Why does Yea Forums hate fantano so much?

there's always at least one thread a day complaining about fantano and how they wish death upon him and his family or some bs.

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Go to bed melon.

Because he sucks

Because he has a punchable face

He's a drone with ass opinions

Because people can't respect that his taste doesn't align precisely with their own and that he's a human subject to his own self-admitted biases

i have a melon phobia

just fucking trash and he's annoying

he sold his soul
cant blame him as its his career on the line and simply a hobby of mine, but nonetheless i dont follow him anymore

He's so outspokenly liberal that he makes most people here look like /pol/ in comparison.

We just want to listen to music, mang.

probably because he is just a jackass. aping and over-reacting so people will like and sub

>We just want to listen to music, mang.
shut the fuck up nerd

Read this thread in his voice. Pretty fun.
>BRAPthony Fartano here, internet's busiest music nerd.
>today I'll be reviewing Billie's stench clouds

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Translation: "I don't agree with him so that means his opinions are objectivley bad boohoo"


He's successful.
A large audience finds his opinions valid while Yea Forums's opinions amounts to nothing, because Yea Forums in general is contrarian to a fault, for contrarian's sake.
You can literally pasta this excuse for any and all e-celebs with 100k+ subscribers. It's inceldom nature manifest.

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I hate his fans

I don't like him because he has such obvious bias towards music he likes that his faggot fans just spout as gospel, the music he actually made is dogshit and he critiques genres he has no interest in while acting like a knowing authority or at least coming off as such

'critics' are asinine profligates feeding off insecurity

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He gave lil Pump the same score as megadeth

Stop mixing up the two, he's a social democrat, not a liberal. People like him, actual leftists, hate liberals like Hillary Clinton.

Social democrats are liberals you fucking moron.

I used to like him back in the day cause he tended to review kinda weird and small records a lot of the time and I discovered a ton of music through that but lately he seems to just review trap meme rap because that's what give him views from young meme kids and then he will occasionally throw in some entry level "weird" album to seem like he's still in it for the music. He basically sold out and is just reviewing shit that gives him tons of views, any passion that might have been there is long since gone.

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he sold out. his taste kind of regressed as well, or atleast his focus, which leads you to the conclusion he sold out.

The threads are made by the same three people I'm pretty sure, but Fantano has turned into a complete drone faggot shilling pop garbage and stupid twitter-tier opinion pieces on his old channel. He was reasonably cool when he ran the side channel full of dark humor and shit but then the Fader article dropped and he freaked the fuck out and double down on being a twitter pandering faggot.

He hates any music where actual musicianship is involved.

Because he's a faggot that hates trout mask replica, but loves trash like TMS, besides he will never have enough courage to do what he did to MBDTF (i agree with him on this).

Social Democrats like him hate Moderate Democrat cunts like Hillary

Both are liberals, not leftists, idiot.

To call Hillary a liberal is laughable. Just because your'e a Democrat doesn't make you a lib. Liberalism is an ideology

Hillary is a liberal. Jesus Christ, Americans are so stupid.

Oy cunt stfu about American ideologies if you don't live here. Just like I wouldn't bitch n moan about your countries politics because I don't live there and wouldn't understand

Hes based. He puts on the red flannel and deletes all the trash from the music industry. Hopefully he keeps it up with lil pump and gets a mumble rapper killstreak going. Wouldn't mind him taking out the other old trash like haley williams and grimes.

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Fuck off back to work Tony

I don't dislike him but basically what It feels like his passion has dissipated, almost everything he reviews now is just mainstream shit from the hottest artists for the time. I don't blame him in the slightest, it just means I lost complete interest in watching him. I also disagree with a lot of the things he says, but even with that I could still enjoy some of his earlier stuff.

Annethony Franktano

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>Hillary is a liberal
True. Not a leftist though

He took the Fader article like an absolute bitch. I just can't take people seriously that get scared of some overweight wannabe political journalist that settled as a blogger.

If I got called a Nazi by a legit website that didn't understand what satire is, I'd probably make a vid like that

>he's this not that
I think the point was that he politicizes things or speaks from his belief when politics are in the mix. Which isn't bad in and of itself

Y'all realize this is just my opinion right?

