys ww@
reminds me of how that one guy cries about not being invited to the discord lmao
>fromis not going to kcon
they will be at every kcon again actually, then their fans will talk more about how they're a grassroots group that had no help
no i didnt, you are projecting again. I said those two girls you posted are trash. youre seething
nancy jewel is such an ugly white-trash name
>one in a million starts playing
>vocal talent
post proof
I don't even know who is who in Fromis, if they're talented maybe I'll check em out more
popularity isn't important for fromis RIGHT NOW because fromis have to play side kick to Izone until Izone disband.
They sold 70k copies last year, they'll be fine.
Hayoung and Seoyeon are honestly better dancers than Iljin. Not that she's bad.
Jisun is really the only fromis with somewhat substandard in terms of dancing and singing. Her visuals though.
does twice unironically have better choreo than bp now?
im mad i lost a screencap of user saying theyll never play at tokyo dome
fromisshitter trying to brag about something because his group is flopping hard and abandoned by both koreans and the their label kek
that's it, dahyun! suffer! SUFFER!!!
they always did
*flops and seethes 24/7*
guess the group!
no, if its jyp doing the choreo than its shit.
they aren't at kcon japan this time even though they were last year
you know who has good vocals??
my girls chuu and seulie
kys weirdo
with all these talent on board how come they keep flopping?
every group does
twice have meme choreo for kids, while bp can't dance or stay in sync at all
both are shit
*listens to loonakick*
which group was the "9 nine" teaser?
what is seamonkeys
Hello, finally introducing*****
Are you girls ready?
Okay, let’s go!
japanese people are pretty funny
>Whens my deubut?
momo post
red velvet post
/pol/ memes being right, you guys really are low IQ
haggy is so slutty
Lol no Fromis is Mnet's baby. Izone is a limited duration group which they want to make money with but fromis is their long term grow the fanbase organically.
Fromis will be at every Kcon because it costs Mnet nothing. They just need a comeback prior to being announced.
seems to be twice since thats the only 9 member group there
i sure hope nobody takes anything in these threads seriously
see how i said no and that third post isnt even mine fucking idiot, youre two girls cant dance, get over it
yet you post here...
>seungri might take yg down as collateral damage
Even if it's only stepping down in the company I dont imagine yg taking it well personally
great, I love twice
Apparently MOMOLAND plagiarized Icona Pop - Emergency in their new song l o l
stomp on my balls, mommy
what made you think fromis were "different"?
i do. whenever my girls flopping on charts i always say to myself "at least my girls are talented unlike those talentless top groups".
seething fromisshitter
Isn't getting late where you live. Time to sleep and you can celebrate the new momoland song with your neighbors in the morning.
who is that cute
loona is very overrated all of there songs sound the same my little sister likes them and i understand but adult men? no way jose
shinsadong will be in debt forever because he doesnt have an original bone in his body
Meh no one cares by this point where and when shinsadong is ripping from
relax I like fromis too
what if we were as obsessed with something normal like sports as we are with kpop?
I'd probably have a gf if that were the case
your dad would love you
then we'd be posting on Yea Forums instead, saying zlatan looks like some kpop girl
lmao youre still seething, after i said your girls cant dance, all you have doing it projecting trying to find a reason to convince yourself that im wrong. your fave girls cant dance, theyre shit
Onda from everglow looks like a young version of my friends mom.
then you would be making "messi is better than ronaldo" posts on Yea Forums
you probably wouldn't kill yourself by 25 then
1st day success
You're obviously a loonashitter. It's so obvious. Your group is absolute shit by the way.
fromis dude. you have been shilling fromis for 2 threads now. How do I get into fromis? recommend me some top tier songs of theirs please.
Well you never hear of full on kpop riots burning in the streets so I'm not sure at what level each are at
lmaoo keep projecting