How does she consistently get 5+ million views for every new single in less than 24 hours?

how does she consistently get 5+ million views for every new single in less than 24 hours?

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Other urls found in this thread:

because she's popular with the kids and kids are the most active on social media
next question

ppl like the music

Hmm good question. Is it robots? Or does marketing really work that good? If certain groups/things say "like this" millions of people automatically like it? Im still kind of confused how people get famous anymore, It really is just 90% connections these days? Depressing t.t

You can buy Youtubes views. It's not hard and literally anyone can do it.

do it right now then

yeah bro, let’s see you raise a videos plays if it’s so easy

i just did it
but i won't tell you which video i did it on ;)

I don't need to buy them to validate their existence. That's silly and illogical. You sound like industry plant shills.

We saw this happen with that Threatin band just last year.

>fakes being deep
>fakes being socially conscious
>fakes being edgy
>fakes being "ghetto"
>fakes being depressed
>lied about how Ocean Eyes was created four different times
>lied about her brother writing and producing all her material
>lied about her parents' industry connections
>lied about being poor
>lied about how and when she was signed to Interscope/UMG
>lied about her abrupt image change
>lied about clout chasing SoundCloud rappers
That's all you need to know.

Also fuck Melon for caping for her.

>Melons love her!

because you can’t actually do it
fuck off incel


Literally nobody is buying in. It's really, really, and I mean really pathetic.

What an infantile worldview where the only way to prove anything's existence is by purchasing it. Silly.

i can smell your incel fedora from here

She's just like Lil Pump in that her social media clout accounts for why she's famous moreso than her actual music. She posts a pic to IG and gets 3 million likes within a day. She does an interview with some big media outlet and it rakes in tens of millions of views within a few weeks. But her latest song has been up for almost three weeks yet has less than 20 million views (which isn't a good sign if you consider the amount of payola and marketing behind her). Bury a Friend is her only Top 20 hit and it stayed in the Top 20 for a week before falling back down to no. 41 or whatever. If that's an indicator of anything it shows her PERSONALITY is what's selling her, not her singing (which is terrible) or her songwriting (which she has never done on her own).

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wow johnny smarts ova here! kys

>incel fedora

prove it, buy an incel fedora right now, haha, you can't

check and mate, industry plant shills

it’s funny how much cute + talented + female artists trigger incels, it’s like y’all think a girl is taking “your spot” in the music industry so seeing their success makes you foam at the mouth lmao

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So what about Billie would give her longevity as an artist? Nothing as far as I can tell. Maybe she can keep clout chasing Curry and get him to give her a bunch of features on his next album, or she can dump him and clout chase some other critically-acclaimed SoundClown to keep her hype going.

2013: Lorde; 2015: Melanie Martinez; 2017: Halsey; 2019: Billie Eyelashes (Literally all of them have the same voice.)


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If a guy made the same music, I would tell him to kill himself too. Nothing to do with her gender

You owe me a receipt for your purchase of an incel fedora, you industry plant shill style troll.

you are the one here looking like a desperate for pussy angry dude homie

>mfw I purchase the premium 5,000,000 views package for Clairo for only $99.99

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Lorde is legit the rest are trash

Why is this person an incel?

you’re raging over a female artist because she’s popular and your coldplay covers have 3 views
lmao it’s pathetic. move on with your life and stop making this thread every day

incels think pop music is bad

>hates on successful women for being talented
>thinks their success could only come from paid views
>is asked to show proof that you can pay for views because as he said “anyone can do it”
>fails to be able to prove this
literally an incel

He's a lazy troll.

>you’re raging

No one itt really seems like they're raging. There's a bunch of antagonistic posturing tho.

>is asked to show proof that you can pay for incel fedoras
>fails to be able to prove this
literally an industry plant shill

Pretty sad my dudes, i cant get a discussion going about pretty much any music i post about, this board is so fucking slow and dead and getting a (you) is nearly impossible, yet billy eilish threads are the only ones that get more than 10 posts in them even when there are 3/4 threads about her at the same time. The marketing works and its so deep that even Yea Forums is obsessed with her. Fuck lads, get her off your mind, it is people exactly like you that are lining her pockets

this is my second post on this thread. i could care less for any of these girls, but i care for you. why are you doing this? you look miserably defending this hard someone who you might never even meet

She's the Grimes of our time.