>he hates x
>he likes y
Almost as if they're not the same album who would've guessed.

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terrible taste and basically a white nigger

What does he have to review to be considered back at it then?

He just sucks. Music people are whack. They usually tend to talk over and think over music far more than they listen to it. He comes off as the kind of person who if you play anything for them, their answer will always be;
>"this sounds like x"

If an influence is obvious to you point it out. Having a discussion won't kill you. I think Anthony is much more polite than you think he is not saying he's rock solid.

Yea Forums hates him because we are retired sheep who are jealous of someone who likes/appreciates good music and gets laid instead of just one


Fuck off back to work Tony.
Figure your shit out on your own

>uses words like burpy or fatry to describe a sound
>pushes his shitty opinions as facts
>comes off as pretty arrogant in his let's argues ("what are yxo even talking about? xD")
>talks about things he doesn't know shit about (politics)
making threads about him every day is fucking stupid but i can see why many people on here hate him

no you tell me why so many people like him

>talks about things he doesn't know shit about (politics)
oh no. A well known person with an opinion. oh the humanity!

because he was popular here a while ago, so newfag contrarian zoomers want to seem cool by disliking what people before them have claimed to like.

plus he says gay libtard shit on twitter, so some people genuinely don't like him.
I just miss his meme channel, it was way better than the music reviews.
reviews are for retards who need to be told what to like.

I used to like him but then I realized he's a retard.
Nowadays he mostly reviews meme rap and top 40 shit anyways, so I'm not even interested in following him.

you faggots need to go start your own country somewhere else and stop trying to destroy western civilization from within.
if the the bill of rights existing makes you so mad that you need to protest and shut people down, you are in the wrong country and you need to LEAVE.
seriously, go invade some island or undefended African shithole and make it the communist """utopia""" that you seem to desire so badly.

Hillary changed opinion on many issues over the course of her political career. Current Hillary is not like '90s/early '00s Hillary. In the past decade or so she became pretty much liberal.

and after watching him for some time you see that there's templates he follows for reviews so the only variation you get is the different memes sprinkled in

weirdly enough his last good video was that Corey Feldman review, I kinda lost interest after that bc the following videos went back to the same stuff

also his meme channel was the worst

Sorry to ask i guess

truly epic. The meme channel was 90% uncomfortably transparent pandering to gross r/dankmemes browsing pewdiepie watching 15 year olds

Nah, she's still a moderate at her core. The only thing that makes people think she's a progressive liberal is her gender. She supports a lot of borderline republican ideals and is corrupt as hell (not saying some democrats socialists aren't). Hillary's favoritism toward Wall Street is the main reason why I don't think she is a liberal/Dem Socialist/ Good person

Meme channel was the best Fuck outta here. Thatistheplan was arguably better than fantano channel

so we should lock her up?

I hate he removed everything from thatistheplan

Nah. Being a corrupt politician literally translates to being a politician. I just think her morals are off wack. Still better than Donald Trump, but also pretty bad

shut up you fat faggot and go back to fucking your fat ugly gorilla of a wife you disgusting kiddie diddler

>literally translates to being a politician
i love this meme

Calm down bro I ain't Michael Jackson

He's a mediocre reviewer who barely says anything of value with absolutely terrible fanbase
Also he has been getting insufferable lately

if hillary's got locked up trump would too

If Hillary got locked up for committing the crime of being boring and bland it'd be a monuments occasion

yeah anthony we all know you just shit on MJ so no one will question whether or not you fuck kids aswell.

i don't know if you do but i'm like 99% sure you diddle them

Michal Jordan- Fuck the kids
Michael Jackson- I Fuck the kids

>his meme channel was the worst
t. anally devastated s.oyboy cuck

hi MSM shill
how much are they paying you?

>only listen to the people we pre-approved and paid to spout whatever we want them to, you dumb goy!!

