What are some good experimental rock musicians that might appeal to a Tom Waits fan?

what are some good experimental rock musicians that might appeal to a Tom Waits fan?

Attached: 189_corbijn_waits.jpg (1200x955, 274K)

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look no further, go and listen Mark Lanegan's solo records

Attached: mark-lanegan.jpg (1366x765, 83K)

Attached: 1546570285930.png (1752x1726, 1.16M)

lounge lizards
nick cave

For the opposite side of this, where do I start with Tom Waits?

from his first record

pls ignore start with rain dogs

been posting here for like 10 years, i can remember when the first page was nothing but neutral milk hotel shit, i do not understand


Kinda underrated for a weirdo. God bless Mr. Tosh.

>start with rain dogs

and ignoring his best works? lmao

99% of the posters here to posture and have their "taste" validated, so the tourist thing is an easy troll.

Nah, his first record is pretty straight forward and simple. Rain Dogs is pretty out there with it starting off with multiple pirate shanties.

go for other darger influenced rock artists, theres a couple that come to mind if you like noiser stuff. Caroliner and Rake. come to mind.

nah I was clearly telling him to ignore you, not the records

>He doesn't love Tonetta


yeah, anyway you're wrong

if you dont like rain dogs you're not going to like most of his music, and its the most accessible record that is also representative of his catalogue

People who post this are redditors trying to feel validated because they think acting pretentious will somehow help them fit in.
It's time to go back

I'm still struggling with MJ. Too much, let's be nice.

Fair enough, though I'm of the mindset that you should start with an artist's first album unless it's pretty weak, i.e Sufjan Stevens and David Bowie.

You'd probably love PJ Harvey. Try To Bring You My Love. Lots of Beefheart on that one, and a lot of Tom fans love her early shit.