For those unaware, the "Seinfeld's not funny" trope refers to a phenomenon where something has become so influential and copied that to modern audiences it no longer seems unique or interesting.
What are some good example of "Seinfeld's not funny" artists?
Velvet Underground & Nico
Pretty much every boundary pushing rock band from the 60's and 70's.
Beatles still amazes youngsters
Oasis and their influence on British rock music
Elvis. A lot of young people don’t see what made Elvis different from any other early rock and roll singer
>"Seinfeld's not funny" trope refers to a phenomenon where something has become so influential and copied that to modern audiences it no longer seems unique or interesting
Since this trope is illogical and fails to take context into account, you should probably discount any notion of the validity of it and stop discussing it
First Gary Numan albums
Who the fuck Oasis influenced?
>fails to take context into account
Context is the entire point of the trope dude.
As someone who lived through it, I can say with authority that the opposite is true. Oasis ripped off The Stone Roses, The Jam and The Beatles and somehow still get lauded as musically important.
This fact alone pretty much blows this entire argument out of the water. Sorry dad rockers, your music is legitimately boring.
At the Gates and Suffocation are two metal bands that this applies to. Their formula has been ripped off so much now that kids don't understand how important they were.
All rap over >15 years old
Not really, if the music still amazes people
Historical context?
It doesn't.
U2 from Boy through Achtung Baby.
Led Zeppelin.
David Lee Roth-era Van Halen.
90s Radiohead.
80s Michael Jackson and Madonna
Every ladrock band of the 00s
Especially Kasabian and Kaiser Chiefs
Didn't Noel shit on Kaiser Chiefs?
Donovan's sonic revolution of the 60's has been a posteriori judged simpler than as it existed in real time; folk was never the same. The Beatles were never the same. Bob Dylan was pushed to new limits. Rock took over for Jazz as the most popular genre largely due to hits like Jennifer Juniper and Fishing for Time On a Wishing Line. Now? Some newfag is probably wondering who Donovan is. Musicology books on the history of the 60's forget Donovan and his rebellious renaissance of music. Donovan himself can't get a gig with a crowd of over 100. He has faded into obscurity as the plurality of his innovation sweeps across the radiowaves of the world, forgotten forevermore.
I don't know about other young people but my 14 yr old cousin was blown away when I showed him Sgt. Peppers. He said he only listened to Twist and Shout and Help! (the song not the album).
The Libertines. Pretty fresh format at the time but since then every single fucking British guitar band has rehashed it.
Sunshine Superman and Mellow Yellow still sound great though. Donovan's main problem was that he started writing diabetic "love and peace" garbage, and that's a damn shame. Found out about him accidentally because Husker Du covered his song on their debut.
He's a well-known has-been
This. Oasis simply filled the gap left by the likes of Stone Roses and The La's, they were smart to capitalize, sure, but they didn't influence shit really.
Early Beatles were more influential than later Beatles and is a perfect example of what OP is talking about.
>the libertines
>a garage rock revival band
Has to be Alice in Chains
basically all early electronic
The Beatles suck. Literally a garbage tier 60's boy band.
And the post above this one just proved my point.
Any pre-60s rock or blues singer
My grandfather says this all the time he was born in 1943.
uh the entire canon of "classic rock' of 70's & 80's acts enshrined in AOR classic rock radio of the 90's
no one in this thread understands what the thread is about
cuz it's fucking retarded.
I've been getting into him lately and he's great
everything that isn't memerap or k-pop
This. Fucking TV Tropes bullshit.
Good one, I was going to mention those two.
the only time I'll accept someone fpbp'ing their own post
top kek what a brainlet
Came to say this. Also Seinfeld is still the best show ever made.
>Beatles still amazes youngsters
i agree and the same would probably apply to seinfeld. i see more of a gender division than an age division when it comes to liking seinfeld
girls tend to gravitate towards friends
Based and K-pilled
Seinfeld is unironically not funny at all. I don't understand why people think whining about unimportant things is funny.
Death Grips
cause they do it funnily
Literally retard
What do you think is funny?
>Seinfeld is unironically not funny at all. I don't understand why people think whining about unimportant things is funny.
Let me point you to this album, I think you'll fall in love
Yeah but they influenced british rock for the worse
uh you mean U2
not entirely true or untrue
maybe to people that aren't in that kind of music deep enough, but in truth there are things they touched on that nobody else has come close to
sometimes they are still great and sometimes they are redundant, depends on the person and song
probably this
basically all of Rolling Stones. I remember when i first heard Exile on main St. thought I sounded completely bland, no characteristics that made it stand out. Some songs from the sixties are ok,but not more.
I'm 29 and that's one of my alltime favorite albums.
How come no one has mentioned the Ramones?
How come nobody mentioned I am a fucking cuck?