>being this naive
welcome to the real world kiddo, there are no good guys.

that won't stop them from going to jail

He will talk about a record in some weirdass subjective code speak that the average viewer either can't grasp in layman terms or have to be in the field to get what the fuck he's talking about. That's not a big deal, if it weren't for him reviewing normie music to normie viewers expecting them to eat up his words because he fucking sounds smart. In the end he's basically a fucking traffic light. His reviews will boil down to "light to decent 6" unless he wears the flannel.

ya Hilary is absolutely a liberal, aka a centrist, aka a corporate democrat. this guy is right in calling melon a social democrat which equates to being a "progressive" in current US national parlance. HOWEVER, both support capitalism as the under-girding economic system of choice, though socdems(progressives) are pushing for major reforms to the system while libs are mostly happy w the way it is bc they benefit from the status quo - therefore my man who doesnt live in the US is right in also calling socdems liberal instead of lefties, esp in the generally accepted international definition...Democratic Socialists are the actual entry level lefty ideology bc they support transition to a socialist economic system. you cant be real left and not be a committed anti-capitalist
>t. actual lefty

I may have misread your post and we're arguing for the same position.
they should all be locked up for corruption, without exception. literally unironically 100% of politicians are bought and paid for and should be put in jail for crimes against humanity.

I'm not saying it's any particular group of people, it's all of them. every race, party, gender etc.
they are all shit and only want to fuck people over so they can get money out of them.

>>t. actual lefty
you live in a fantasy world that will never come true and goes against human nature and you should be ashamed of yourself.

This. Also he’s a one trick pony; talentless hack who do lazy rushed reviews. He’s too sluggish to to a proper deconstructions of the music he eard. He will always be a Youtuber, he will never beign on the big leagues, LOL.

If your musical taste depends on another people personal taste, you are the problem.

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Based image.

Fucking this, he’s a bully who thinks he’s a big “animal”. Hahahhaa, poor idiot.

Fucking retards.
When group survival is what's being discussed, there's no left and right. There's correct and incorrect. Hillary Clinton has a criminal record, and Donald Trump does not. I don't know what these "morals" are any of you are talking about.

hillery isn't centrist

hope springs eternal, cutie. unlike most of my comrades i acknowledge the fact that a more equitable world leftists want to see manifest won't come to fruition but for diff reasons than u would. no positive outcome can come from trying to talk shit out w an user on a Laotian candlemaking forum but im not ashamed in the least to have a functioning conscience

fantano has no natural funny bone, which is devastatingly apparent not only in his "meme videos" but also on twitter and most of all during his brief séjour as a podcaster

he's just a nerd

lol, sure buddy
>pats your head

i am centrist and she isn't part of my secret club

if this aint b8 then youre delusional. she and bill are the overton window incarnate, they define the center...do you think she's in fact center-right? bc i could see that

Its time to stop melon. You are popular now

I don’t mind him but damn why doesn’t he review better metal albums. Every year he misses out on the best albums that are gaining traction in the underground

this, he's really fallen out

oh trust me, I agree that a communist utopia would be the ideal situation for the world, but unfortunately people don't work like that.
no matter how much we may want the world to function in a cooperative manner, brother helping brother, all working toward for the common good and loving their neighbors as they love themselves.
but people don't work like that and they never will.

people are rebellious and contrarian and unpredictable and dangerous and crazy and angry and ruthless and mean and stubborn and greedy. and they ALWAYS will be.
not all, by any means, but some, even many.

and in order to have a utopia you would need to do something to those people to get them to cooperate and keep them in line. I wonder what that would be...

Just watched like half of this (it was too boring). Is this the most sellout monologue ever created by a youtube music review personality?

clown Pepe is a discord tranny falseflag attempt to make him into "cringe" because you think it'll de-fang the imaginary nazis that live rent free in your head, right?

good goy, go turn on CNN, they have something important they need you to know so you continue to have the right opinions and don't stray too far from your corporate overlords.

i tend to subscribe to the Hobbesian state of nature too, esp in modernity...so ima guess the answer is threat of violence and an absolute or planetary sovereignty?

i hated that review
>album bad becuz kangyee mean :(
but you’re absolutely right he will never trash anything popular

He has a shit taste but large influence over a crowd of dumb fans. he can make shit albums memes too, like that Daughters thing.

correct. it's coercion by threat of imminent violence or gulags/re-education camps or the outright murder of dissenters.
and that's how it will always have to be.
this is why communism is shit.
I'm not saying that capitalism is the answer.
I think we need to figure out something completely new that fits in the modern paradigm and doesn't have to be so authoritarian or oppressive or immoral.

good goy, go turn on Fox, they have something important they need you to know so you continue to have the right opinions and don't stray too far from your corporate overlords.