Someone post the coffee gif.

So incels have refined taste? No kidding

>The marketing works

Yeah, that's why people dislike it so much. People don't care about all the ineffective and inconsequential marketing techniques that fail lol, just like no one talks about the First or Second Reichs.

this guyis literally seething

*zoomer Kate Bush

She can sing Wuthering Heights in the original key and will do so during her upcoming tour with her SoundCloud coffee friend.

what music they lsiten to brahs

I feel p fine. It doesn't take an emotional commitment to demand you provide me at least three purchased incel fedoras. I want it, I need it.

>She can sing Wuthering Heights in the original key

idgaf, write your own Wuthering Heights little miss dyke

I'm sure that's it.

Judging by her interviews, I think Billie lacks the intellect to write something of that caliber.

>I think Billie lacks the intellect to write

You could slap a full stop right there, user.

Why doesn't Kate Bush trigger the same reaction?


not contemporary

She wrote her own songs and didn't suck

Comparing Kate Bush to this talentless lesbian is fucking priceless.

or grimes
or julia holter
or nicki minaj
or joanna newsom
or st vincent
or grouper
or azealia banks
or fka twigs

(answer= there aren't social promoting teams shoving it all on our face until we get sick and rebel against them)

incel incel

t. incel

>"who cares if she's authentic if her music is good"
Authenticity is what makes good music,.

You a stupid hoe, you a- you a- stupid hoe.

Prove it. Buy me.

proof of anything?

keep triggering answers, the 3,000 posts package is almost over

the only artist on there that doesn’t get daily or weekly incel hate threads is grouper and that’s because Liz is too obscure and her music too specific to have haters


Prove it. Buy me. I need receipts and transaction statements.

you have to like her or you're an incel

>mfw I pay the mods to sticky my Clweirdo thread for the day

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What if you like lorde and Ariana but not billie?

Until I can buy her singing it in the original key, I don't believe it.

Yea Forums is literally her fandom since before visions
>julia holter
long time revered artist and composition virtuose
>nicki minaj
loved by everyone except the people that already hate hip hop
>joanna newsom
come on
>st vincent
see grimes
>azealia banks
see nicki
see julia holter

>>nicki minaj
>loved by everyone except the people that already hate hip hop

since when????


since mbdtf you fucking hack

you can literally look at the archive and find grimes hate threads

Prove it. Buy me.

Since 1 verse? gtfo you Kanye Stan

i can find hate threads abt Jesus Christ himself, doesn't prove anything

Big labels buy views from Youtube because high views in short time-span look enticing to someone in their recommended list, like "I need to hear that since everyone else is hearing it so I can stay in the know"
They also do it for film trailers, and those political late night shows that are always recommend to me even though I never watch anything even remotely related to them.
Anyone can do this really, there was that literally who metal musician that booked European gigs under fraudulent means, he had a million views on his video, where in reality he probably really had 30.

She's got that hagbitch subhuman swag. She appeals to dindus, she appeals to cucks or bendboys as I prefer to call them, she appeals to feminist scumcunts. She appeals to everyone. She is also an industry plant shill.

not replying anymore because their script has gone out of control lol this thread stopped making sense

grimes receives hate, but she is mostly loved, and most importantly, she has been making music for more than 10 years, it's only credible she has a fanbase and a hatebase. these literal-whos who have yet to prove they can put out music of substance would never EVER pick up, especially on this site where you have to prove you are worth of being talked about

and about nicki, it's pretty obvious you and your team have only been invested for less than a year. she's pretty liked by everyone here. the only haters are as i said, hip hop haters

>she's pretty liked by everyone here

Then people here are pretty fucking stupid.

