Album starts off very strong

>Album starts off very strong
>Then get assaulted by printer noises and foghorns
>Then starts getting decent again
>Best song on the album is 30 seconds long (beginning of My Warm Blood)

What did this album mean by this and why does Yea Forums recommend it? Here's my exact thoughts

>Oh my god this fucking banger of a track - what a way to close this out I can see why Yea Forums loves i-
>Oh. Ooooh... I get it... but this is just artistic douchebaggery

Attached: glow micrphones city slicker sneed feed 2.jpg (1200x1200, 173K)

it means it hasnt clicked for you yet

its a perfect album

I mean for what it is, It's highs are very fucking high, and the experience of listening to it alone at night in my bed is something I still reflect on as one of my favorite musical experiences, like, that atmosphere man

the glow pt 2. is peak music. it's nothing other than that. the only reason people can find to hate it is because it's a "tourist album".

Of course the tripfag takes the bait

>Oh my god this fucking banger of a track
this one isn't for you, buddy

>album starts off very strong
>immediately drops the symphonic space rock for completely unoriginal prog with a smattering of noise and jazz
my exact thoughts
>holy fuck what is this? how did they make Canon in D this go-
>oh. cliche noise rock. okay. I guess

Attached: Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space.jpg (630x630, 149K)

It's impressive being so pleb that you can't even get this simple album. Lmao I can just imagine your reaction to the Mount Eerie album.

cop shoot cop is one of the greatest songs ever and carries the entire album. it would be a fucking 8 if it wasn't for cop shoot cop

>le bait xD

fuck off newfag

fuck you tripfag

i currently have the album at an 8. if Cop Shoot Cop were reduced to 10 minutes, I'd consider raising it to a 9. if it were removed, I'd immediately raise it to a 9 without hesitation. remove L&GWAFIS and Cool Waves and it falls to either a 6 or 7

Attached: 1552497746078.png (624x642, 312K)

i saw this image on reddit

Attached: fuck off.jpg (640x853, 82K)

>It's impressive being so pleb that you can't even get this simple album.

No I do in fact get it, you're not Prometheus with some secret for mankind - it's just an inconsistent alt rock album

For example, I really like the fade out at the end as it runs through all the previous songs for the most part, but it doesn't feel earned - especially when the first portion of My Warm Blood ends so abruptly

Compare The Glow pt 2 to an actual 10/10 album, Illinoise

Attached: illinoise.jpg (640x640, 131K)

just let it click dude, it will happen eventually

>Here's my exact thoughts
>Oh my god this fucking banger
>Unironically thinking to yourself that a track from The Glow Pt. 2 is a "banger."
Fucking embarrassing and ironically what I'd consider autistic douchebaggery.

illinoise is best on the first listen and slowly durdles out

(not really but i mean you gotta admit it's really hard to come back to after the spiritual experience you have while first listening to it)

Sorry dude, that opening to My Warm Blood is a banger, and if it kept going, I'd have understood the obsession with the album.

This album is a pop album of singles that you can pick and choose from and put it in your playlist.

I've been consistently listening to Illinoise for months now. Easily one of my favorite albums and the only 10/10 album Yea Forums has recommended - any of the songs feel wrong alone and I love it to death.

also based
holy shit my guy, is it that bad that some random user doesn't like what you like??

Your problem isn't what you describe as a banger, it's you using "banger" in the first place -- that's the embarrassing part.
"Banger" combined with you just now listening to that album for the first time makes me suspect you're about 14.

>hur you can't use this one word or I get easily assblasted

That's a yikes from me

its not bad, hes just missing on the potential experience of the glow pt2, he clearly missed its point so far

im not mad that he doesnt like it now, id be mad if he never gives it another try

try listening to the album in 2 months

It's like calling your mom "mommy wommy" at age 30, which would lead me to call you an embarrassment.

Would you say it's like taking your shirt off and putting it back on?

actually, in a way we can agree on that

your response is still annoying. saying that you have to let it click implies its his fault he doesn't like it
is this really that bad?
t. 18 year old guy who calls his mom "mommy" as a joke

how the fuck does it implies that dumbass, ive been where hes been

until one day, it clicked

>just let it click
implies that he isn't already allowing it to click, and if he's doing something wrong that's stopping him from enjoying it, then it's his fault. I'm not even digging that deep, it's right there in your words