No wtf? Why tf would I rea-
Aaaaaand its too late

That's what Anthony says about anyone that disagrees with him, though
He has a whole series about doing that lol

literally only incels watch Fantano though

So... YANG 2020

Hillary Clinton is conservative you dumbfuck


fuck Fox AND CNN. I'm defending youtubers you fucking retard.
everyone you see on your television is a corporate shill who say whatever they tell them to say.
you partisan hack dumbfuck

the same can be true of e-celebs, but at least they have the possibility to do otherwise if they don't care about making money.

>loves muslims
>wants to take your guns

Yeah lol they hated her so much they defended her at almost every turn, and were furiously angry whenever someone criticized her.
Fuck off, lefties always pull this garbage. No more hypocritical faggotry, you don't get to support Hillary in the election and then say "lol im a REAL libruhl bro! Fuck Hillary!"

I don't like his face

I’m new to mu but been watching Anthony since he started. Has he always been hated here or was it just after the Fader debacle?

Yeah it takes about 1.5 years to get used to

I don't know enough about him and the tranny discord shilling makes me wary of him.
as of now I have no candidates to support.
I like Tulsi's anti-interventionist stance and I think Yang's idea of dealing with increasing automation is going in the right direction, but not actually feasible.

I'd like a candidate to come out and explicitly say "white people aren't evil and labeling them all as racist nazis is just making things worse."
that's pretty much it.
that's not going to happen though, cuz that person would immediately be labeled a white supremacist for even suggesting it.

he's a niggerlover retard with shit taste in music
seriously he has a brain problem

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i know him since he started his channel and i didn't

Are you serious? Thatistheplan had a ton of funny/satirical videos. I think it's you, user, does not have the funny bone

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Guess U hate your fruits, most specifically white slightly hairy melons

All his reviews are his opinion. Daughters is fine, not a 10. Unless U think trash ass music is high tier music U fine in my book

i have to agree, i think that social and ecological circumstance are going to force the hands of TPTB to go the authoritarian and oppressive routes tho a la planetary sovereign (which will be the elite response to consolidate power while holding up climate catastrophe as the reason). the work to be done by lefties is in changing what they can before that inevitability and lessening its pain on the global prole, something a lot of em (real ones, demsoc at least and on) dont acknowledge is what theyre actually tasked to do

we're pretty much on the same page.
if only the left was concerned with actual issues instead of caring what color everyone is and trying to get back at the meanies who called them cucks and snowflakes on Twitter by calling them incels and snowflakes on Yea Forums.

and if only the left and right were both willing to admit to their shortcomings without the fear being made fun of on social media.
but that's never going to happen because everything is passive aggressive sarcastic ironic shit talking and no one wants to be made fun of when they're trying to be humble or honest.
I'm guilty of it too, but we need to stop the name calling if "we're" trying to sway hearts and minds cuz it just makes people dig in and double down out of spite and it's getting worse by the day.

I see people making good points that I start to agree with and then they add "you retards" or something that causes people to shut down and say "fuck you, I'm not listening"

sorry for the rant, but you got me thinking

because getting your opinions about art from an e-celeb is probaby a bad idea no matter how much they try to convince you otherwise.