I'm drawing the line here. Nicki Minaj is awful and you're actively harmful to the collective intelligence of society by liking her.

then go away stupid

read the thread faggot

JFC I would rather have a society where everyone loved and praised Billie the talentless lesbian instead of Nicki fucking Minaj.

Nah, you have to put up with me, bitch tits. Nicki sucks and you should be slapped like a faggot by your father for liking her.


by: the zoomer Kate Bush

I still dream of xans and lean
I wake up hazy
You're making clout
And you're mans to me

You look too innocent Jah
In your big black car
To have beaten that lying hoe

>bitch tits
lmao go talk like a verified twitter account elsewhere

fuck your arguments but u on point w/ this one

>talk like a verified twitter account

I don't use Twitter. Is that an insult? Idgi But everyone gets "bitch tits," bitch tits.

>secretly hopes no one notices the poster count doesn't change

ok screenshot my post and quickly edit out the (you) so people think it's just a coincidence ;)

mf I told a guy to read the thread above, stop thinking u some Yea Forums god

Just calling out incels, y'all. Calling them bitch tits. Tis just the tea sis.


Marketing and probably bumping up views, like I imagine most artists do.
They also get pushed on apps that play youtube videos.

Um okay guys white males really need to know their place. Idc who they are. They all should be punched in the face and their bitch tits. Just the tea.

> - Verified!

are u actually retarded

Just gonna slap some bitch tits y'all.

it's not buying views it's buying ads that turn your music video into a preroll ad on other videos which counts as a view even if you don't watch the full ad
search "(artist name) ads" on twitter whenever a new single releases and you'll see examples of it

I didn't even know that was her on the SIRENS hook until I saw her credited in the video description.

Can anyone hear her?

Good song though.

t. brown girl on twitter with a white bf

That's brilliant


Suck my titties

Why does Wish You Were Gay only have 17 million views despite being up for three weeks? I thought she was a HUGE pop sensation. Didn't Ari's latest get that many views in a fucking day?

That's brilliant sis.

Why the hate?

Homophobia, of course. She's an LGTB hero for her blatant pandering bullshit.


Homophobia, sis. It's the tea for for our LGBT skinny legends sis.

Ummm okay sweaty. Explain female kpop groups' popularity with incels then? Shes just an charismatic attention whore thats all

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She was called homophobic and a queerbaiter for that song.

Good, it's probably fucking true.

Yass, it's probably the fucking tea sis.

It's bad news for Interscope because it means she's already falling off right before her album is released.

k pop stans aren’t incels. they love women more than anyone else

incel /= hates women

Shuddup incel

it is though

Industry plant

There are plenty of male feminist incels out there along with misogynist ones

they are told in their Yea Forums seminar that incels is slang for misogynistic far right males

you really sound like a male feminist incel

do you know what an incel is?

Nice b8, this may get replies

>So what about Billie would give her longevity as an artist?
Her label will milk her for another album. No way they're going to let all that money go to waste.

have sex

incel=involuntarily celibate because they are misogynistic

you’re not an incel just because you’re a virgin or can’t get laid, it’s hating and disrespecting women that makes an incel

have a family

It's a personal insult, I only want one person to reply, and I want it to be a photo of the noose around their neck and their morbid deformed feet on the stool

you incel

Cool b8, this may get replies

stop being reactionary

does anyone else find it strange how even during Yea Forums's slow hours billie's threads get the most amount of traffic? most people don't even listen to her here. why do these threads always get 100+ replies within 15-30 mins? there's another thread about her thats just as active right now. both moreso than the kpop thread

this is very fucking strange to say the least

be quiet

stop falling for soviet-style demoralization propaganda

Gulag is coming for you incel

I’m a (You) farmer and this is an OT shift for me rn

This is all organic and real and this is happening.

