Thoughts on this new song?
KKB General
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Fuck off and die munchkin cocklover
Fuck you too bitch
there ya go cocklover
I just want to talk about the music
oh im sorry cocklover. go ahead. talk about it. forget i interrupted
It's not a new song
Did you listen to tnp at all user?
shrimps are pretty rich
This is exactly what I imagined the music video would be haha
YAY! cocklover spelled it right this time
Sounds like some fucking youtube commentator's outro music
So not very good, pretty generic
I get the feeling the noimralfags at my school who listen to 70's pop would love this and think they're special for listening to this because it isn't top 40 music
fuck off cocklover
Stupid cocklover
Shit meme, hopefully you can at least spell it
based dubs
Unpopular opinion.
I prefer their old super saccharine pop sound. Also somehow TOTEP > TnP for me
Total go hard
song isn't new, music video is, but anyways the song is pretty decent and is pretty calming
Neither of those are very unpopular. I still think TnP was more consistent then Bonito Generation
Okay this one is good
I always just assumed they were unpopular since I usually see people say they prefer TnP.
Also I definitely agree it's more consistent, but to me it felt consistently 'just alright'
ikr it actually looks like a hand pointing
>but to me it felt consistently 'just alright'
Fuck off cocklover
Crusher is pretty hot, too bad he looks circumcised. I'm not gay but if I was I would want to worship an uncut cock