His ego.
Has any other music reviewer gone on tour for a shitty Q&A session.?
Also his Twitter is pretty insufferable.

casting a real wide net with this bait lol

you have contrapoints and that twitch dude from nebraska on the same page as metokur, sargon and sam hyde. It spans the political spectrum how are you supposed to even have a position if you don't agree with any of these people, are you just no one that thinks nothing?

and desu adam neely is the closest to an actual intellectual, he's the least charlatan of anyone else on here.


yea i concur that the left is super hung up on matters lacking substance a lot of the time, but there's a diff btwn the social media bullhorns and people actually out organizing in their communities. i logged off a long time ago and focus on the latter, believe me that the online left dont get out do the real work or talk to regular or rw folks. it's worth deducing pride and ego as the center of a lotta political disagreement, the discourse seems brutal and insurmountable rn. irl people tend to be much more reasonable and open, glad and surprised we had as productive a convo here as we did, cheers

I love when that happens.
everyone is always looking for conflict and trying to "dunk" on people and then complaining that they don't have any friends.

I like getting along with people and being friendly, it's much easier to get people on your side when you're not calling them a faggot or a low IQ retard or a racist or a cuck.
obviously some conflict is needed, but the snarky cunt attitudes are really counterproductive to possible compromise and/or agreement

Not him. But you're kinda gay.


>You HAVE to pick a position in my game of bullshit, how can you even THINK?
Politics are gay and so are you.

based af

Honestly I got fed up with his shit channel and finally unsubscribed last week. He had reviewed like 5 shitty zoomer rap albums in a row.

Imagine having to listen to trap/mumble rap/emo rap/soundcloud rap and pretend it's real music and pretend to actually review it weekly. Fuck that.

It seems for every Fantano hate thread, there is one asking why is there all the hate.

I love the bass solos on Groveallegiance.
one of my all time favorites

oh no! not gay!! oh whatever shall I do?? oh me oh my tsk tsk tsk I can NOT believe you just went there girlfriend. mmhmm *snaps sassily*

how about now you fucking bigot nigger?

my problem with him is that he tries to be objective but i think his personal hangups get in the way of that which makes him inconsistent as shit.
for example, his track review of mac demarco's newest track raved about how good it was and that he loved it. he never really gave any good reason as to why he liked it so much.
then his track review for sunflower by vampire weekend was just shitting on it and its a wayyyy better track than mac's single.
i love both mac and vampire weekend but it really irked me how his criteria seem to be inconsistent between reviews and therefore its hard to respect his opinions


>Tucker swings full on anti-corporate socialist
>SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE gets racked with giant controversies and shit being dug up from his past


have sex


they are saying that the only opinions that matter are those of the mainstream media.
it's a shill tactic to lump everything together and call you cringe if you object because they're afraid of losing their jobs to the more successful, interesting and fun alt-media.
the clock is ticking though and no one is going to come running back to them no matter what they do to try to stop it.


Not what was even being implied. E celebs are gay, politics stink and you suck penis on cock island every day.

Thanks, but you're still queer.

Because he became more vocally liberal on social media and more of a poptimist in music.

>I dont really hate him tho, except for the poptimism

What makes this even better is when his fans tell him Yoko Ono sucks balls and he has a Let's Argue video crying about them saying that

>if the the bill of rights existing makes you so mad
You're the one complaining about other people speaking their minds. None of you reactionary dipshits care about freedom of speech for anyone but yourselves.

oh sweaty no...
I am gay so it's not really an insult.
thanks for playing.
call me a breeder next time and I'll flip my lid for you.

if the people "speaking their minds" are trying to actively shut people down, it's more like "enacting what's in their minds" which isn't a human right.
my problem isn't so much in people talking about being communists, it's about imposing their selfish misguided wills upon the rest of the country.
it's never worked before and it will never work.
im not even on the right, I'm just not a communist.
because I'm not a retard or a child.

see it's really easy to start name calling and shit flinging. I'm not even interested in politics and I don't care about fantano either after he shut down thatistheplan, I don't know why I entered this thread in the first place.
how do I always get sucked into these conversations? Reeeeeeeee I'm gonna go listen to music now

good goy

Because Yea Forums hates anyone who becomes popular. Usually just contrarians, sometimes trolls; you see it with pretty much every person who "makes it" and becomes mainstream. I remember a few Fantano threads in 2012~ and almost everyone generally liked him or didn't care. This shifted as soon as he started to gain traction. You see this with a lot of artists as well, such as Grimes.

this is pretty much every critic lol

ur either baiting or just a downie Xd