Check the comments. Everyone is calling out Fagtano.

have sex

have sex

Kys alt right weirdo


He's such a soldier for putting up with that internet bs xD

is have sex the next big meme?!

have children

STDs are teh memes of sex

have sex

>mu hates artist
>more threads on that particular artist than any of the ones that are liked

Until you have sex yes
So I guess it's gonna last forever

epic xd


wrong. we STAN billie on /moo/

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It was obvious Fandingus was going to front for her. That fader shit left him shaking on his book so he's got to pretend that the moment someone says anything against a woman it's bound to be the rapist mega incel crowd.

stop having generic political opinions
who are you quoting?
nice tongue
who cares

portrays herself as some hurt depressed teen, clearly a false persona. weird poser kids like it. music fits in the same category. poser kids like the music.

>150 replies
>8 ips

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Nigga idgaf the music bops

Yeah but no one is criticizing Billie for being female, we're on her and C-L-A-I-R-O for lying about their privileged backgrounds. C is just a daddy's money industry plant whereas Billie is swimming in payola bucks.

This desu lmao

all me

it’s either this thread or the Brandon thread for entertainment tonight

real (You) farmer here

Last year Yea Forums called gus dapperton, blueface, and other shit industry plants it's not gender based

>having children
have a healthy relationship, please

go back to india

>muh secure white children meme
Get a life nazi virgin
You'll never have sex

Holy fuck you are right, thank for pointing it out pal.

Gonna run from this schizophrenia den.

Blueface is for certain an industry plant. A video on WSHH costs thousands of dollars. No way he got famous that quickly without a massive label backing similar to Shillie.

this desu, you should see me in a crown is the music I always wanted lorde to make

It's 8 IMAGES, and 23 IPS you fucking retards.

fucking retarded faggot kek


*farts in your thread*

rebuild your relationship with your father

Is that a trap

*farts on the poster below me*

*farts on the poster above me*

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>inb4 "she looks like she f***s black guys" poster

A better question is: how the fuck did her WORLD TOUR sell out within 48 hours of it being announced? She's playing stadiums with thousands of seats as well.

culture industry
society of the spectacle

Keep this shit in /leftypol/.

scalpers duh

This. Labels buy up the tickets so they can come out with headlines like "Shillie sells out!" and then sell the tickets back to normies at an inflated price. Always happens.

Not even exclusive to the music industry. Sports events "paper the crowds" even to this day.

I want to punch Melon in the face so badly.

t. coping incels with Coldplay covers on YouTube with 5 views

+1 upvote my man

have some of my gold while you're at it too bro! EPIC

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what the fuck is this meme

do you not realize how pathetic you sound?
>woman sells out stadium tours
>i-it’s the corporations and the scalpers!! there’s no way she could have that many fans...
>wtf bro how is she so popular...why isn’t my Viva la Vida cover getting any traction...

she loves drinking the hot curry sauce.

This is not a woman. This is some baby girl.

nevermind man -1 downvoted and reported for being passive agressive

Chill out bro nigga!

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>how does she consistently get 5+ million views for every new single in less than 24 hours?

NEVER underestimate the power of normies
they'll consume any type of shit you feed them

>do it right now then
I would if I had a music label backing me financially

It's dumb. There's no evidence she's fucking anyone.

It's like $40 for 100K views

There wasn't evidence of Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein for 30 years either
This shit is private we wouldn't know unless there's leaks or something

I wouldn't be so quick to accuse Curry and other rappers of statutory rape, especially considering how Curry is a survivor of child sexual assault himself.

just cuz she friends wit rappers mean she got fycked?
nah son miss me with that frankly RACIST shit

but that's how it usually works.

>I wouldn't be so quick to accuse Curry and other rappers of statutory rape

jfc you need nothing to accuse anyone of anything nowadays. The witch trials are back and better than ever.

But the dude from Blood On the Dance Floor absolutely fucked children

bro don’t you know? you can just pay to get your coldplay cover some views. everyone knows how to do it. everyone except this guy I guess

"Officer, we have him ON VIDEO shooting and killing the victim with this blood covered, and somehow smoking, gun!"

"Sure, but do you have RECEIPTS??? I don't a single PENNY changing hands here"

Any retard can Google "buy youtube views" and find the places where you can do it.

Maybe but you never accuse someone of something that serious without evidence. And what evidence is there Billie is fucking anyone?

lol i was agreeing w/ you

Lmao if you think she's a virgin you are one naive motherfucker

But was she in relationships that constitute statutory rape?

She's said she's never had a boyfriend so I doubt she's sexually active.

lmao ok

she's probably fucked a girl, or casually fucked a guy

5 million isn't even that many people

yeah someone post the coffee gif.

it's not even 5 million unique people deliberately watching

5 million in 24 hours is low for an artist with as much clout as she has. Again, her latest song video has less than 20 million as of now. It should have 50 million given her payola.

>It should have 50 million given her payola.

I know they're relatively wealthy, but they're not made of money. We can't make every video 100mil views.

You talking about Interscope, or Billie's parents?


I don't think Billie's parents are that rich, just very well connected. Yeah Highland Park isn't the hood but it's not Calabasas.

You don't need to have money to have access to funds. Who knows their credit? They could have multiple 5-6 figure lines with multiple institutions, a mortgage towards their own property, what else may have you on the odds this will pay out.

Like this line of "well how can they bring in enough income to sustain this?" is so short sighted and ignorant of the financial interworkings of these situations. C'mon, no one get6s rich on their own money, who would waste their time?

It's so easy if you have a certain income range, a lack of certain financial obligations, to get a credit line of preposterous proportions to turn baby girl in Billie Bullshit.

Do I need to teach you dummies the 30% rule too while I'm at it? If you're smart enough to make your worthless brat an industry plant, why not take out that double mortgage and bank it on some youtube views to manufacture some fame that will bring in a GOLDEN BOAT of wealth? Also, make that dumb cunt daughter a little less worthless and hard to look at. Her dimwitted brother can even sneak into the credits to parlay his bitch ass into a career after this golden boat goes wayside.

She has almost 15 million IG followers. Why can't she get 15 million views in a matter of days, rather than weeks?

Everyone with a certain number of followers starts to get spam bots and other things of the like. Duplicate accounts (non-spam ones), followers who stop caring without unfollowing, etc.

I really want to hear her do this.

it won't be in the original octave, that's where they'll cheat it

Denzel was never a "soundcloud rapper."

If she can sing it in the original key it will PROVE she's genuinely talented and not a plant.

it proves she can do karaoke, fuck that cunt


How well will her album sell? My guess is 50k units first week.

He wants her to be judged on her music yet he’s on record calling her music boring.

They don't want album sales, they want hit singles to stream/license in other properties.

This is one way you can tell her label is buying her views: if her fans were interested in her work this vid for the song she did with Curry would have way more than a dismal 2.2 million views. But every vid on HER channel has well over that amount.

She’s had one “hit” if you consider a hit Top 40. She has a buck of songs floating around the bottom of the Top 100 which don’t receive airplay.

Yep, and albums are commercials for singles.

So considering everything does this mean she’s a wilting plant? I mean Post Malone is also an obvious plant yet he’s had like 15 singles in the Top 40.

She clings to Denzel because he gives her credibility. Anyone who thinks they’re just fuckbuddies is naive. This is all about clout chasing.

Only time will tell.

desu I want nothing more than for her to prove us all wrong. It would be awesome if she ended up producing this epic of Wuthering Heights proportions. I love Wuthering Heights, I would love more of that in the world. Great for her if she can produce it, but until it happens, fuck her.

Interesting how the main retort fans of a still underage artist have is "have sex"
Really gets the neur'ns purrin'

little 5 years olds on tablets

Kate Bush has classical training, a background in music, had written 50 songs/arrangements by the time she was discovered, and her family attempted to provide these arrangements to many labels but none of them bit because they didn't have the money. Mutual friends in the industry offered to help produce a more professional sounding demo, and they sent it to EMI who signed her.

She wasn't given a free ride because her parents had money, she wasn't a talentless teenager with zero experience in writing/performing, and she had to impress established members of the industry in order to get the boost she needed to produce a professional sounding demo. Completely different situation than Billie. Regardless, Kate Bush is an extraordinarily lucky person who would not have made it without her family's loose ties to people in the music industry.

how do i get a gf

this thread reminds me of vintage Yea Forums

i wish we'd see more of this autism in other threads

I am older but I think a lot of teenagers do like her and it’s not just hype. I think payola from Interscope obviously helped, but if you look at clips from her shows her fans are really devoted and they going legit nuts in the crowd/know EVERY word to her songs.



Billie was signed to Interscope with a single song under her belt, which she had no role in making aside from vocals. Her entire musical experience aside from recording Ocean Eyes has been label-driven. She never did anything underground, she was always a label product from the very beginning.

lol m8 ur deluded kate bush was one hit wonder an billie eilish has like at least 6 great tunes

Ask girls out
Next question

Good music is what makes music good, brainlet.

Granted, Billie doesn't reach that criteria, but still.

Tell this to Fantano.

Her fans will buy it but judging from how bland the stuff she's put out so far is I'm guessing it won't sell nearly as much as the label is expecting.

99% of you on this board are fucking clueless about how the music industry works

enlighten us oh wise 1%er

Fantano is a fucking dumbass.

If Billie is going to be praised as the "future of music" or a "child prodigy" it's perfectly fair to single her out as an example of music industry fuckery compared to say Ariana (who was never seen as anything more than a corporate pop star).

melon did say in the video that she was a plant (given a certain standard) tho, and while i disagree with him about his immediately following "HOWEVER..." a lot of kids on this board are telling on themselves by being so mad by that vid

On what standard is Billie not a plant?
At least Cardi had a fanbase before she was signed. Can't say the same about Billie.

Where's that UCLAnon who who said Billie's image was literally a project his Interscope-employed professor had his class work on?

What should I do to prepare for my midterm in 20 minutes. It’s a series of short essays on American Literature

*wanna be Dido

Payola has always been like that. I'm older than most of you and I remember manufactured 80s garbage like Cutting Crew that anyone with a brain tried to avoid back in the day.

>16 million views+5172 comments

If you think most of these are from real people and not Universal bots, you should think again.

because she's qt emo goth anime gf

Yeah that is weird especially the born in the wrong generation kiddies who probably have never heard of this song.


>caring about e-celebs

Yeah but with Grimes there was a pretty even juxtaposition between love and hate. The only person on here who seems to actually like Billie is that one guy who avidly suggests that everyone who dislikes her an incel.

i dont remember what he said, i was just refering to that. personally think she's the plantiest plant ive ever seen planted

Dido at least had class and wrote her own material, which Billie seems unable to do.

None. She has nothing outside of what her label has created.

*(i) wanna be (pegged by) Dido

why do threads about her always get 300+ replies?

Why wouldn't they, huh?

It's 99% connections these days. Connections are literally everything these days. You don't just simply do something without knowing anyone, it's like impossible.

billie probably has some contacts with youtube and spotify boosting her

Interscope is paying to promote her. This is just basic marketing.

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SHILL THIS BITCH EVERYDAY AND NOT GET BANNED?!?!?! Beginning to think it's a bot posting this same fucking thread or somebody is getting paid to do it. Either way, fuck you say something interesting.

Will boss raise my wage?

it's called music discussion. more discussion about the music industry and her music happens in these threads than /daily/ threads

Not much of a discussion. Bottom line is she is fucking famous, and has a good marketing team working for her. THAT'S IT! Nothing to discuss. But you ask the same shit every day like a shill acting like your bringing valuable discussions to this board. You are not.

No, now get back to work and quit shitposting.
t. Definitely not your boss

im not the one who made the thread but make it tomorow, the day after, and the day after that and the one after that until infinity just to spite you

industry plant


Can we discuss her music for once?

you should see me in a crown is a banger and the type of music i always wanted lorde to make

hey retard. here's a joanna hate thread lmao, in case you weren't BTFO enough already

I want her to sing Wuthering Heights but she won’t because her mouth is too filled with Denzel’s curry sauce.

>unironic tranny janny posting

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No evidence Curry is fucking her but continue with your little fairy tale.

...if they're under 20.


>Jizz boss
>Make her drink the cum sauce

I can't wait for them to perform this together live on stage!